Free for one day only. About 18hrs left. Please search ozbargain or google it if you don't know on how to install amazon appstore.
Jump Desktop (RDP & VNC) Android Apps FREE (Was $9.99) - Amazon AppStore

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closed Comments… 9.99 on google and 5 stars with 1400 ratings
"We're sorry. You are not eligible to purchase this app due to geographical restrictions."
I'm sure there's a way around this, but I'm just not in the mood right now.
Need to use a proxy or VPN to make an amazon account with a us address.
Tested the app and its great
I'm sure someone has posted somewhere before on how to do this,
for convenience sake try this :…should work
This worked for me, thx
R.I.P. Chris Kelly :-)
Btw, how is getting something for free that's not supposed to be free for you (this) different from getting something for free that's not supposed to be free for you (straight-up piracy)?
I'm not necessarily condemning the dodgy workaround, just pointing out that any pretense that this is more ethical than straight-up piracy is highly dubious. With that in mind, why not just…
…as it seems like a lot less f'ing around to me. No, really. This is ethical, but that is not?
Bring on the negs.
So you are saying parralel importing is dodgy. The fact that they can sell it for free and they are perfectly know the goods are fluid enough to be transported anywhere instantly is proof enough for me that they still making profit out of it. The fact that amazon getting free advert in market it has not served yet is another proof of this.
Imagine when amazon open its channel here in Australia they would already have a big fan base.
Imho this is similar to buy cheap book which usually has "not for sale outside certain region" and setup parallel import by using forwarding companies.
The developer will get paid certain amount by amazon and amazon get free publicity and we get free apps. Completely different than straight piracy imho.
Parallel importing is one thing. But using fake addresses AND fake credit card details seems like a significant additional step towards the completely dodgy end of the scale. At the very least it destroys the notion that this is all above board.
Further, the whole idea behind Amazon's free app of the day is to generate additional interest in both the Amazon Appstore itself and whatever paid app is being offered for free at the time. For developers, the potential benefit of this exposure is clear: more future sales. For Amazon, it's the cut they get from those future sales. But people who use fake credit card details can't pay for apps, can they? And perhaps more importantly, anyone who sees and likes a game someone else got for free from Amazon in this way, can't actually buy it from Amazon either, because they're also in the wrong country (well, they probably can if they're determined enough, but who's going to bother?). Do you see the problem? Amazon are providing something for free, but the condition under which it is provided as such is that you be in a country in which they do business, for the reasons outlined above.
Personally, I don't actually give a <MOD Removed foul language> about what Amazon wants. I don't like what I've read about them trying to coax developers into agreeing to 0% returns on these free app of the day promotions. And sure, the fact that they will indeed be trading in Australia soon might render my comments little more than academic. But I guess they can stand as a general critique of the idea that these "workarounds" are in an entirely separate category to piracy. I don't think they are. Again, in both cases you're obtaining something for free that isn't supposed to be free to you.
Great freebie but I'm too happy with the TeamViewer Android app for multiple Mac + PC clients to go through the hassle of making a VPN connection to grab this deal. +1 to the deal for others to grab though.
I love TeamViewer but that Thank You screen that pops up afterwards just kills it for me :(
I think I paid $5 for this when discounted and can vouch a great software!
Thinking of installing for my wife's fone but anyone knows it causes problems with these Amazon get around loopholes with the rest of your paid apps from the AU Play store you already have???
Any advice OP or anyone??? Thanks in advance!No issues - have done it number of times.
I've generally had no problems with having both Amazon loophole apps and Google play apps, both paid and free, all on the same phone.
When going overseas though, the app you got from Amazon might ask you to login to Amazon app. I'm not sure if it's because it has detected that you're in a different region.
Don't say jump. :(
This is also available for free for 1 computer at Google Play.
Got it. I now have yet another registered online store account & password but the app seems to work quite well. Thanks OP and others.
Usual method for getting these free apps is no longer working for me :(
Thanks for the heads up. Will come in handy.
The other handy find I got from this appstore a long time ago was PrinterShare. Allows you to print straight from the android device to nearby printers.mmm, i seemes to be to late. its back to $9.99 now :(
Was just about to post this. What a bargain!