Harvey Norman on Sale (Advertising via NOVA 100 Radio)
HP Pavilion 5-B010T Sleekbook Laptop.
Processor Brand Intel
Processor TypeCore i5
Processor Model3317U
Processor Speed (GHz)1.70
Not bad.
Harvey Norman on Sale (Advertising via NOVA 100 Radio)
HP Pavilion 5-B010T Sleekbook Laptop.
Processor Brand Intel
Processor TypeCore i5
Processor Model3317U
Processor Speed (GHz)1.70
Not bad.
i5s in laptops have never been quad-cores…in fact neither are i7s unless they have a Q in their model number.
And yet I still see people buying laptops under the assumption that they're quad core when they're not.
Too expensive! I can buy the HP Pavilion m6-1010TX Core i5-3210M 2.5Ghz with AMD Radeon HD 7670M (2 GB DDR3 dedicated) for just $549.00
link please
If you don't care about size then that could be a better deal but this deal is for an Ultrabook.
Understand, but still can't locate it on line for that price.
Hence asking for the link.
Found it. On sale at MSY Auburn NSW for $549.
Yuck shared graphics, must be bad even with a HDMI port they dont advertise details.
Why must it be bad? It's a low powered $500 laptop. It's not meant for gaming, and for everything other than gaming onboard graphics is perfectly fine.
Is the onboard ok for outputing HD video to an external screen?
The (HN) sales people doing the price tag right now - Just have a look in front of the HN when I go to buy coffee.
looks like a big sale this week.
i saw this deal this morning and came back from HN just now. The color is an issue for me although build quality is good. If you want a touch function, this will be a better alternative.
My friend is interested specifically because of the colour, Yes I'm serious don't suppose anyone knows any other good red laptops :/
Bought this - http://www.harveynorman.com.au/hp-envy-6-1111tx-ultrabook-la…
Minus $250 trade-in of old laptop comes to $593. Very happy.
How did you score 250 off for trade n?
Not bad. It should be noted that even though it's an i5 it's still only dual core with hyperthreading (for those expecting quad core based on desktop i5's).