Bad press and reviews

I am new to this forum and site as I was introduced accidentally a day or so again as I felt compelled to offer a reply in defence to some strange pricing activity my company was wrapped up in.

We hire a few people who assist us with some marketing and seo who have access to our website, making promo codes and offering discounts. Unfortunately it turned bad for us from day one with a post on here for discounted LED downlights that were hiked up before the discount so it seems!

I personally do everything by the book and we have taken measures to control and authorise any future deals or posts before they go out to bargain hunters however, that said we seemed to have pissed a lot of people off to what I see as a genuine mistake (we were unaware until complaints came in).

Like I said I am new here and reading a lot to understand the culture of this and how people perceive other people's deals. My conclusion is that there seems to be lots of negativity to many many suppliers posting deals not just our company. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion but a small group of individuals are compulsive pessimists and seem to bag the hell out of anything a supplier is offering?

I'm a fair guy and willing to hold my hands up and say we #**% up and would like a second chance to give you deals, promote our website and get some good reviews. Seems simple enough right?

I think if you judge a book by its cover its a little unfair on the person victim to things out of his / her control.

All I want to do is sell some lights and offer a good service. Any tips or tricks of the trade I am missing or general advice on how to be loved on this site would be truly appreciated.



  • +5

    Pleased to see you post a follow up. Please understand your company was the target of some angry comments because you broke the law. Regardless of how you employ the people responsible, it was still against the law.

    That said, the best way you could get in the good books of OzBargain would be to offer a special deal posted here first which genuinely offered prices lower than elsewhere.

    If you can't do that, and I understand the pressures on small businesses that make that hard, I think you will face an uphill battle to get much love on OzB. If you do offer good prices I think all will be forgiven pretty quickly.

    • +4

      Hi, thanks for the post I really appreciate it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm trying to build a business like everybody else and everything I personally do is ethically minded. I do actually care what people think, my web guys said don't worry about OzBargains it's just a website but tbh it's really distracted me today thinking about it as I hate it when people perceive you in a particular way. I always tell staff to pickup the phone and talk to people when there are issues because emails are interpreted badly as they can be read the wrong way. It's the same with this, I feel that people think I'm a s$@# head when I would like to think otherwise. Nobody said business was easy or everyone would be doing it but I would like to reconcile my crappy press and have a second crack at offering some genuine discount.

      I have a replica La Chaise by Charles and Ray Eames brand new in the packaging that Matt Blatt sells for over $1000, I would be prepared to give this away (ex shipping) to an Ozbargains member who has a good reason why they deserve it or want it. They are pretty nice, google it.

      • +2

        I would like your chair because I am currently sitting on the floor. I am pretty uncomfortable sitting on said floor and a chair would be a rather nice upgrade.

        • +3

          First off - fire the people who assist you in marketing and SEO as the have given you incorrect advice and didn't actually research what they are doing properly. They are supposed to be professionals and if they don't understand how a basic site such as OZB works they shouldn't be working for an online business. Fingers crossed you didn't outsource that stuff to some overseas people…. As a rule of thumb though you should have a really decent understanding of how all this work so the people you hire don't just rob you blind.

          Don't over think SEO and just focus on adding genuine content to your website. You should focus more on your adwords and hire professionals who only get paid based on results if you aren't comfortable with running your own campaigns.

          I could drone on and one about this stuff and would be happy to share more. I wouldn't worry too much about OZB as most people will forget and move on as they wait for the next 55" TV to go on sale. :)

          Feel free to MSG me if you want a bit of advice regarding traffic and what not.

        • +1

          Really great post, so there are some genuine people here too! I was convinced at one stage it was a site to bust people's balls (deservedly so in my case). I would be really happy to get some tips if you don't mind sharing on what is a good way to increase traffic without pissing everyone off : (

        • Email me direct: [email protected]

          I'll send off a response with some tips in a few days.

  • +3

    It doesn't take a genius to work out that we appreciate honesty and genuine deals, and don't appreciate retailers lying, breaking the law or treating us like idiots.

    So far your conduct has been: - sockpuppeting

    Your company's conduct: - inflating price and lying about the discount.

    • +1

      Guilty on charge 2 granted! I do hold my hands up to this even if I wasn't in control of this at the time. Charge 1 isn't true as I only joined this site to speak out about my thoughts on this as I ha never even heard of this website before until this week. If my web guys hadnt have posted then I wouldn't be here however I did drop some links in to some posts after taking some guys YouTube tutorial on how to increase web traffic. FAIL again!
      Like I said, I'm not an arse I just want to Start over and now have a genuine interest in this website as its pretty cool you all stick together as we all know its a rip off living in Oz and what we pay for things.

      What's the best way to list the chair, and by the way whoever gets it can see I'm genuine if they come collect it from the warehouse!

      • +6

        Posting your own products on OzBargain pretending to be unrelated individual who happened to come across it — that's not allowed, and your post was removed.

        However it's more than just sockpuppeting though. Posting on old threads / linking to your own site from your competitors' threads is considered spamming (#1 and #2), as per our Store Representative code of conduct.

        I think it would be a good idea to be familiar with the community and the guidelines/rules here, rather than listening to some YouTube guy on how to increase the traffic. You might also want to ask your web guy more about OzBargain, consider he has been a member here for 3 and half years.

        What's the best way to list the chair, and by the way whoever gets it can see I'm genuine if they come collect it from the warehouse!

        You can post it in the competition forum if you want.

        • Really useful post and I do deserve the rough justice served however I would like to keep this account and use it responsibly from now on. I'm very naive when it comes to taking advice of YouTube and the alike as I find myself paying for crappy Ebooks and training vids that seam to get you in a world of trouble.

          First thing in the morning I will get the chair listed and howpfully someone puts it to good use and maybe the guy sitting on the floor at present might win.

          Thanks for your comments.

  • +1

    I would first off like to say that you will get some $#!t here for some pretty trivial stuffups,HOWEVER,deliberately misleading the community will see you SACRIFICED (and deservedly so).So as Third_ Gear and lisss stated,keep an eye on YOUR staff (they are your responsibility)and never try to BS potential customers (most here can see straight through that).Be honest,and if your product is halfway decent,it will be spread via social media,word of mouth etc and grow….the same will also happen if you screw people over.Oh yeah,i deserve the lounge because i want to give it to my workplace (hospital)for the new mums to have somewhere comfortable to feed their bubs in a little comfort and peace.It would also be somewhere for us nurses to put our head down when we are on nightshift (the rare times that we can do that ).It would be much appreciated by all (and by the way,bribery doesn't work all the time either.although it can sometimes sweeten a nasty experience)

    • +1

      Hey, thanks for the honest advice. I don't think that this La Chaise would be great for what you need, we recently had our second child and my wife would kill me if i plonked her on that. It seems like a really good cause so why don't you pick a nice comfortable reclining one from an online store for around $300 and i will gladly pay for this on my credit card and have it sent to the hospital or wherever is best for you?

      • Thank you for the offer.If it is genuine,i will ask my unit manager and if the offer stood,i would take you up on it.Congrats on the new bub,and i'm sure all my new mums (and yes,us nurses ) would thank you for the comfort.

  • Hey all, as promised I have posted the competition deal here

    Any thoughts on what is the best and fairest way to draw the winner from this? I was thinking of getting someone on here to give us a number from 0- the last email sign up number and allocate the winner based on that?

    • do they sell the replica or the origionals for the 1k, seems a hefty amount! but thats furnature for you I guess.

      I was tempted to sign up (OK not really) but thats one hella ugly chair :P (but some how i cant look away… ok its pretty cool.)

      I should get it, for enlightening you on your wicked ways and catching you out a couple of times!

      Look, in all seriousness though, you either sound like you want to be genuine or dont want to be caught again, as other have said your best bet now will be to put a ripper deal up, do a search, ensure its the best price for the item by a decent amount (pretty difficult - even if you make a small loss for a limited amount. eg 100 items (below cost) to get the word out about your shop i'd consider a decent excercise in marketing)

      dont lie ever, dont sock puppet, do a search before posting make sure your the cheapest for the type of item your offering, dont over sell, IE WE'VE GONE CRAZY!!!! everyone hates that when the item is only a dollar cheaper than elsewhere. if you want to premote your business be genuine…

      you could potentially pick up a few extra sales, although i think the ozbargain crowed is the type that goes in buys the deal and heads back out in most cases and may not come back… but thats the risk you take i guess.

  • +3

    If you want to redeem yourself, go pick an item like LED lights, create a coupon code that takes it down to your cost price and put it up. Just tick the Representative box.

    We don't care about a competition/giveaway.

  • Recommend going forward test any advice against your own ethic before going forward. I am sure there are many how to win sales courses that could double as how to be a scumbag.

    Sounds like you have been trying to optimise your websearch dropping your link around.
    Good advice from Third Gear getting the web site optimised. Find some websites where you can provide advice as a subject matter expert.

  • +2

    Hi Oliver I reckon you should actually check the site out a bit more before attempting to redeem yourself by throwing "lavish" gifts upon us. Check out what makes a good deal on the site, try to do the same.

  • +1

    post up a loss leader, no true ozbarganer will be able to resist

  • +3

    I think the competition will only get 1 happy user that everyones gonna forget. Rather than spoiling just one user, why not everyone on OzBargain? Do a genuine deal with an exclusive coupon for OzBargain.

  • +2

    One thing you will find is that OzBargainers are smarter than the average consumer.. Hell even Gerry Harvey knows about us!

  • -1

    Hey all, firstly I would like to thank everyone for some really great advice and criticism I really appreciate it! Looking back on it all now it's kind of funny how stupid I was : ) I my problem is that I listened to some bad advice and actually paid for some really poor youtube videos to help me with SEO that did more harm than good here. One thing is so true on this site, you guys are like machines, no trickery and no b%^*%^&t is needed, you simply can't get away with it. It's amazing how much people can look into things to check out if a deal is all above board and I was surprised about the reaction it caused but that's history now. I think they banned me for 28 days from posting new deals which is fair enough I can't blame them tbh.

    In light of what a few of you have said, I have decided to throw out an offer that can't be repeated again for this weekend only (I promise you I am losing around $2 per item on this deal)!

    If anyone know about the Philips 10w Dimmable MR16 Retrofit LED Bulb then you probably know that these are one of the best retrofit 50w halogen lamp replacements on the market, arguably so!

    I have listed these on the prima Luce website to offer a bulk discount for 10 pieces or more (usual price $34.50 free shipping, with the ten piece discount on checkout they go to $25.50 free shipping which is $9 off and $2 under cost and`still free shipping.

    Philips supply the wholsalers at around $35 each with a usual trade price of anywhere between $39-$50. This is genuinely a really good deal for anyone knowing anything about these lamps and how good they are and it's not one I am likely to offer again after the weekend!

    I didn't want to just discount the line item by $9 for a single buy as you have to take into account we will spend ages packing and sending these LED's so the 10 buy works better. Check it out guys, I guarantee if you find them anywhere near this price I will eat my socks!…

    Hopefully this post remains confined within a few users who read it, I am actually nervous to push the button on this one because I am hoping I don't get smashed with it, however I consider it 'School fees'for some pretty basic errors first time around!

    Oh and gr8 post WISC lol made me chuckle!

  • +2

    Mm if you do a google looks like you tried to post this already as a deal and it was unpublished by a moderator

    who won the "competition" btw?

  • If you still want to give away the chair - I would dearly love to give it to my hard working fiancee who is also my carer - I have ehlers danlos syndrome after moving house am even having trouble typing this - She has to do just about all of it as well as cook and help me dress, get me anythin i need to eat/drink/take drugs/blow my nose - some days help me do a lot more that proly doesnt need to go here. pretty sure she would love something that funky in her study room, brighten up her private chill space. Know I am probably way too late but worth a yell.

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