This was posted 11 years 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KENWOOD TTM02 2-Slice Toaster in Red/Black/White/Orange $25 after Cashback (FREE Shipping)

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Bing Lee "4 days of deals" - till midnight 28/04/13

Currently $55 (normally $109) and Kenwood has a $30 cashback promotion so brings it down to $25.
A quick google Australia search shows most retailers selling for $100+

TTM020 White, TTM021 Red, TTM024 Black, TTM027 Orange

Free shopping or pickup from Bing Lee store

Reviews:- quite positive

Redemption form for those who want to read the exact T&Cs: Cashback promo ends 14/05/13…

Related Stores

Bing Lee
Bing Lee

closed Comments

  • Any review on the quality of the toasts from this machine?

  • thanks, bought one, and it is actually free shipping

    • omg is it?! damn… wuld've selected free shipping but I swear I saw $7
      edit: omg gonna call up customer service now thx for heads up

      • +1

        bargain. can confirm free shipping to syd =D

        • Yep, spoke to Bing Lee online customer care to change my order to delivered for free.
          They were very prompt in fixing it. woop woop

    • +1

      Make sure u can claim it back as I read for online orders that you cant claim the money back…but i could be wrong … read them carefully ey

  • +1

    very good price …. bought one! Thanks OP

  • Many thanks OP - seems to end up being a good price (from a quick search) and with free delivery too !

  • How do select the colour?
    And how do I get the cashback?

    • Search Kenwood toaster on Bing Lee site. Then sort by price. You should see the three colours.
      TTM020 White, TTM021 Red, TTM024 Black.

      I'm not sure how to get the cashback but I assume it's through Kenwood's website. Someone should check that actually (I will now lol).

      edit: REDEMPTION FORM:…

    • or you can just scroll down and it should show the other two under "more from this category"

  • -1

    Cash back is only available for retail purchasers. No commercial or online purchases. If you purchased this online, I fear you may have just bought a $55 toaster.

    • I believe Bing Lee online is considered a retail purchase. They even say on their site "Only $25 After Cashback: Maximum 2 per customer. $30 Cashback Via Redemption. See for full Terms and Conditions"

      I've taken a screenshot of it in case any hiccups occur down the track but I'm pretty confident that the cashback is valid. "Online purchase" probably means something like ebay

      • +2

        Harvey Norman told me the same thing when I grabbed this bargain No dice though. Hopefully they do accept it, just a cautionary tale.

        • then you should easily be able to at least get a refund from HN. Thanks for the cautionary tail my animal friend.

        • -1

          No worries. Enjoy the $55 toaster :)

  • +8

    OzBrothers and OzSisters, just confirmed with James S. from Bing Lee customer Live Chat that this is considered a retail purchase so the cashback IS valid.

  • Yeah, just took a screenshot also, been hanging out for a new toaster, screw paying $100 for one

    • I took one too, just to be on the safe side. But I think we are fine

  • +2

    I bought one in february for $100 at HN as a gift. The recipient loved it. Going to get one for myself.

  • +1

    Guys, The fine print in T&C clearly reads

    Offer valid on retail purchases (excludes commercial and online purchases) made between March 1, 2013 and May 14, 2013 inclusive.

    Was on last page to process payment, thought should read in full the T&Cs (…)

    • yeh this doesn't count as an "online purchase" but a retail purchase- according to Bing Lee's website & their customer service team confirmed as well.

      But yeh, up to you.

      • +1

        I bought the same toaster online from Harvey Norman in february at its full retail price. I managed to successfully get the cashback too. No problems here.

        • +1

          I am still waiting for mine purchased in December and January. :-(

      • Awesome !

  • +2

    Can anyone understand Ukrainian? Here's a closer look:

    • looks pretty good actually.

  • how would kenwood know whether a purchase is from online or at store?

    • when you make a redemption you usually have to state where you bought from with receipt. check the redemption form for exact details reqd.

  • Got my mother's day present sorted :D

    • i got one for my mum but I made her pay for it :\
      edit: negative votes well deserved. I feel guilty.

      • I won't neg you. You were negged enough for the 2 TV fiasco :p

  • +1

    The redemption form shows 2 options, the second has no info about how/where it was bought and the first one make little sense anyway

    So I would use the second option guys

  • +1

    Can someone enlighten the rest of us as to why this toaster is worth the $25?

    • generally positive comments in reviews (you can read them). but I like the colour (i got red one)

  • Thanks OP, just bought one. Can someone please tell me how and when to apply for cash back as i don't have any receipt of it that needs to go with the form……Also what is it's model number. i have ordered red one…

    • +2

      Your Model Number is TTM021

      Cashback Claim here:…


      • For Ease: Do Option 2, Print form, fill form, print reciept (BingLee would have emailed you and also PayPal if you used that payment method)*

      • Stamp envelop and post to:
        Kenwood Mother’s Day Promotion
        PO Box 4540
        Casula Mall NSW 2170*

      • +1

        Thanks Usama (Y)

      • and use the 2nd form instead of the first (the one with the kenwood kmix logo) because only the 2nd mentions cashback eligibility of toasters.

  • When I click on place order button, nothing happens.

    • same nothing happens when clicking order button? I'm using internet explorer…

      • +1

        hmm did you add your address first?
        try firefox. IE is the worst browser you can get. But the Bing Lee site is a bit buggy

        • +1

          Thanks works well with firefox

  • @Foma2

    1.Contact Details. (Login with a Bing Lee Account or Checkout as a Guest )

    2.Delivery Method

    3.Order Summary

    4.Secure Payment (Final Check Out)…

    • I reckon it is what I've done. Thanks anyway.

  • +2

    Damn OzBargain - I didn't realise I needed a new toaster until I saw this deal. LOL went to check the kitchen to realise my current one needs replacing haha.

    Cheers OP.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I bought the 4 slice version a couple of weeks ago and didn't realise it there was a redemption. So an extra $30 off. I'd picked up the last one from Betta electrical North Sydney for $79 which was under half it's original price.

  • Get one, thanks.

  • Got one. Just checking, for the 'Serial No.' I suppose we need to wait to receive the toaster to get that info?

    • yes

    • +1

      I don't think it asked for a serial number when completing the forms online.

  • Thanks, mothers day sorted.

    I got white - with every other appliance black, white or stainless steel, was afraid red would scream "look at moi" and make it the focal point of the kitchen. Don't really want the toaster to be the highlight :-)

    • +1

      most of my kitchen screams "look at moi!!" lol

  • +1

    no free shipping on the red

    • no, it was free shipping for me. but i've marked the deal as "Expired" as the "frenzy" has finished so maybe not anymore.

      • well actually, it hasnt expired. Frenzy still on

        The white and black said sold out a momen ago, but now all available again

        Pick up is free. Still $25 but no free delivery

        Will just go instore and pick up tomorrow

        • click frenzy has officially ended. Bing Lee just hasn't updated their site.

        • +1

          they have updated, the time has reset for another 24 hours. I just bought a white toaster. Adding another one as I type

        • yeh but it's not free postage so as I said, it may be different to the original deal posted.

  • I think the sale is on again! For another 22hrs!

    Never mind didn't see your post just above ^

  • Anyone know Bing Lees opening hours today?

  • +1

    Just bought a red one with free shipping, so they must have turned it back on.

  • Just bought one. Thanks for the post! :)

  • Just FYI, last night I got it via FF, IE did not work.

  • +3

    I really want to buy this but for the life of me can't figure out what it does that my $8 kmart toaster doesn't do? Don't see how this could've originally been sold for over $100. It's essentially a few pieces of steel with some wire running through it.

    • looks better for one. That's enough for me.
      Supposedly toasts "evenly" as well.

      • +2

        My $9 Coles toaster toasts evenly.

  • Deal extended for 3 more days and ORANGE is now available for $55

    I want an Orange one now… but already bought red… and according to their returns policy can't return due to change of mind :/

    Anyone who is in Sydney wants a red and would trade for an Orange?

    • +2

      yep throw in a TV and it's game on…

  • Got one from Harvey Norman in-store and its white. They price matched but reluctantly. Think that they bought at $69 or minimum selling price in system for $69. They are surprised to find this deal offered by Bing Lee plus free delivery with $30 cash back.

  • yeu pretty sure they didnt buy at 69 or they wldnt have matched. the $30 cashback is frm kenwood so doesnt eat into retailers profits.

  • Folks did you get an invoice ? I just got the toaster (with the Kenwood product box) no invoice attached.

    We need a receipt or invoice for cash back correct ?

    • it's stuck inside that plastic window on the outside of the box.

    • got my toaster today. Same thing as AaronPOZ- no indication it came from binglee, just a courier delivery sticker stuck on the product box. And what is the serial number anyway? The only thing resembling a serial number are those numbers etched into the silver sticker at the bottom of the toaster.

  • No plastic window in my box. Did you get a brown box or the the kenwood product box?

    I just got the kenwood box. No invoice ….

    • yeh kenwood box. invoice stuck to top in plastic window.
      just use ur invoice in ur email.

      • Okay, I'll use the Order Confirmation, but, it doesn't look like a proper invoice.

    • Ask them to email you a pdf.

      • Yes, I did. They emailed me the PDF

    • Hmm I submitted the PayPal receipt because that's the only receipt I could find

  • +1

    I emailed the redemption team on the weekend to confirm if they are accepting online purchases from bing lee for the promotion and they came back today and confirmed they are…so everyone should be ok!

    I filled out the online redemption form and am sending in the receipt etc with a copy of this email confirming its ok from the redemption team so I don't have any issues.

    Just thought if share the good news so everyone knows they should be ok.

    I filled out the online redemption as

    Store: bing lee
    Location: online
    State: NSW

    • +1

      Hi Tremell

      Do you know where is the serial number located? I found some number yet not so sure which one.
      And do you received an invoice from Bing Lee? or you just send the confirmation email from Bing Lee about your order to claim this cash back?


      • +1

        i am also looking for the serial number? can anyone help me to find it?

      • I couldn't really find it either so I just wrote whatever & fingers crossed.

      • Hey guys

        Sorry for the slow reply…as I said in my above post they will accept bing lee online so I just completed the online redemption rather then filling out the form…

        However if I was going to put a serial I was going to go with the etched numbers on the bottom. I think the serial number relates more to other items that are available for redemption then the toaster.


  • Just received it yesterday. It's a nice toaster, looks fancy. My mom like it, function properly.
    Thank OP

  • Still waiting on mine :(

    Are Bing Lee usually efficient with delivery?

  • Can't believe I ordered on 24th April and as of today I am still waiting for the delivery!

    Using "Fastway" as the name of the courier is really an oxymoron.
    The parcel departed from Sydney, in Sydney Depot for twice and it is now the 2nd time on the road!

    Not to mention that BingLee provided the wrong tracking number online and I have to call them to get the correct one.

    • i got mine early this week and I ordered on the 24th.

      Maybe u weren't at home to receive delivery so it had to be sent back to the depot?

    • I stayed in the phone for 45 mins waiting for the fastway courier for response. Apparently the delivery guy in that area only work from 7:30 - 2:30 (such a nice timeslot!) as it was an office address so he couldn't deliver early in the morning before 9am.

      The same day I wrote my last comment, the toaster arrived. On the top of the package someone wrote thing like "Life is not working!" I am now still trying to understand why. I hope the delivery guy is still alive.

      Also, I am surprised that the package was exactly the original retail package (people will absolutely tell what it is) of the toaster with just a sticker with deliver details stick on top of it. I didn't see the clear window with invoice/receipt too.

      I consider myself very very lucky as it was sent to my office address. If it is left in front of the house I 100% believe that it would have taken by others.

  • Hi all - I received my toaster yesterday and submitted the redemption form sometime last week. I checked the status of my redemption and it stated that it was 'rejected'. What?? I sent them my receipt and everything.. anyone else had this problem? I'm going to email them now to double check, but was curious if anyone else had come across this also.

    • Just checked mine and it just says recieved at this stage…although I'm not expecting too many issues as I included the email kenwood redemptions sent me confirming bing lee online would be accepted for redemption..

      • Thanks Tremell - I got a very fast response from Kenwood stating that it was due to a mismatch between the name on the invoice and the one I had on the redemption form. All good now, they fixed it up and I am also on the 'received' stage :)

        • Great news, worth checking with them by the sounds!

  • +1

    just a quick reminder guys:

    Postal entries must be received by May 31, 2013 (5pm AEST); otherwise claims will be deemed invalid

  • Anyone received the cashback yet? Still waiting for mine.

    • My Money Order was in the letterbox today.

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