This has been posted before on ozbargain when the price was $199. Now at a lower clearance price of $59.83.
Telstra Prepaid Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Smart Phone $59.83 @ Target

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Look on the previous thread. It was discussed there. Sorry can't check at the moment as I'm on the mobile
Going by the Nokia 610 post this could be cheaper than the ticketed price. If anyone sees one in store maybe get them to scan it and see what price it shows
Went down to Target to get the super slim PS3. My local store which is Rosebud had this phone marked down to just below $60. I didn't take a picture cause I wasn't that interested.
Thanks, checked with my local target and they in fact are $59.83. Just had to get one at that price.
Was after this for the built-in controller, but I ultimately gave it a pass as specs are a bit dated (single core, no 4G LTE) now for that price with new cheaper dual & quadcore phones being released. Performance difference between 'SC cpu + 512MB ram' compared to 'DC cpu + 1/2GB ram' is quite noticeable in terms of lag.
Actually screen is nicer and seems smoother than xperia go, hard to compare to current highend phone.
Comes with 8gb mem card and $10 prepaid.
Is this across all stores? Any information about unlocking?
Yes all stores
Awesome deal really. I bought mine with the $199 deal. It's a good phone. Pros: great control buttons, generally works well. Cons: extremely limited internal memory (you really need to root it to install more than a few basic apps). It'd also be nice to have a dual or quad core processor.
Thanks op, just bought last one at target Brisbane cbd $59…. Now to find out how to unlock it :)
Let us know how you go, apparently you can call telstra (27.50) and then use 10 from your prepaid card supplied.
So theorectically unlock for 17.50 by telstra.
Any sources on this? The only stopping me from driving to Target immediately is the unlocking process.
sources are reading the last xperia play post or two
Here is some info unlcoking the boot loader
Ps this is an awesome mame device
Okay just tried optus sim , its unlocked!
Awesome no need to unlock for the optus sim
get the Amaysim (optus) on the go (prepaid) plan
for 10$ lasts 3months
so for 40$ a year I can get enough internet to check ozb on the go.
wow this is significantly cheaper then my current Voda plan.Hope they're all unlocked for the optus sim.
not really, the $10 credit comes with the sim is bonus credit, not real money and can only be used for call and sms within Australia only, so it's pretty much useless. The smarter way of unlocking it is using the $30 Telstra starter kit that's been sold for $10 at various Coles, Woolies, Auspost and DSE stores from time to time.
This seems to be the best way to unlock. Does anyone know if there's still stock in Melbourne? I hope it hasn't sold out while I hesitated…
Just try it first, mines unlocked without dong anyting.
$10 unlock thats the cheapest option of all Awesome idea have you used this method before?
Today I went to some local targets, only one have stocks, but they still sell it for $199.
And PS3 $289 as well. Maybe the deals are only for some stores.The phone is unlocked!
Is it the r800a version or the r800i version? Last time this was posted on ozbargain some people found it was unlocked out of the box too.
its r800a
So If I buy this I have to pay someone telstra/stranger on the internet to break the Network lock
and then after that use Sonys Unlock boot loader tool to unlock it so I can run CM9 on it?
So 60.00 for the phone and 20 to run it on Vodaphone then? or perhaps I get lucky and its already unlocked unlikely though.
And do you really have to pay someone to get the code to unlock it there aren't any software solutions to break that myself seems weird.This would be my first smart phone still rocking the Razr V3 and I got the Hp touchpad so this could be a nice addition anyone with a XP play running CM9 or any other OS on it how does it run the 1ghz core has me worried a little.
By the time you decide it will be long gone.
Its great for mame and games, plays movies fine etc. if you want more get something else
Looks pretty chunky though at ~26cm or mm thicker than my current flip phone but it does have console buttons. Luckily my targets closed for today so they might still have some.
I'll just have to take a close look at the Cm9 community to see where it's at.Think gaming phone or psp size, you cant compare it to xperia z ;)
are you running any rom (non stock OS) on yours? assuming your using one?
if so are there any drawbacks to this phone?Ideally I'd like to root/install custom firmware.
use emulators on it while using the hardware keys nes/snes/segagen/gb/gbc/gba
make use of tasker
and use if for pocketcasts.
also use for tethering to my tablet.I mean I've never had a smart phone and the whole $150 ICS hp touchpad deal has really screwed over price expectations with new phones these days.
anyway if you read through all this thanks for your time.
No stock OS, i actually switched over from dual core xperia go cause i love this phone so much.
Was really suprised when it ws unlocked. dont plan to do anything because it does it all well for me.
oh ok cool thanks for answering my questions
I used to carry a Psp fat 1000 running m33 firmware on it to emulate nes snes and gba that thing was awesome so even if I can't get a custom rom working to my liking stock os should probably be good enough too.
Can confirm mine is unlocked too
No luck finding any near me, anyone want to purchase one and ship it to me I'll reimburse you cost and some for your effort. I'm not sure how much shipping will be so if you could give me an estimate (post code 2486) and how much you wanted for your time I would appreciate it.
Let me know before you purchase it so I can confirm details with you.Ours was locked!!!!!!
Bummer did you try Optus?
Consider the 30$ Telstra prepaid SIM deal for unlocking.Did you try the telstra sim first? or use another sim first?
is it a r800a?
Want to sell?
I wonder if there is a sure way of telling if they are unlocked at the time of purchase?
Yea seems pretty random wonder why some are locked and some aren't surely the factories can't be dropping the ball like that.
Im thinking it may be related to using the sim that comes with it, ie not using it.
No, people found the same thing when it was posted as a deal last year . It's just completely random.
If anyone in Melbourne bought an extra one or no longer wants theres I am willing to come pick it up and buy it off you for $90.
If you are near Somerville give them a call. They had 2 there earlier today. Still had 3 Nokia 610s.
u should able to find it in suburbs' Target… Just bought it at 7pm tonight, my 3rd spare phone this week ( Huawei y201 + ZTE T760 + SE Play )
Man some people have all the luck I wasn't able to find even one SE play.
Luckily User YLC offered to get one to me for 30$ anywhere near me all three targets had no stock.Which store did you go to? I went around the inner East and couldn't find any.
Thanks for the post, picked up one for myself, salesman had no idea what I was talking about with the price until he scanned it. Mrs went back 2 days later and grabbed another one. Now all we need is a nice "toy phone" for the kids.
ugh it's like everyone but me can find one IRL lol
My target sucks nothing I've seen posted is at mine.I need to move near a better target ha.
"Toy Phone" for the kids OPTIONS:
Huawei y201 $39.50-$12.50(2500 FlybuysPoint)
ZTE T760 Smart Touch 2 $14.83
ZTE T3020 Smart Touch $9.83Just get some more xperia plays for the kids. Great to play games on and I think it comes pre installed with 6 sony ps games anyway.
what re the preloaded games? unlocked?
Should be Fifa 10, Crash Bandicoot, The Sims 3, Star Battalion, Bruce Lee Dragon Warriors, and Tetris.
but there are also lots of games Xperia play enabled that are free too.
So anyone that got one that was locked how much does it cost to get unlocked?
I see people throwing around 27.50And found this on whirlpools wiki area
"In general, Telstra NextG prepaid handsets will cost $100 to unlock while Telstra GSM prepaid handsets will cost $50 to unlock. After 6 months has elapsed from activation, this reduces to $27.50 for both handset types. After 2 and a half years, GSM prepaid handsets will become free to unlock"
but I also see people in the nokia lumia thread stating they're able to unlock at 27.50.
even though it's a gsm phone that hasn't been activated for at least 6 months.
bringing the question does telstra have this info surely they'd be keeping track of this info no?anyway hopefully I get a good one and don't have to worry about unlocking it. I bought the 10$ sim to unlock it none the less.
Just Got mine
It's an R800a
Sadly sim locked at least for the Amaysim sim card I put in (Optus reseller)
but it was manufactured before 12w11 (12w09)
and also Bootlock Unlock status Allowed: noso I'll have to pay someone to unlock the bootloader telstra doesn't even have an option to do this.
I'll keep this thread updated for possible future buyers.Glad to hear you finally found one.
I'm Glad too :D
Ha yeah I Really had to let out a lot of fish hooks to find someone (figuratively speaking)
but I got one and forgot to update this thread. Did remember to update my XDA thread though.
So an update,I paid WotanServer 7.99 EUR after a few emails back and forth with them they assured me it would Unlock my Sim Network, Bootloader (even though my bootloader status was :no) and also enabled the ability to use Fastboot to install Kernels. (if you want fastboot unlocked telstra doesn't even have an option available to you.)
It was very straight forward and had a Youtube video tutorial included in the software basically install wotan client software make sure drivers install properly (didn't like my xp box used a win7 instead) peel back sticker connect to test points hidden behind sticker and plug in usb cable at the same time and click next and then your done very easy took 5~10 mins.
Also I was able to pickup one of this 10$ Ipad minisims for telstra (was going to use for unlock) and was able to get live chat to change it into a Longlife phone plan but they forgot to move over the credit so I'll get them onto that tomorrow.
So now I'm currently custom kernel 720P V8 JB Lupus and Jellybean Rom Paranoid Android Pretty awesome running a Jellybean rom on it when Sony gave up on even making a promised full ICS version.
Snes9x ex+ works just as good as stock GB just need to disable quickcopy from cpu-gpu setting.
Oh and also thanks Unity1 for posting this deal I've been waiting ~3 years to get a smartphone and this one while a little outdated is pretty awesome.
Great work. I remember unlocking my first xperia play using a pair of tweezers and using the contact points method. Fortunately the latest one I picked up from Target was already unlocked.
Not too sure if you need to pay to do the testpoint unlock or if you only need to pay to unlockbootloader/sim lock but heres a tutorial vid.…
Thanks so did you root/install any roms too or just the fact it was sim unlocked was enough for you?
Im currently using Lupus 480P V12 Jelly bean kernel and Paranaoid Android 4.12 Jellybean rom and it's pretty awesome. I don't know exactly how it compares to stock but I can play 30 mins of lag free Snes9x ex+ with full brightness overclocked at 1.2ghz and only use 12% battery life so thats pretty cool.
So stoked I got a android smartphone let alone a jellybean android smartphone!
If anyone is doing custom roms or anything of that nature message me and I'll see if I can help.
No, I'm boring. Just left it as is.
haha oh well thats fine you probably already know but for your or others take a look at… these apps this dev makes some excellent emulators!
any idea how much it would cost to unlock??