What brands /models are considered better 2.5" internal HDD?

The Scorpio Blue WD6400BEVT is nearly dead and time to source a new one.

I am not looking at SSD and speed is not important. Just looking for reliable disks that won't die like my current WD.

What are better disks these days for a 5400rpm, 500GB / 750GB internal 2.5" laptop HDD? A quick search found below series:
Hitachi HGST Travelstar
Western Digital Scorpio Blue


  • +1

    If you want better SSD wins hands down, but you will pay for it.

    Otherwise you will probably not notice much difference in the products you have listed, though most people have brands they do/don't like for a variety of historical reasons.

  • I've had issues with Samsung HDDs in the past. Currently, I use WD and have no issues. But then, each person has a different experiience.

  • WD Scorpio Black? 7200RPM (rather than 5400) but has 5 year warranty.

  • its the illusion of choice

    how many commpanies actually make the disc now?

    2 or 3?

    they're all the same

    google do ongoing reliablity assessments since they use thousands of drives and the manufacturer failures are random

    i've had all brands fail but i think for portables, user handling is the biggest factor

    if you dont move it during operation they should last for years given appropriate MBTFs

    eg. i have a Scorpio Blue coming up to 900 days online without any errors

  • Happy with my Toshiba laptop except for the Toshiba 640GB 5400 rpm 2.5" internal HDD. Turns out Toshiba HDD was notorious for premature failure, including mine and anyway, was annoyingly slow.

    Replaced it with the following and much happier with speed and has been ultra reliable …
    Goto: http://staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=Seagate+Momentu…

    When I bought it, cheapest price was $215, so it's come down a long way since at $135 now.

    A good compromise between cheapskate/suspect HDD's and SSD's with less storage space.


  • Toshiba are the best drives around at the moment by miles.

  • I beg to differ, based on other reported users disquiet and my similar actual experience.

    • i'd still go seagate at this point but i reckon… go whats cheapest and has the longest warranty

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