• long running

BMW ConnectedDrive: Remote Services Unlimited $0 for Owners of Eligible Vehicles @ BMW


This used to cost a lot of $$$. According to Chollometro this was €79 per year(chollometro.com) don't know how much it was here in Australia. But now it's $0 for lifetime.

Anyway it's a nice freebie for people that have a BMW.

The Remote Package consists of two services: The Remote Services let you operate your BMW remotely using your smartphone or the BMW call center. Simple, convenient and secure. Remote 3D View lets you view the area around your vehicle remotely on your smartphone.

Benefits at a glance:

  • Convenient remote control using your smartphone or via the BMW call center.

  • Locking and unlocking, vehicle search, temperature control (if your vehicle has the parking heater option).

  • Direct transmission of special destinations to the vehicle via Local Search.

  • Remote viewing of the current surroundings on your smartphone with Remote 3D View*.

  • Perspective and zoom for the vehicle can be freely selected.

To use the Remote Package and the My BMW App, you need to enable this once only on the My BMW Portal.

*You can use Remote 3D View if the relevant camera system is installed in your vehicle. Remote 3D View will then be available to you ex works from the time of the new vehicle purchase until the end of the contract. The digital service can then be extended within the packages.

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    • DLC for cars. Probably learnt from Paradox, Microsoft etc.

    • My boss was whining about Porsche costs one day. My theory is the people who own them are either rich or posers. Rich people don'r care they are being charged for something that should be free, and posers are too embarrassed to question it for fear of not looking rich enough to pay.

    • +1

      Wait til they start charging you to open the car's windows lol

      • @qtvinsta:Big corporations won’t do inhumane acts by charging you to open the windows. But they will charge you to keep the windows closed by selling negative ion cabin air purifier that can be charged on a monthly fees. Company gets steady revenue and the consumer gets pure air. Everyones a winner here

        • +1

          inhumane is not what they care about… probably illegal or what is perceived as inhumane will stop em… but they probably have considered the charging of centrally controlled windows from the driver's side and even that central locking button lol

    • Hmm, my x5 does most of that…but it’s not the latest model

      • Base models usually lack a lot of basic features, your X5 regardless of the year model is likely not a base model I'm assuming.

        • Yeah, it’s the top i50

    • You can easily get all this crap unlocked permanently through E-Sys for free. Or if you're a noob, just buy BimmerUtility.

      • Not these you can't

        • What are "these" specifically?

          I've yet to find any of the paid unlocks this guy has listed that's not there. They're all simple enable/disable under FDL editor. If anything there's more options.

          Example with the most expensive $259 high beam assist, you can find it under:
          BDC_BODY3 —-> CAFD-00001DF8-016.067.022-CODINGDATA —-> Go to Expert Mode —-> 3532 LaMaster3 —-> C_HBA_ENA_V_HI

          • @Kentrolla: Essentially all the remote features - I don't understand how they could be coded since they interact with BMW's servers.

            The other offline features sure yes code away.

            • @atlas: If you're genuinely interested but don't understand how e-sys coding work. There's a forum called bimmerpost. You'll find pretty much anything you need in terms of coding there including altering dates to unlimited. It's really not that hard as there are firmwares with all the subscription stuff unlocked for an unlimited term. You can even buy a base model car and change the dash to an M dash lol

              Cheat sheets are available for every model as well as Motorrad bikes. I learned all this after a workshop told me I need to pay bmw motorrad $90 just to reset the service interval. Digging deeper found that I am basically do whatever I want with the software.

              • @Kentrolla: You’re talking to the converted - I’ve coded plenty of things on my G05 and F87.

                But some things can’t just be simply coded. For example, I don’t think anyone has readily figured out how to code Remote Start. In addition, it requires an FSC code that you would have to pay someone for.

                Things like changing the dash and CarPlay - yes they’re easy.

                Another is Drive Recorder - I’ve not seen anyone able to successfully code that either. Happy to be corrected.

                • @atlas: Sorry was just confused, as earlier you mentioned "not these you can't", which is false as all of those can be coded easily.

                  Can only speak from personal experience. I've only owned M models, which have pretty much everything factory unlocked. But we've unlocked or enabled other things.

                  Drive recording would definitely need physical hardware to be present. Same with any other feature that requires hardware. Can't enable options on software alone for that.

                  Remote start can be enabled and programmed to the extra button on the FOB. It's not legal in Australia though, so do so at your own risk.

                  • @Kentrolla: Drive recorder just uses the cameras already on board the car. You can pay $429 through the Connected Drive store to enable it if so desired, on a regular G05 X5.

                    Same with Remote Start - you can pay money through the store to enable it. And I have and it's legal. It works well because I can remote start the car from anywhere through the My BMW app on my phone (as well as the key). As far as I'm aware, no one has figured out how to code those options. I imagine coding anything that requires interacting with BMW's servers will be difficult.

    • Probably depends on what model. I sold my 5 series yesterday, which had half of the above inclusions for life. The ones that it didn’t have were features that were not available, except for Apple Car play which they wanted approx $100 per year. The map update was extra, but BMW would always update the map for free at service.
      The new car I pickup next week has all of these options (pretty much) included as well, although it’s a 330e (assuming they would throw in more free option if this was a 5 series again).

    • Maybe these are new as I don't have to pay any upgrades when I picked up my 2020 218i.
      The only option is auto high beam for $220.
      Also no navigation software is worth it if you have Android Auto or apple carplay.

    • I bought am M440i demonstrator at the end of financial year, most of those features were included with the car, the only one that wasnt was remote start I think. I think the higher up the model range you go, the more of these are included with the car.

      • idk about the situation in Aus, but overseas this subscription is for people that did not have them optioned from factory.

      • Don't see much point of remote start unless in a super hot or cold climate

        • It's super handy if you have kids. And fantastic for any day really in summer if the car is out in the sun.

    • Is remote engine start legal in Australia??

    • I bought a BMW M440i Demonstrator at the recent EOFY. It came with all of those thrown in except for the remote start.

  • Is it just one per person, or can I use it on all of my BMWs?

  • +1

    BMW finally realised that there is far >$79 yo be made by harvesting and trading an individual's (+car) data than charging customer a subscription.

    • lol yeah they’re probably selling the location data to companies like TomTom and Here Maps for traffic

  • Will this work on my oZ bargain vehicle of choice?

    • if it is Daihatsu: No it won't. Haha!! :)

      • Camry.

        • Why do you want to install Bloatware(Bloatware Motoren Werke) on your Camry?

          • @SteveD: I don't have a high yeid investment but a high yield km Camry.

  • Thankyou! mine expired over a month ago and didnt want to renew because its going to stop working in July 2024 anyway?

    • +1

      Yeah, car’s communications are over 3G network. If 3G goes then, so will cars comms.

      • +2

        @muzzakus: I am sorry to let you know, we are well ahead in this game than our American counterparts. Our cars won't get affected by 3G shutdown.

        3G shutdown not likely to affect most Australian cars(whichcar.com.au)

        • That’s good news

        • App store says it may be affected by 3g shutdown. I thought maybe bmw are pretty sure it will be gone which is why they are offering Remote Services for free now….I hope it does stay because the features are pretty good - even though its quite slow on 3g.

        • My f30 definitely uses 3G. Not sure what will happen… America offered free 4g upgrades for their customers but don’t think we’ll get it here

      • Are you my cousin?

        • As per "Six Degrees Of Separation", Yes!! :) :)

    • +4

      My vehicle of choice is a Mercedes. At least I'm assuming the city bus has a Mercedes engine in it based on the badge on the front.

      • +1

        A lot of low-end Mercedes cars have engines produced in conjunction with Nissan, Renault and Mitsubishi.
        Unless you buy an AMG Merc my opinion is that you're paying for the badge. And yes, I have made this mistake - most unreliable car I've ever owned.

        • even some AMGs are not considered "real". Case in point: A35 AMG and C43 AMG. They're tuned by AMG rather than being designed AND built by AMG.

        • Been working on my parents GL Merc.
          Worst design engine I have ever seen. Made in America.. Absolute rubbish. I had to fix it as a Euro mechanic didnt want the job (dont blame them). As for a BMW with an electric opening / closing grill…hmmm

    • +10

      This comment feels like people who can’t afford BMW

      • You can almost smell the digital jealousy and self justification… 🤣

      • -3

        Toasty is on a bargain website bragging about his beamer, guess you've got to cut funds from somewhere to pay for all those expensive repairs your card needs

        • Never had any issues with my car but cool narrative. I'm not bragging about anything. Never even said I had a BMW. Have you got nothing better to do in your life than be a troll on the internet? Poor fella. Genuinely hope things get better for you.

        • +1

          @Commander1201 So many assumptions in just 1 line. Impressive 🤣

          While you're at it, you should educate yourself on the definition of "bargain". It doesn't mean something has to be affordable/cheap, that's really a personal circumstances thing. It just means something is cheap-"er" than what it usually is.

          @toastface Kudos for being an adult and wishing well to people who try to put you down.

    • +4

      When I was looking for an M3 I test drove the CLA45 AMG, which was far cheaper. Wasn’t impressed with how tiny it was and the lack of engagement. I think people just choose based on their individual preferences.

      • +1

        I feel it's the same for the SUV line. Sat in the GLC43 AMG, seat was so tight around the back that we didn't even bother test driving. Personal opinion to add, design choices by Merc has kinda gone downhill the last 5+ years too.

    • I can afford a Mercedes, but a combination of disgust at their new sales model shutting out dealers and centralising pricing plus a mediocre experience at the dealership and nothing there really catching my eye lead me to the BMW M4.

  • Does this enable wireless charging for iPhone 15 models?

    • I was under the impression that wireless charging is standard in most new cars, is BMW charging for this feature too? Can any BMW owner enlighten on this please?

      • +1
        • Interesting!!

        • Woah who pays for the broken iPhone?

      • @SteveD
        Wireless charging is part of comfort pacakge, as with euros, they dont come standard, they are hidden in one of the packages they offer, but it wont be part of a subscription because you need hardware for it.

      • Wireless charging is included. A 14 pro max barely fits though. Then I made the mistake of purchasing an otter box case for my 14PM….. does not charge in the Tesla or the Beamer.

    • I bought a new 4 series in June, has a wireless charging dock next to the cupholders.

  • Can I use this on my E46 M3?

    • I think the last of E46M3 rolled out of the production was in 2006, so probably Not! which I would consider positive: )

    • No, but I’ll take it off your hands for 10k and you can buy a new one.

      • +1

        googled prices out of curiosity, oh my.. more expensive than E90/92 M3, some are close to 100k even…

        i wonder if they're more reliable than E9X M3s

        met someone at the track the other day with an E90 M3, he told me it's reliable if you don't mind looking after it.

  • +1

    Don't mind having it if it's free, however, useless on a 'ultimate driving machine' - all focus on the road ahead, steering wheel and 3 pedals + stick, no time for that screen tbh.

    Update: logged in to connected portal and found it is already with the car…

    The Remote Package lets you control and monitor your BMW remotely using your smartphone.
    Active - Unlimited duration [1]
    [1] Valid as long as the technical requirements apply for the respective vehicle.

    Remembered BMW North America attempted to make heated seats (hardware is equipped anyway) a subscription service, which really made the brand a big joke.

    • Yeah it must have had it on there to begin with - are you original owner?

      And totally agree on the subscription service thing. You shouldn't have to pay for features like heated seats that are already in the car. Totally understand things like tech subscriptions though.

  • +2

    It wasn’t free before, cost like 200 something bucks per year. Once the free period is over, mine was 3 years.

    Would I buy ia BMW again! Yeah nah.

    • Buy one without those connected services (who needs that should buy a robot on wheels - Tesla instead) …

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got this! Now waiting for the deals on BMW.

    • Already subscribed! Now waiting for notifications on BMW.

  • Would this work on on 1992 Hyundai Excel?

    • +2

      @Herbse:Yes, only if you have installed Microsoft 1992 Excel(reddit.com)

    • Never mind the Excel, we need to know about the Camry.

  • Already paid for this when I bought my car on June 30th

    • How much did you pay for it?

      • I paid about $200 ish for 3 years' worth of a feature that uses the cars inbuilt cameras as a dashcam. I was going to add a dashcam anyway but $200 to use the onboard cameras was a lot cheaper than buying a new dashcam. All of the other features except for remote start were included with the car. I wasn't too bothered about remote start.

  • Hasn't this always been inclusive? Wife's 22' X4 M40i always had those since day 1 without any purchase etc. Doesn't seem to have an expiry date either.

    • Wasn't included a few years back. Also bought a new X4 M40i in 2020, and the Remote Services expired earlier this year after 3 years.

      Love this deal!

  • Renewed a month ago but only had the option for Connected Booster package, and not this Remote Services as a standalone. So something must have changed it seems.

  • Thanks for sharing, got it to work again as mine expired a few months ago (3 years after we initially purchased the car).

    However I've also noticed from the confirmation email it says this's a free trail?

    It makes me wonder if it's free forever?

  • "Temperature control…If your car has the heater option"

    Lol.. European problem

  • +1

    Oh no the worst thing is it’s 3G sim and 3G is going mid next year

  • I find the only features I've used is remote status check to see how much gas. The rest I've never found helpful

  • Is anyone paying for the Your Connected Booster package for $78 for 6 months?
    Is it worth it?

  • Had it enabled on portal for a 2019 X5 but doesn't seem to pick up the subscription on my BMW app.

    Pretty sure my vehicle should be eligible. I had this function as it comes free first year of vehicle purchase.

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