SMS Audio +

SMS Audio
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SMS Audio LLC is a privately held American consumer electronics manufacturer founded by Curtis Jackson, aka 50 Cent. It manufactures a line of headphones, related accessories and branded apparel. SMS acquired KonoAudio in 2011 and created three headphones that were released in 2011 and early 2012.

expired SMS Audio STREET by 50 On-Ear Wired Headphone White - $59.99 + Shipping @ Mwave

Just got an email from MWave on their group deal. $60 bucks for a head phone is decent considering I was looking to get a Dr. Dre for 6 times the price. Ordered mine online paid total $66.29 …


expired SMS Audio SMS-WD-WHT Street by 50 Cent Wired Over-Ear Headphones - White $85.78USD plus shipping

WHITE only not sure its a good deal or not... but it has some good reviews.