Droz » user profile

Member Since 21/07/2010
Last Seen 18 hours 38 min
Badges 2

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I can't speak for this monitor, but I can plug my Galaxy into the thunderbolt dock at work and it gets Dex up, with full working keyboard…
31/05/2024 - 11:48
In addition to @yeahna 's points: The Lekker has a gearset that doesn't require maintenance - no oiling or cleaning gears, there's a rubber…
22/05/2024 - 13:42
That's because they're all riding tanks
22/05/2024 - 13:31
aren't they basically the same battery module (eg BYD Blade battery) arranged slightly differently? Like, if the base is there, you can…
22/05/2024 - 11:20
But how many decades are we going to wait for these Robotaxies to be made and then approved by the government? FSD has been "this year"…
22/05/2024 - 10:51
I think EVs will devalue themselves every time a new battery tech comes out, so there's a few more huge drops coming for the existing cars.…
21/05/2024 - 14:30
Outside of strategic price discounts, I don't think that'll be the case though - as in, I doubt Toyota will suddenly charge less for a…
21/05/2024 - 12:58
Haha yeah, the turning thing - It's so stupid. I did mean in the manufacturing sense though! They've saved every single penny by building a…
21/05/2024 - 11:10
Because Kmart owns Target, and Target was failing financially...
21/05/2024 - 11:01
Confused - On the tesla isn't the indicator capacitive switch on the same side of the steering wheel (left)? The left/right arrows are…
21/05/2024 - 10:29
They won't, just the second-hand ICE prices will start dropping. New ICE will never be cheap again unfortunately.
21/05/2024 - 10:26
I think they couldn't make enough anyway, so the stalks won't matter. I agree they suck, but it definitely works, and people adapt. The…
21/05/2024 - 10:17
I still think full hybrid is better - PHEVs have had some pretty crazy reliability issues around the world, crappy all battery range…
21/05/2024 - 10:11
For me it's not the tray - it's the heating element and the bits behind it that get covered in oil, and you can't clean it, and that smokes…
20/05/2024 - 11:02
They're already ovens, but I get your point - once it's beyond the 6 or 7 litre mark, they take up about as much space as a standard 4…
20/05/2024 - 11:00
There are Xbox and PS3 versions, so... Yes!
16/05/2024 - 09:47
The 'a' version of the pixels is always the cheaper version, and comes later in the cycle
11/05/2024 - 09:34
The web versions of the MS Office 365 programs are quite good, so most corporations that have office will definitely have this…
05/05/2024 - 09:54
Looks like the Intel 8th gen with quick sync can handle 4 4k -> 1080p transcodes simultaneously... You'll be fine
04/05/2024 - 14:51
This is the micro, not the SFF, so I think you're out of luck?
03/05/2024 - 20:23
It decodes 265 on hardware, so why not? I guess it might need a HDMI port, and I haven't checked the display specs
03/05/2024 - 20:09
> For normal people: If you use laptop just for using Browser/watching movies - then why to bother installing linux. Your points all hit,…
03/05/2024 - 13:52
This YouTube channel might give you some ideas? https://www.youtube.com/@AllThingsOnePlace
02/05/2024 - 11:43
Honestly, macOS is essentially the consumer-friendly Linux that removes most hardware issues because the person that made the software also…
02/05/2024 - 11:12
I've installed ZorinOS on older hardware, like 8th Gen ex-corporate Dell laptops, and the OS absolutely flies and is a pleasure to use.…
02/05/2024 - 11:11
Great points - at work we need to use the Adobe suite, so believing something like "GIMP is just as good as Photoshop" (when it absolutely…
02/05/2024 - 11:06
Looks like I interpreted your initial comment incorrectly then! I find windows and Linux both have the same security restrictions as macos…
02/05/2024 - 09:08