StiSupafly » user profile

Member Since 12/07/2016
Last Seen 7 hours 17 min
Badges 2

Recent Activities

Just my 2cents if you're in the market for a dashcam, check out Comtec made in Japan, they have never missed a beat for me! I run a…
24/05/2024 - 12:02
I love white chocolate but wasn’t a huge fan of this one. If you ever go to a daiso or Japan.. try the white chocolate DARS chocolate, by…
05/05/2024 - 23:57
Bought based off ur comment, I usually don’t like coconut choc but gave it a go. Finished the block in 2 days and now hunting down more!!…
05/05/2024 - 23:55
Thanks for letting me know yeah found the ONVIF option so now working via RTSP streams etc! Appreciated 🙏🏻
31/03/2024 - 11:19
4mm focal length is pre zoomed in compared to what some people may be used to be a typical 2.8mm so just do your research, wouldn’t cover…
21/03/2024 - 18:49
Not sure if ur clicking on a different one out of the selection, linked one shows 57% Polyester, 42% Cotton, 1% Spandex. I have purchased…
18/03/2024 - 18:24
Personally waaaay too slippery for me, I really can’t do high poly socks.
18/03/2024 - 08:04
Back in stock at $811 currently
28/02/2024 - 22:18
Great sounding speaker! Very tempted to get another for stereo!
27/12/2023 - 21:20
More deals posted! Watching my money disappear 🫠
23/11/2023 - 02:56
Been using these for what feels like the past 10 years over a few generations.. can't use anything else now.. the mixamp for voice / game…
19/11/2023 - 20:38
It applied but then reverted, now it doesn't work
14/11/2023 - 22:21
When I worked for Emirates all of our luggage was soft-shell & I never had an issue - but personally I do use a hard-shell that is holding…
11/11/2023 - 18:40
Nothing beats straight from the factory.. 7-11 ones always taste super old imo
05/10/2023 - 23:29
Reckon it fits ice blocks?
01/10/2023 - 22:01