eggboi » user profile

Member Since 26/06/2014
Last Seen 02/06/2024
Badges 6 5
Location Qld

Recent Activities

Yeah I always grab these Maxell 10-packs. much better having the individual strip packs too, not to mention way cheaper. have used them in…
01/06/2024 - 13:26
Got this and a pack of mints for $85 a month ago when big W had the code for $15 off $100 spend. Nobody cares - just reminiscing about my…
29/05/2024 - 15:12
more travel is still a good thing though. if people are getting out and about and using public spaces, enjoying cafes and bars etc when…
26/05/2024 - 22:51
Every professional midnight snacker knows to watch the timer like a hawk, and stealthily pop the door right before the countdown ends!
24/05/2024 - 00:45
I agree having a choice is best. I currently rent, and the shitty dishwasher beeps very loudly and slowly 8 times at the end of cycle. Woke…
24/05/2024 - 00:42
If you don’t forget the food, the repeating chime is not an issue. It only repeats every 1-2 mins.
24/05/2024 - 00:37
having it chime every 2 minutes to remind you is far less annoying than forgetting about the thing you heated and then walked away from.
23/05/2024 - 10:59
it's a great unit. I've had one for years. No issues with wifi, sounds like people have crappy home networks, also the sounds on this…
23/05/2024 - 10:57
literally how universities and bunnings operate! selling stuff that just screams "never mind reality, think of the possibilities".
14/05/2024 - 00:53
That said, businesses who willingly contribute to the IDF and zionist lobby groups are absolutely worth boycotting. Its just important not…
06/05/2024 - 12:37
lint removers are entirely different to fabric / pill shavers. If you try to use a fabric shaver to remove animal hair from your clothes,…
28/04/2024 - 13:11
Don't forget Boomerang Fu
12/04/2024 - 11:33
Kneel before thy amphibious overlord.
03/04/2024 - 19:55
Can’t wait for the Switch 2, for which they will simply re-release every Wii-U game and pretend it’s a new game (again)!
01/04/2024 - 03:40
Haven’t used my march promo listing yet… if i list before end of march and it sells in april, is that still counted for the march promo?
29/03/2024 - 10:06
Remember to consider the opportunity cost of time. Price usually pales in significance by comparison.
28/03/2024 - 01:31
I’ve booked with AB before. Saved a packet. Would do it again. No issues. As others said, it’s a subsidiary of Flight Centre group and…
27/03/2024 - 00:06
Probably not, eh...
26/03/2024 - 18:12
Nothing renews your appreciation for real coffee like having to drink instant for a few days haha.
25/03/2024 - 15:21
It was the best of pies, it was the blurst of pies.
22/03/2024 - 01:17
Lol so i guess 24% meat or less is meat-free 😂
22/03/2024 - 01:14
Varies a lot person to person, and by usage situation. No point having great specs if you can barely see the screen.
22/03/2024 - 01:04
I’m with you usually. I only pay for wty if it’s quite cheap and offers extra level of service not req’d by ACL. I have relied on…
21/03/2024 - 01:39
Good specs apart from brightness. 350nits is pretty crappy. Paid the same price for legion 5 pro in 2021 and even that is 500 nits.
21/03/2024 - 01:34
*"less inconsiderate". Considerate would be rake / broom
20/03/2024 - 15:58
I was in the same boat - modding is usually too much hassle and OCD-inducing. I was surprised at the simplicity of using the FF7 mod…
19/03/2024 - 15:07
It's not the same, but you can put it on 'classic mode' and let the ai do the hack and slash, then just jump in to direct the main attacks,…
18/03/2024 - 14:50
Yeah the sphere grid was ace. FF9 had a cool system as well. Check this out for ff7 as a starting point:…
18/03/2024 - 12:37