massafiri » user profile

Member Since 12/06/2012
Last Seen 07/06/2024
Badges 2
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

You can side-load Kodi if you buy an Apple Dev account.
07/06/2024 - 14:20
Yes It’ll drop CPI by a few percentage points. The RBA makes a decision monthly - if the inflation is lower than target, they will modify…
17/05/2024 - 16:17
This isn’t true. This essentially fudges the numbers for CPI as energy costs make up a “basket of goods” for inflation measures. This…
15/05/2024 - 01:33
Take the $300 you’d save and invest them in solar panels?
15/05/2024 - 01:28
This will fudge the CPI number and will likely lead to a lower interest rate. The goal of the government is to get rates down in anyway…
15/05/2024 - 01:28
The issue is investing long term in infrastructure would likely put upward demand on services. In an inflationary time, the government does…
15/05/2024 - 01:23
I have used it and it's great once you get it right - but damn, is it complex. It's good if you want to copy/deploy the same network config…
18/03/2024 - 00:51
I think it'd come pre-configured as a trunk port so you could run 2Gbps to your uplink from this switch + have a failover if one of the…
18/03/2024 - 00:47
Unifi switches are very cheap when you compare them with other, similarly spec'd switches. Comparing them to home-SMB switches is unfair.…
18/03/2024 - 00:44
Does your Asus router support VLANs? If yes, make one of the ports of your Asus router an "Access" port for that VLAN and that VLAN only.…
18/03/2024 - 00:42
Gates meant that 640kb was enough **at the time** and he does have an interview where he confirms this.
22/12/2023 - 15:45
I'm a male and work in IT. I've seen this discrimination first hand, but I've also seen the "boys club" that enable high-paying roles to be…
27/09/2023 - 01:20
Why would you want to do that? Telstra WiFi uses Meraki with an open network + Splash click through. Even if you could connect (which is…
05/12/2022 - 08:41
Price hike frenzy.
08/11/2022 - 15:55
Every "business" person: If they only scaled their thing-a-majigs to synergise with technical excellence, they would achieve true…
08/11/2022 - 12:24
I left a complaint with CBA - can't believe they endource this horrible NBN provider. Do not - DO NOT bother. They suck. Their night-time…
06/10/2022 - 22:40
It's not worth the $10-$20 per month. Save yourself the headache and constant complaining from your family. I can't play video games…
06/10/2022 - 22:37
I've never charged them using the lightning cable anyway. Wireless always.
05/10/2022 - 23:02
MyRepublic is equally as bad. Superloop was excellent - regret leaving now.
04/10/2022 - 22:12
Looks to have reverted back but Costco now showing stock!
04/10/2022 - 14:44
They would visit the website themselves.. so that's not possible unless you hack their computer - don't do that.
04/10/2022 - 14:41
Hey guys, Reading this Wiki page: It mentions that Physical TCN…
28/08/2022 - 03:12
My teachers taught me how to critically think and find credible evidence. Your teacher is Google "what I want to be true" queries.
06/07/2022 - 01:28
There's hypocrisy on both sides. Bans abortions to save Lives < - > Keeps guns that kill people Fight for individual freedoms < - >…
06/07/2022 - 01:26
A foundation of shit is still shit.
06/07/2022 - 01:21
I purchased a C1 65" @ Good Guys when they had 15% off uncapped cashback, worked out to be about $2,550 after cashback (they were selling…
22/06/2022 - 09:38