Undercut 2241 » user profile

Member Since 04/08/2023
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15% discount coupon is not available anymore, 35% is available tho
08/06/2024 - 17:08
Almost every banking app works fine, [use this site to see…
04/06/2024 - 12:42
you don't have to force yourself to change banks. you can just open an account with every single bank and use them when their promotions…
03/06/2024 - 21:41
Can't believe I paid 2k for a laptop of the same cpu/gpu/ram specs 4 years ago... HP elitebooks are the biggest waste of money ever
31/05/2024 - 19:14
yep, even with coupon code MAYP15 it'll only be at $132.60
23/05/2024 - 16:58
Why cashback ineligible for Uniqlo U? That's all the good stuff :(
23/05/2024 - 02:26
The prices of the outlet shoes I'm looking at hasn't changed yet
14/05/2024 - 01:49
Thanks op, purchased 2kg whey isolate and 250g creatine monohydrate which comes down to $64.08 including the $9.95 delivery. These two…
13/05/2024 - 03:42
Not as good as the tesla one from last year, I'd wait for a better referral before sending to my mates
29/03/2024 - 20:24
using your strawman argument to appeal to emotion doesn't achieve anything ngl. this is a decked out monitor so of course it's going to be…
19/03/2024 - 14:33
Could you provide some more resources and recommendations for anyone interested please
11/03/2024 - 22:42
Referral links can be found on this page > https://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals/coinspot.com.au I'd recommend it even if you have no clue…
02/03/2024 - 01:56
I would just transfer the large videos and such to my laptop or pc
23/02/2024 - 16:17
1TB is enough for most people. Heavy bandwidth users will know if it's not enough for them.
12/02/2024 - 06:39
On [Crinnacle's rankings](https://crinacle.com/rankings/iems/): these IEMs have a rating of C- and a "balanced" sound signature with a…
03/02/2024 - 18:48
Don't download these random proprietary apps. Just because it's a "bargain" doesn't mean it's good. Use crystaldiskinfo for a good open…
23/01/2024 - 21:08
Yes I think I'm stupid, my bad. I'm pretty sure you're right that does make sense. (I read it as 20% of that 75% would be in coupon so only…
18/01/2024 - 15:15
I agree, that's why I specifically included the date and worded it like "my personal experience", "I waited", "I experienced" and…
18/01/2024 - 14:44
don't get buyers remorse, there will always be newer, better performing and better value cards as time goes on. money is already spent just…
18/01/2024 - 14:40
the 4070 super has been benchmarked to be a little lower than the performance of the 4070ti and higher than the 4070 but at a cheaper…
18/01/2024 - 14:37
Sharing my personal experience purchasing from techfast. Ordered 28th Dec 2023. I waited more than 3 weeks (16 business days) for them to…
18/01/2024 - 14:33
poor excuse to not seed
14/01/2024 - 19:34
they said "unassembled shipping is also not available" in the bottom paragraph unfortunately :(
26/12/2023 - 10:48
no unassembled shipping :( i would have bought one if that was available
26/12/2023 - 10:24
I thought this said Outer Wilds for a sec and got so hyped
25/12/2023 - 22:17