xrailgun » user profile

Member Since 13/03/2016
Last Seen 8 hours 53 min
Badges 6 6
Location Brisbane

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> **To be eligible, power-assisted bicycle must:** > - not be fitted with an internal combustion engine. what
20/09/2024 - 14:27
8 hours later, 50+ upvotes, all the comments are about it not working/price jacks/mysteriously vanishing stock. who's upvoting this?
19/09/2024 - 19:45
> Shame it's not 20/22% though it doesn't actually matter? they'd just adjust the jack to reach the same final price anyway.
19/09/2024 - 11:33
> Yeah it would be, but no one actually pays RRP for it. I thought so too, but there was a bunch of shockingly horrible Fold5 "deals"…
19/09/2024 - 11:32
in context, this is borderline a joke post.
18/09/2024 - 14:14
Looking for this as well. Put down my e-mail for a pre-order since it seems commitment-free (for now?), will ask them about delivery dates.…
17/09/2024 - 18:33
you gotta put it in context, 3060 tops the charts at *only 5.36%*.
16/09/2024 - 20:57
jesus that is actually a LOT more than i was expecting. for comparison the community favourite 3060 only has 5.36%. For every 5 3060 users…
16/09/2024 - 20:54
yes, unspeakable things happened when my uncle tried to stack it over a four-dimensional washing machine
16/09/2024 - 20:49
we need to go longer. (3+years) anyone?
16/09/2024 - 20:47
which brand? Red Rooster of course. Also, do you mind sharing the email they responded from?
16/09/2024 - 14:25
Last time a burger came without the meat patty, left so many complaints and feedback forms with photo proof requesting them to contact me…
16/09/2024 - 13:40
spoiled by the 50/30 key drops, the clicks/key ratio on these feel terrible
14/09/2024 - 17:38
something's **clearly** wrong
13/09/2024 - 19:03
IMO, wet (real, non-polymer) sponges all the way. About the same price for a 2-3 pack.
13/09/2024 - 10:41
i jump around between catch, amaysim, or whoever is having promos when I need to switch.
12/09/2024 - 16:24
Correct. Their "minimum" only accounts for the mobile plan.
12/09/2024 - 14:42
$99/month is kinda wild. That's more than my 365-day plan.
12/09/2024 - 14:41
Avoid at all costs. https://goughlui.com/2023/10/10/psa-ssds-with-ymtc-flash-prone-to-failure-check-your-ssds/ I thought I'd be fine, but…
12/09/2024 - 14:32
idk what kind of messed up logic this is, but the state of cars Hyundai pumped out at launch were so completely different from what they're…
11/09/2024 - 23:58
Especially annoying when USA gets most models in 32gb for a very tiny upgrade cost. laptop RAM cost somehow becomes infinite the moment it…
11/09/2024 - 14:03
ozbargainers are out for blood today with the downvotes for a simple question lol. for realsies: the MSI uses a gen older CPU and has much…
11/09/2024 - 00:57
I really don't understand why these threads are full of people who have less than zero clue on the actual costs/duties of importing cars…
10/09/2024 - 19:55