dukeGR4 » user profile

Member Since 22/08/2018
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Location Melbs

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the grind on this game is actually crazy without a premium account, like worse than Warthunder.
20/09/2024 - 15:05
f2.8 constant 200-800? my guy, i won't be surprised if you have to add another zero behind the price
19/09/2024 - 17:44
APS-C native lenses are OK, reasonably priced. For Fujifilm the Fujicrons are fantastic and they retail for around 400-500.
18/09/2024 - 21:45
last i did my research on the Sniper Lineup (for Fuji X). reviewers think they're optically mid compared to native X-mount lenses.
17/09/2024 - 17:13
And true capitalism DOES NOT EXIST in this world. What is the point of talking about capitalism even. You talk as if we're not living in a…
16/09/2024 - 23:10
but Aussie tomato taste wack as. name one local brand that taste as good as Mutti lol
14/09/2024 - 13:05
i mean, Auto mode and AF exist. And tell newbies that smol aperture number = bokeh and they would be able to handle aperture priority mode.…
09/09/2024 - 18:58
bro, you're in the business for 15 years surely you could appreciate the difference in rendering, tonality and also subject separation.
09/09/2024 - 18:48
that is a very good looking car, the wheel fitment is on point.
08/09/2024 - 11:51
shifting the goal post now are we?
08/09/2024 - 11:51
definitely one of the coolest looking gundam
08/09/2024 - 11:36
fastest any nation has risen out of poverty is actually South Korea.
08/09/2024 - 09:51
huhu china bad, chinese company = bad also
02/09/2024 - 14:44
other than the Zony 55mm, i believe all the listed lens are optically inferior to the Lumix S offerings. they're optimised for video…
28/08/2024 - 15:36
I shot my X-Pro 2 in the rain once for the entire day, woke up next day the viewfinder had this fog turned around to have a look - damn…
27/08/2024 - 20:24
I personally prefer the Sigma i-series of lenses. The Lumix S line is too massive + plasticky build. i-series on the other hand- body and…
27/08/2024 - 20:18
i think it's very hard to improve upon the GR3 and they've made it clear they're not going to half-arse the update. my wishlist for the GR…
27/08/2024 - 20:12
I have the Ricoh iiix, the lowlight performance is garbo, anything above 3200 is unusable. IBIS is pretty good, you can do shots at 1/5s.…
27/08/2024 - 20:09
you're kidding to yourself if you think a set up close to 2kg isn't heavy. yes it is light-er but either way, with a telephoto it's kinda…
21/08/2024 - 16:07
i feel like if you're just an enthusiast doing non-paid work it's going to be heavy either way and there's no way around it. in all…
20/08/2024 - 22:47
RE71RS is more hardcore lol, more expensive as well!
20/08/2024 - 22:10
will probably cost peanuts on the used market in years to come
20/08/2024 - 10:17
nah i got my Zony 35mm sonnar through them, they're legit
20/08/2024 - 10:13