
This is an old revision of the document!

Deal Posting Guidelines

Posting deals

The community guidelines are a rough blend of what this site was intended for and the changing attitudes of the community. They have been written to try and help make your experience here more pleasant. Please note these are guidelines and are at the discretion of moderators.

Summary of Guidelines

POST a clear title including price and location. DO NOT post duplicate deals.
DECLARE if you are a merchant or have some relationship with the merchant. DO NOT sockpuppet or artificially vote for your deal.
LINK directly to the deal. NO Adult websites.
CHECK competitors prices before posting. NO Freeware or Free Websites.
MAKE sure there is sufficient quantity. NO Gambling Sites.
BE respectful to others. NO Banned Items or Websites.
REPORT any problems to a MODERATOR. NO Charity Links.
POST only active deals for group buy sites. NO Competitions or private sales.
DEALS that are available to Australia. NO Affiliate Links anywhere. NO Referral Links in the URL field (only description).
COMBINE deals from the same merchant. NO Price Matched or In-store negotiated deals.

Before posting a bargain

No DuplicatesIs your deal the cheapest available?Do not post auctions.Do not post competitions as deals.
  • Did someone else post the deal already? Search for your deal.
  • Is this really the best price on the web? Check for the lowest prices.
  • Is the cost of postage, fees or other costs included?
  • Is this deal available to Australia?
  • Is there enough quantity? Ensure there is adequate quantity.

Do not post the following:

  • Auctions.
  • Competitions or contests within the deal as this detracts from the bargain. More information.
  • Adult sites or adult items. Check banned items.
  • Gambling or Betting websites.
  • Deals that resemble work or a job.
  • Deals available only to staff or employees.
  • Government Programs
  • Crowd Funding Sites
  • Incomparable Services
  • Amazon eBooks & Udemy Courses (If you are associated)

Posting a bargain

Be transparent about why you are posting a deal here:

  • Declare upfront if you have a relationship to the business.
  • Declare upfront if you will benefit from the posting or if someone asked you to post here.
  • If you are affiliated with the company.

If any of the above is true, check the *I am a Store Representative* box.

Search first

Someone else might have already submitted the deal. In that case, vote on the existing deal instead. Duplicated deals will be removed.

There are 3 ways of searching to see if your deal has been posted.

  1. Use the search function to find the product or special you are posting.
  2. See deals by domain to see the recent deal posted from that store.
  3. See product tags to see recent deals posted that are tagged with your product.

Starting Etiquette

  • New users shouldn't write I'm new, don't flame me etc.

For first time posters, it's best to avoid telling the community that you are new and asking them to take it easy on you. The “L-plate icon” will be shown to indicate if this is your first post.

Write a descriptive title & description

Please explain clearly what the deal is about:

  1. State the merchant and product model, and provide a brief description if you wish.
  2. State the price.
  3. State the location (city and state) if it is specific to an area.
  4. If it's a deal for walk in customers, mention that
  5. If shipping is required, state the shipping cost to major Australian cities if this information is available; approximate range is ok if the exact cost is variable or not available. (Store representatives must provide this information - there should be no reason to hide this from potential customers.) At the least, state ”+Shipping”
  6. State any relevant terms & conditions, such as expiry date and any “hidden catches”.
  7. Summarise briefly why it is a bargain - why did you buy it or consider it worth sharing? How does the price compare to elsewhere? Can you comment from personal experience on the quality of the product?
  • Do provide the most relevant details but do not copy pages and pages of specifications from the link.
  • Please use the > sign at the start of any line of text copied from webpages, flyers, etc. The Markdown Markdown Extra syntax will mark this text as a quote (with a left-hand orange border), rather than appearing to be your own words.
  • Each deal should be specific to one store as far as possible. All deals posted for a store are listed on the appropriate store page, and the store page is often used by users to check for duplicates. If you have multiple deals from multiple stores, post them as separate deals so that other users can easily find them by store.
  • Note: If you know someone who works for or owns that business or if someone asks you to post or comment, state this when posting or commenting
  • Store Representatives ensure that any links to your site are both relevant (not unnecessary advertising) and at the bottom of the deal description only.

URL / Link

  • Always link directly to the specific product page. Do not link to the mobile website of a deal, unless the deal is only applicable to the mobile website (happens very rarely) (example here).
  • Do not link to the company's top-level website unless there is no specific page that can be used instead.

Linking to a top-level website, especially when there is a direct link to the product, is often regarded as spam-like conduct and is not welcomed.

  • Do not post affiliate or referral links in the URL.

If you have an affiliate or referral link, please put the URL in the description only. The unaffiliated link that links directly to the specific product should be put in the URL field. More about affiliate links.

  • If the link is from a third-party site like Facebook or Twitter, please complete the Store Domain field (located below the URL field) if it has not been automatically pre-filled.

For example, if you are linking to a promotion for Woolworths that is published on Facebook, enter 'woolworths.com.au' in the Store Domain field.

  • Do not link to a picture.

There is no need to link to a picture on a website. A screenshot will automatically be generated from the URL of the linked website.

Media File Uploader

  • Use the media file uploader only when there is no direct link to the bargain or information supporting the bargain.

The Media File Uploader is not needed in the vast majority of cases. The uploader should only be used for scanned images (e.g. catalogues, flyers, discount barcodes) and photos (e.g. receipts, pricing displays) when there is no webpage or website that could be linked to instead.

If you are using the link generated by Media File Uploader as the URL for a deal, please complete the Store Domain field if it has not been automatically pre-filled.

Special Notes

Limited Quantity

If your deal has limited quantity, please mention it in the description. If the quantity is too small then your deal may be removed. As a guideline, less than 10 quantity of items is not enough for a deal unless the item has a high price.

Questions about Seller

Where a seller is unknown, has very little history to establish a sales history, or there are other problems identifying that the end organisation really is a retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer, the deal might be unpublished or modified. Please also ensure you identify a bargain on your site or don't post until you have a suitable bargain.

Listings on Mass Retailing Sites

If it's a listing on a site such as eBay, quicksales etc please follow all other guidelines to see if the listing should be excluded for any reason.

Remember to consider whether it really is a bargain as compared with stores.

If it still looks okay, next look at the history of the seller. If they've been selling for a while and still seem to be active, the listing is more likely to be allowed.

Multiple Bargains for the Same Site/Store

Think twice if you are posting more than one deal for the same site/store. Are they all really good deals?

It's also possible to post a deal, mentioning the best offer, and mention ”+ more” in the title, then put details of the other bargains in the same posting (along with direct links to those items too)

If more than one post is found for the same site/store per day, some posts may be removed to reduce clutter (especially where postings are not considered bargains).

Price Matching & In-store Negotiations

Some merchants offer Price Match against the same product listed online or in other shops. However, price match itself is not a deal, but rather a method to make a merchant to sell you the same product at a lower price than another merchant's publicly listed price (which is usually the lowest price around).

Therefore, instead of posting the price match as a bargain, the real deal should be from the merchant who is offering the lowest price. Price matching is a bonus, and other members of OzBargain need to arrange their own price match. For example a specific model of HP laptop is cheapest at DickSmith, and you get Officeworks to price match at 5% less. To post this deal:

  • Use the merchant you are price match against. For example:
    • Title: HP Laptop $500 at DickSmith ($475 at Officeworks via Price Match)
    • URL: URL of the product at DickSmith's website.
  • Mention that you are able to use price match at a competing merchant.
  • Remember to have a link to your receipt as a proof that (in this example) Officeworks do allow price matching on this product. Use Media File Uploader if you need to.

In-store negotiated deals are dependent on the store, salesperson and other circumstances. In-store negotiated prices (haggling to receive a further discount on the ticketed price) aren't available to everyone and are not guaranteed. You should post a deal for the ticketed/guaranteed price, you can then add your experience with negotiating further discount in the deal description only. Alternatively you may wish to post your experience in the forums.

Affiliate & Referral Links

Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are not welcome on OzBargain. Many OzBargain members are already using various cashback schemes (e.g. CashRewards) to receive cashback from various affiliate networks. Therefore by using an affiliate link, our members may miss out the chance of getting cashback, which makes your deal more expensive! We also don't want to encourage users sharing low quality deals for the sole purpose of affiliate commissions.

Difference between Affiliate and Referral Links

Main article: Referral and Affiliate Link Differences

  • Referral links or referral codes give referrers credit for the store. We usually allow one referral link at the end of a deal description, but never as the main deal URL.
  • Affiliate links are links that pays affiliates financially. We do not allow affiliate links anywhere in deal or forum posts.

Both referral and affiliate links are not allowed in comments (excluding competition referral links in competition posts).

How to check if a referral link for a store is allowed

  • Is this your first post or has it been 6 weeks since your first post? Users with a or / next to their name on deal posts are not allowed to post referral links or codes.
  • If you are posting a discount code deal AND the site does not allow a referral code to be used in addition to a discount code.
  • If any of the above is true, stop! Referral codes are not allowed anywhere in the deal, not even in the deal description. Otherwise, continue (please note as of April 2015 we DO allow referrals for Group Buy sites).

Steps to take to post a referral link for stores that are allowed:

  • You need to post the non-referral link in the main URL/Link field.
  • You are then allowed to post one referral link at the end of the main post body
  • You are not allowed to draw attention to your referral link by means of applying special formatting to the referral link or the text around it (including bolding).
  • Ensure that you declare and explain your referral link (if the store is not already in the OzBargain referral system). For example,
    • This is my referral link, if you click through and make a purchase I will receive $10 and you will receive $5.
  • The deal title should stand on its own without mentioning any referrals. Any product prices in the title should exclude the referral discount.
  • Your post will be marked by the system as a referral post which places an Referrer tag next to your username.
  • Posts containing referral links are subject to posting limit restrictions.
  • Do not post referral links or codes in the coupon code section. This supports the requirement for the link to be placed at end of text.
  • Do not mention ways to circumvent a sites referral rules - eg multiple sign ups.
  • Do not link to your referral deal elsewhere on OzBargain (forums, comments in other deals).
  • Do not add your referral link to your deal post if it was posted more than 7 days ago.
  • Do not post referral links from a merchant, retailer or service provider different to the one for the main deal.


  • Either put your referral link at the end of the deal description or don't mention it at all - do not solicit referrals.
  • Moderators still hold the right to unpublish offers or remove referral part of the links, if found inappropriate. Requests for removal by the OP will be denied unless there is a sufficient reason.
  • Related article – Affiliation Links on OzBargain. As of 2010, OzBargain is also using affiliation links to guests, i.e. not logged-in members, as part of its monetisation method.

Deals where the referral system is the offer

  • You may post a deal that is for the retailer's referral system, under the basis the referee also earns credit and it has not been posted previously (unless it is a temporary offer that had previously expired) or is already included in the OzBargain referral system.
  • Referral links or codes are not permitted in deals that are for the retailer's referral system (As of March 2016). Create a Referral Wiki Page and add your link or code there (for stores not already in the referral system). See the ZenMarket Referral Deal as an example.
  • In the case of long running referral only deals: All subsequent “announcements” about the referral program shouldn't be posted as new deals, including updates to the referral program. This does not include limited time referral only deals where the previous offer was expired/ended and is now being offered again. You may post a forum topic about any updates to a referral program (with a link to the referral wiki or referral system only).
  • Examples: (1) Airbnb update their refer a friend credit from $32 to $34. As this is a long running referral only deal, updates to the referral program should not be posted as a deal. (2) A Bank has a promotion for the month of April, sign up to a new account and both the referee and referrer receive $50. In July they have the same promotion again - this can be posted as a new deal as it is not a long running referral deal and the previous offer had expired/ended.

Merchants & Store Representative

  • As OzBargain is a community website, deals that you have posted will be judged and voted by our community members. Post when you have a bargain and not just for advertising purposes. Generic advertisements may be removed or may make it difficult for you to post, when you have something that really should be popular. Reps posting deals which are constantly attracting low or negative votes will see their domain banned from posting by the system, as per our performance based store bans.
  • Merchants should note that small reductions, excessive conditions, and other costs related to the deal will NOT be well received. Users will likely vote negative for your deals which in turn leads to performance based store bans.

Price Comparison/Tracking/Product Review Sites

Third-party price comparison/tracking or product review website operators need to follow the Third-Party Website Operator deal posting guidelines in addition to the guidelines here. Deal posts are subject to posting limits.

Overseas Deals

Physical Goods - Only post deals that can be paid for using Australian payment methods. If the deal does not ship to Australia and freight/mail forwarding is required, your deal MUST include the final price including shipping and the name of the freight/mail forwarding company used for the calculations. Deals without a final price will be removed.

Virtual Goods - Some deals require a VPN or similar to access them, including the Hola browser extension. These deals are acceptable but please write clearly in the title 'VPN Required' or similar and give basic instructions in the deal.

Deals in Overseas Countries - Deals available overseas may be applicable to Australians traveling to that destination. Some deals located overseas may not be applicable to the majority of Australians in reasonable circumstances however. Currently only travel/tourist related deals should be posted on OzBargain, these include but are not limited to: Flights, Accommodation, Tours, Airport Facilities/Transport, Special Events (World Cup, Olympics etc) & Communication (Sim Cards, Roaming internet etc). Deals outside of these categories or not realistically applicable to the majority of members may be removed by a moderator. See Discussion

For deals in other currencies, please include both the original currency and the $AU equivalent in the title (if space allows).

Sales, Catalogues and Stores

People generally value their time.

If you know there is a good bargain or two in a sale, catalogue or store, it's a good idea to mention one or even two bargains, in the title, and provide direct links where possible, to those items.

If there are multiple bargains in the same sale, catalogue or store, it is still advisable to post once only. Then multiple items can be listed in the same posting; probably with what looks to be the best or most popular bargains at the top. Multiple postings for the same sale and/or catalogue may be unpublished.

Deal posts that reference a sale, catalogue or store but don't provide enough information to find at least one bargain, may be unpublished. Deal posts that contains ambiguous or non descriptive titles such as 'up to 50% off sale', 'big clearance' or 'sale' may be unpublished unless specific items are mentioned within the deal description OR a dedicated offer/discount such as '50% off sale' is present (preferably in the title).

If someone else has posted items from the same sale or catalogue as you now want to publish from, please post under the other person's listing. If you do post separately, items should be an especially good bargain and you should also link back to the original sale or catalogue post in your separate post. If you are posting a deal using a coupon code from an existing post, please reference that original post in your deal.

Upcoming Deals

Deal posts that reference an upcoming sale or deal without information about any specific offer, or have an unknown/indefinite start date may be unpublished. Please post only when at least a product price or a specific discount is known, and include that in the description. Please note that up to XX% off discounts are not specific discounts.

Airfare Deals

If the airfare is part of an advertised sale, please include both the booking period and travel period. If it is not an advertised sale, please provide at least one sample itinerary that shows the discounted fare as described.

Fuel Deals

Since fuel prices at petrol stations can fluctuate without warning, please post the latest observed fuel prices in the state-specific fuel watch threads in the Automotive forum and not as a deal. However, if there is a special promotion, such as a bigger-than-usual supermarket discount, or a special price with a defined timeframe for which the price is valid, then the promotion can be posted as a deal.

Free Wi-Fi Deals

Due to an increasing number of free Wi-Fi services becoming available in public areas and businesses, these posts are no longer allowed as deals. Please feel free to post any new or existing free Wi-Fi locations in the Australian forum or Overseas forum.

Group Buy Deals

Group buy sites such as Jumponit & Scoopon sell their items after reaching a certain number of people who agree to buy their items.

  • Only deals that are active are allowed to be posted on Ozbargain. A deal is considered active when a user goes to purchase the deal and their sale is immediately finalised. A deal is inactive when a site requires X amount of people for the purchase to go through and that number hasn't been reached. (e.g. 35 bought, 65 more required to get the deal)
  • Please remember to include the state that the deal is applicable to (e.g. $49 for a $100 Dinner Voucher & a Bottle of Wine at Example Restaurant [NSW])
  • As of September 2015 eBay group deals are EXEMPT from these guidelines.

What Should Not Be Posted


Don't post duplicates (deals that are already on the site). Please search OzBargain before posting.


  • The original deal is older than one month, and was expired or sold out between then and now.
  • The original deal is active but older than 6 months.
  • The duplicate gains an excessive amount of positive votes (50+) and reaches the front page.

Note if the expiry date is not specified on a deal post, our system will automatically expire the deal after 45 days (90 days for freebies). It is the posters responsibility to set an expiry date or report the deal to have it not auto expire.

These exceptions do not apply to long running deals where the referral system is the offer.


Don't post auctions.


Competitions are not deals, so please do not post competitions, contests or anything that only a small number who have registered might win. Please do not run contests or competitions within deals as they detract from the bargain. If you have a competition that you wish to share with other members at OzBargain, feel free to post in our competitions section.

Private Sales

Private sales are not deals. Should you wish to sell personal items please use the classified section. Note that only long standing or contributing members can post in this section. More information.

Free Multimedia Content & Websites

There are so many useful free multimedia content (e.g. ebooks, videos, photos, software, apps etc.) and websites out there that if we listed every great one, then we would be inundated with deals. Feel free to discuss any of these in one of our forums. Alternatively, add the freeware to its dedicated free software wiki page – Useful Free Software.

In general, multimedia content that are always free and available to everyone should be posted in the forums, but if something that was not previously free is offered free temporarily or permanently, it qualifies as a deal. In some cases, decisions on whether a post should stay as a deal or be moved to a forum post is at moderators discretion. As this is an evolving subject, community feedback is welcomed in our Site Discussion forum.

Examples of what you shouldn't post:

  • Software: Mozilla Firefox (Free Browser, Always Free)
  • Websites: Google (Free Search Engine, Always Free)

Examples of what you should post:


Just like free software and freeware, there are many great charities out there. Charity deals where the user receives nothing in return are not a bargain but feel free to post any charities or good causes on the forums.

18+ Only Sites

Sites with adult themes should not be posted on OzBargain.

Too many deals

Store representative posting limits:

  • 1 deal per 24 hours
  • 2 deals per 7 days - provided the votes on past deals are not too low. This can be reduced to 1 deal per 7 days if past votes are low.
  • If the past 2 rep posts for the domain made the front page (20+ votes), the representative is allowed an extra post per week, making it 3 deals per 7 days.

See posting limits for details.

User posting limits:

Frequency New Users Regular Users
5 Minutes 1 1
1 Hour 1 2
6 Hours 2 4
24 Hours 3 10

If users or representatives are found to be posting a high number of deals garnering negative votes, you may be put in the penalty box.

Gambling / Betting Deals

Deals which involve betting and/or gambling should not be posted.

While discussions on betting and/or gambling may be discussed in the forums, moderators reserve the right to remove them at their discretion.

Jobs / Work

Jobs or deals that resemble paid work are not bargains.

Staff Deals

Deals available only available to staff members (e.g. Woolworths) are not permitted to be posted as a deal. Feel free to post a thread in the forums.

Government Programs

Generally, government deals should be posted to the forums. A deal is a cost saving measure (e.g. free public transport) and shouldn't be income producing (e.g. receive Centrelink payments). Discussion

Crowd Funding Sites

Crowd funding or kickstarter posts are usually unreleased products with no guaranteed delivery, they are therefore not suitable for OzBargain. Should you find an interesting product via one of these sites you are welcome to discuss it in the Forum.

Incomparable Services

The following services are not suitable for OzBargain due to their ambiguous nature, posting such incomparable deals has usually ended with unsatisfactory results for both members & businesses/reps. Discussion

  • Web Design & SEO Services
  • Discounted Facebook Advertising
  • Photo Shoots / Videography
  • Resume/CV Services
  • Assignment/Writing Services
  • Social Media Management Services

Amazon eBooks & Udemy Courses (Excludes Regular Members)

Due to the number of Amazon eBook and Udemy course 'rep' posts of questionable qualities, only regular members are permitted to post deals for them. Friends and family of authors/instructors/reps are also not permitted to post them. eBook Discussion

If you are an instructor/rep and would like to post a Udemy course, you can and may only do so in this thread.