More comments, less moderation - More comments, the slower the moderators act, due to pageviews. (Fact Check: Moderation time depends on the availability of moderators and if the issue requires discussion. Advertising has no effect on moderation)
Anti-China - Anti-Chinese comments not allowed. (Fact Check: False.)
Etsy Bans OzBargain - Etsy will ban sellers if they detect traffic from OzBargain. (Fact Check: No proof or logic to the theory)
Star Wars Bans - User believes they were banned for Star Wars quote. (Fact Check: Was nothing to do with Star Wars, unrelated hate speech)
BLM Treatment - User believes BLM posts are treated differently. (Fact Check: False. Always free posts moved to forum.)
77th Brigade - User believes 77th Brigade's Australian division is spreading misinformation, negging comments and personal attacks of all which moderators are in cahouts. (Fact Check: No detection of this group.)
Politics $ - User believes moderators allow religious & political discussion for money. (Fact Check: Moderation policies have no relation to revenue)
Dealbot Posts > than others - User and voters believe that Dealbot deals are treated differently than others (Fact Check: Explained that this deal has examples & previous dealbot posts + others were removed.)