Voting Guidelines

Positive Vote No vote Report button Negative Vote
The deal is good The deal doesn't apply to you Incorrect title The deal is not the cheapest available
You are associated with the poster Incorrect description Issue with product
You are a competitor of the poster Out of Stock or Expired Issue with retailer
You dislike the OP's avatar Should be posted to forums
You dislike the RRP of the product (not the actual price) SPAM
Incorrect URL or Coupon
Error with Deal

Positive Vote

If you are associated with the poster or company DON'T VOTE. Friends, family, employees, shareholders, media relations, developers, contractors, affiliates, marketers and similar are not to vote on related deals. Infractions will lead to account bans, store bans and the post being removed.

No Vote

(eg employee, owner, marketer, website developer, supplier, in a relationship with someone in the business)


The Report button is an additional tool provided to all members to assist in quickly identifying inappropriate posts and comments.

The Report button can be found underneath each deal, forum post and comment. You will find a number of reasons that you can choose such as:

For more complex issues, use the Talk with a Moderator forum.

Negative Vote


How to cast a negative vote:

Result of negative vote(s):

When negative votes are revoked:

Note: If too many negative votes are revoked for a user, this will result in the loss of negative voting abilities for up to 90 days.

If you spot an invalid vote (from the below list):

Appropriate uses of negative vote

Inappropriate uses of negative vote

Any negative vote that falls into the following reasons will be deemed invalid and revoked by a moderator. Negative votes for other reasons will not be removed.