Polls are part of the discussion forums, where the OP of a discussion topic can create. They can be used to ask other members of OzBargain for opinions, by providing a list of possible options where other members can vote on.
A typical use of polls is “help me to choose between <option A>, <option B> and <option C>” kind of question, where a poll of 3 options can be created. Other members can then vote on one of the 3 options.
Currently, any user that can create forum discussion topics can create polls. That means users in penalty boxes won't be able to create polls (except polls in the Talk with a Moderator forum).
Use the following instructions to create polls.
Do note that once a poll has been submitted, it cannot be changed. In order to change the poll (having mistakes, adding/removing an option, etc), please use the Report button to contact the moderators.
Currently all users except those in penalty box can vote on polls, provided that