====== Popular OzBargain Memes ====== ===== Bikies ===== {{https://files.delvu.com/images/ozbargain/bikiesmemesmall.jpg?300 }} ===About=== In the mid-2010s, biker gangs or bikies were often in the news. Bikies were thought to be used as an option to settle disagreements hence the meme of bikies as an option to resolve a matter is often referenced in OzBargain culture. ===Origin=== Biker gangs or bikies have long been a part of Australian news coverage. According to [[https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all_2008&geo=AU&gprop=news&q=bikies&hl=en-AU|Google Search trends]], bikies mentioned in news articles were at peak popularity in October 2013. During this time period, the media was oversaturated with daily biker gang news. {{https://files.delvu.com/images/ozbargain/bikies-Explore-Google-News-Trends.png?615 }} The first use of "bikies" was on January 1, 2014 by strangeloops66 in reply to a comment from kronicmacstigator: >The joys of having to go to court… >Can't book :( Would of loved to have gone. Ah well, for $200 I can get free meals/bed on the tilt train to Cairns anyway.' //kronicmacstigator // >[[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/1799194/redir|Juror, lawyer or bikie?]] //strangeloops66// ===Spread=== By September of 2014, use of the term bikies was in the OzBargain vernacular: >The consensus of comments isn't really consistent with high purely positive votes. Maybe there needs to be another option. //tomwood// >[[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/2258713/redir|The other option is usually bikies.]] //Baysew // ---- * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/824705|Deal: Vintage Leather Biker Jacket $249 Delivered @ Superdry]] >[[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/14807831/redir|Bikies]] //elgrande// >[[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/14807880/redir|OzBargain bikie gang on a budget? We can rock up on Segway Ninebot scooters.]] //sobriety22// ---- As of 12/1/24, "bikies" appear in 2,140 Google Search results from OzBargain. ==Options in Polls== * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/319542|What's the safest part of Western Sydney? Bikies?]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/802612|Customer Had Car Accident and Sent Letter of Demand. At Fault Party Won't Take Receipt]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/765079|Charging My EV in a Charging Bay. Parked in by Truck Driver, Asked Him to Move. AITA?]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/681367|Tas Uni Has Compromised My Personal Phone Number]] ==2023 Competition== OzBargain ran a competition: [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/803478|Show off Your OzBargain Gang Sign and Win Cash Prizes (Total $2,500) and OzBargain "Bikies" T-Shirt]]. The competition introduced 2023's OzBargain t-shirts which referenced the bikies theme in polls. {{https://files.delvu.com/images/competitions/ozbgangsign/terrorising-the-shop.jpg?600 }} ==Mentions on Other Sites== [[https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/12z3zir/where_have_all_the_bikies_gone/|Reddit Brisbane: Where have all the bikies gone?]] >Too busy chasing up kients on ozbargain =====Professionals===== * Boxing day sales 2012 led to hundreds of people snapping up tablets at an incorrect price. * Jerry Harvey wasn't pleased, calling it the work of "professionals". > "It went up as a mistake around midnight and by 4am our people were alerted to it," Mr Harvey said. > But not before about 300 people snapped up 1600 of the bargain tablets, according to Mr Harvey, who said it was the work of professionals, not everyday consumers. > "It was obviously a mistake and they knew it," he said. [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/89421|Source]] =====Public BBQ===== * About =====High Yield Investments===== * About