====== List of Price Comparison Sites and Apps====== Please list only **price comparison sites or apps** in alphabetical order, sorted by category. A price comparison site should have * A search engine to allow you to search for products * Price lists of matched product(s) in sorted order from multiple merchants ==== General / Shopping ==== * [[https://aussieamazondeals.com.au/| Aussie Amazon Deals]] - Shows price drops from Amazon.com.au for various categories, updated couple times a day. * [[https://www.buywisely.com.au/| BuyWisely]] * [[http://camelcamelcamel.com/| CamelCamelCamel]] - Amazon price tracker (for 9 different countries) * [[https://www.cashbackcompare.com.au| CashbackCompare]] - Compare cashback offers from cashback sites and payment providers * [[https://compareclub.com.au/|Compare Club]] - Health Insurance, Energy, Life Insurance, Home Loans, Credit cards, Car Insurance, Car Loans, Personal Loans * [[https://www.fabtastic.com.au|FABTASTIC]] - Multi Brand Shopping Search and Price Comparison. * [[http://www.getprice.com.au/|GetPrice]] * [[https://www.google.com.au/shopping|Google Product Search]] * [[https://lowerspendings.com|lowerSpendings]] - Price tracker for hundreds of Australian stores * [[https://pricehipster.com|Price Hipster]] - Price tracker for Amazon.com.au and hundreds of other Australian stores. * [[https://www.priceme.com.au/|PriceMe Australia]] - Product Search and Price Comparison. * [[https://www.redticket.com.au | RedTicket]] - Price History and Deals * [[http://www.saveenergysavemoney.com.au | Save Energy Save Money ]] - Compares running costs for various household items. * [[http://www.shopbot.com.au/|ShopBot]] * [[https://www.wayyti.com| Wayyti]] – A personal price tracker with search, tracking, and push notification alerts for Android and iPhone, covering most online retailers in Australia and worldwide. Users can also earn points and rewards. * [[https://wispri.com.au | Wispri]] - General price tracking & alerting (via Email and SMS) with chrome plugin for Australia based online shopping sites. * [[https://zyft.com/| Zyft]] ==== Alcohol ==== * [[http://www.wine-searcher.com|Wine-Searcher]] * [[http://winewatcher.com.au/|Wine Watcher]] * [[https://www.grogprices.com.au/|GrogPrices]] ==== Automotive==== * **Vehicle Rental Prices** * [[http://camperchamp.com.au|Camper Champ]] - compare campervan rentals * [[http://www.crazycarhire.com.au/|Crazy Car Hire]] * [[http://www.driveaway.com.au/|DriveAway Holidays]] * [[http://www.drivenow.com.au/|DriveNow]] (including one way campervan relocation) * [[http://www.vipcars.com//|VIP Cars]] * [[http://www.vroomvroomvroom.com.au/|VroomVroomVroom]] - car hire * [[http://www.webcarhire.com|WebCarHire]] * **Fuel Prices** * [[http://fuelwatch.wa.gov.au|FuelWatch WA]] - **WA Govt** official fuel price comparison website. Prices submitted by suppliers under government regulation. * [[http://motormouth.com.au/pricesearch.aspx/|MotorMouth]] - Compare Fuel Prices between **Metropolitan** Service Stations * [[http://motormouth.com.au/countryprices.aspx/|MotorMouth]] - Compare Fuel Prices between **Regional Areas** * [[https://petrolspy.com.au/map/|Petrol Spy]] - User submitted fuel prices for all of Australia. In QLD includes supplier submitted prices [[https://www.dnrme.qld.gov.au/energy/initiatives/fuel-price-reporting-trial|regulated under QLD Government]] * [[https://fuelcheck.nsw.gov.au/app/download|Fuel Check NSW App]] - **NSW Government** official fuel price comparison app. Prices submitted by suppliers under government regulation. * [[https://www.comparethemarket.com.au/fuel/|Compare the Market Fuel - Web & App]] - Utilises all available official government sources and includes crowd-sourced information to enhance accuracy in non-regulated states * **Car Purchases** * [[https://www.motorscout.com.au/|MotorScout]] * [[http://carloop.com.au/|carloop]] ==== Beauty ==== * [[http://www.mybeautycompare.com.au/|MyBeautyCompare]] - [**Inactive**] Beauty, makeup, skincare from Major Physical Retailers * [[https://skindex.com.au/?utm_source=ozbargain&utm_content=link&utm_medium=wiki/|Skindex]] - Asian skincare from major Australian & International retailers. Working on adding more western brands, currently its heavily focused on Asian Beauty. ==== Board Games ==== * [[https://www.boardgameoracle.com/en-AU/|Board Game Oracle]] * [[http://www.boardgamesearch.com.au/|BoardGamesSearch]] * [[http://ozgamefinder.com/|OzGameFinder]] *Appears to be defunct ==== Books ==== * [[http://www.abebooks.com/docs/ANZ|AbeBooks]] -- huge range of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books. * [[http://www.booko.com.au/|Booko]] - Books and DVDS. * [[http://www.bookfinder.com|Bookfinder]] - books (lists abebooks listings & more overseas sites than booko does at times. worth checking at the same time as booko.com.au) -- Ability to search for pre-ISBN books (which booko can not do). Specialised searches for signed books, first editions and textbooks. ==== Chemists & Pharmacies==== [[http://www.chemistcompare.com.au/|ChemistCompare]] - [**Inactive**] Compare prices between major brick and mortar chemists & pharmacies. ==== DVDs ==== * [[http://booko.com.au/|Booko]] - Can also be used on Books and DVDs ==== Electricity & Gas ==== * [[https://wattever.com.au/compare/|Wattever]] Compares Electricity and Gas prices around Australia * [[https://billhero.com.au|Bill Hero]] - 'Savings as a Service', personalised comparison on every electricity and gas bill, covers all energy retailers and plans across VIC, NSW, ACT, QLD, SA, TAS * [[http://comparebear.com.au/power|CompareBear]]- Compare electricity and gas retailers * [[http://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au|Energy Made Easy]] - a government resource * [[http://www.electricitywizard.com.au|ElectricityWizard]] - Compare electricity and gas retailers in VIC, NSW, SA & QLD * [[http://www.energywatch.com.au/ |Energy Watch]] - * [[https://www.findmyrates.com.au/energy/compare-electricity-rates/|FindMyRates]] - Compare electricity retailers in Australia * [[http://www.goswitch.com.au/|GoSwitch]] * [[https://grouply.co/energy|Grouply]] - Compare all residential electricity & gas deals in Australia * [[http://www.makeitcheaper.com.au/|Make It Cheaper]] * [[https://www.uchoose.com.au/|Uchoose]] -- Compare gas and electricity rates in VIC, NSW, QLD and SA * [[https://compare.switchon.vic.gov.au/|Victorian Energy Compare]] - VIC Government Website comparing all electricity and gas plans for Victoria * [[http://youcompare.com.au/energy|You Compare]] * [[https://electricityandgas.com.au/|Electricity and Gas]] ==== Electronics & Computers ==== * [[https://www.staticice.com.au/|StaticICE]] * [[https://whatphone.com.au/|WhatPhone]] // Compare mobile plans and deals from all Australian carriers// * [[https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1572741| Whirlpool Compare Mobile Plans (All Carriers) Spreadsheet]] ==== Fashion ==== * [[http://fashionlane.com.au/|Fashion Lane]] Price comparison website for fashion shoppers ==== Financial ==== * [[https://www.pointhacks.com.au|PointHacks.com.au]] * [[https://www.bestexchangerates.com/au|BestExchangeRates.com]] * [[https://www.finder.com.au/|Finder.com.au]] * [[https://www.canstar.com.au/|Canstar]] * [[https://compareclub.com.au/|Compare Club]] * [[https://www.creditcard.com.au/|Creditcard.com.au]] * [[https://www.infochoice.com.au|InfoChoice]] * [[https://mozo.com.au/|Mozo]] * [[https://www.ratecity.com.au/|RateCity]] * [[https://www.reservoirfinance.com.au/home-loan-cash-back-offers/|Reservoir Finance]] - List of current home loan cashback offers * [[https://www.whistleout.com.au/|WhistleOut]] * [[https://www.ratecomparison.com.au/|Rate Comparison]] - Home loan mortgage broker * [[https://www.homeloancashback.com.au/|Home Loan Cash Back]] -- Home Loan Cashback Mortgage Broker ==== Flights & Travel ==== * [[https://www.beatthatflight.com.au/|Beat That Flight]] - Cheap travel deals for Australians * [[http://www.compareandchoose.com.au|Compare and Choose]] -- Campervans * [[http://www.skyscanner.com.au/|Skyscanner]] -- Budget & Full Service flight search * [[https://www.flightscout.co/au/|Flight Scout]] - powered by Skyscanner * [[https://www.google.com/flights/|Google Flights]] * [[http://matrix.itasoftware.com//|ITA Software]] Google's flight search allowing for more complex routing. * [[http://iwantthatflight.com.au/|I Want That Flight]] - Concentrates on Australia. * [[http://www.kayak.com/|Kayak]] * [[http://www.momondo.com.au/|momondo]] * [[https://www.rome2rio.com|Rome2Rio]] * [[http://www.webjet.com.au/|Webjet]] * [[https://jetseeker.com.au/|Jet Seeker]] Cheap flights for Australian Travellers * [[http://www.kiwi.com|Kiwi.com]] Cheap flight scanner (check budget airlines first) ==== Fuel ==== * [[http://fuelmap.com.au/|FuelMap]] * [[https://www.gasbuddy.com/|GasBuddy]] * [[https://motormouth.com.au/|MotorMouth]] * [[https://petrolspy.com.au/|PetrolSpy]] * [[https://www.racq.com.au/car/fair-fuel-prices|RACQ Fair Fuel Finder]] ==== Groceries ==== ^ App ^ Coles ^ Woolies ^ ALDI ^ IGA ^ Android ^ iOS ^ Web ^ | [[https://www.frugl.com.au|frugl]] |✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|❌| | [[https://grocerize.com.au/browse|Grocerize]] |✔️|✔️|❌|❌|❌|❌|✔️| | [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codylab.halfprice|Half Price]] |✔️|✔️|❌|❌|✔️|❌|❌| | [[https://pricehipster.com|Price Hipster]] |❌|❌|❌|❌|❌|❌|✔️| | [[https://www.joinsmartcart.com.au/|Smart Cart]] |✔️|✔️|❌|❌|✔️|✔️|❌| | [[https://www.wayyti.com|Wayyti]] |✔️|✔️|❌|✔️|✔️|✔️|❌| | [[https://www.whichgrocer.com|WhichGrocer]] |✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|❌|❌|✔️| | [[https://www.wiselist.app/grocery-list/|WiseList]] | ✔️ | ✔️ |✔️|❌|✔️|✔️|❌| | [[https://zyft.com/|Zyft]] |✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️|✔️| ==== Health ==== * [[https://hawttt.com.au/|Hawttt]] - Compare prices of sexual health products across all major online retailers * [[https://lenshop.au/|Lenshop]] - Contact Lenses * [[https://lensprice.com.au/|Lensprice.com.au]] - Compares Contact Lens Prices across more than 10 Australian online sellers * [[https://mobilitymate.au/|Mobility Mate]] - Compare Mobility Aids and Equipment ==== Insurance ==== Government Sites: * [[http://prices.maa.nsw.gov.au/|NSW Motor Accidents Authority]] - NSW Green Slip Vehicle Insurance and Comparison Calculator. * [[http://privatehealth.gov.au|PrivateHealth.gov.au]] - Australian Government site showing every policy available from every Health Fund. Industry Site: * [[https://www.findaninsurer.com.au|Find An Insurer]] - Website to find an insurer that may cover you, useful if you get knocked out by an insurance company. Retail Sites: * [[http://www.compareinsurance.com.au/|Compare Insurance]] -- Covers Travel, Health, Life, Pet and Car Insurance. * [[https://www.makescents.com.au/life-insurance/|MakesCents Life Insurance Comparison]] -- Compare Life Insurance quotes online from up to 14 different providers. * [[http://www.comparetravelinsurance.com.au/|Compare Travel Insurance]] * [[https://www.comparingexpert.com.au/|ComparingExpert]] - Compares life insurance & health insurance in Australia. * [[http://www.comparethemarket.com.au/|Compare The Market Insurance]] -- Covers Energy, Travel, Health, Life, Home and Car Insurance. * [[https://www.healthinsurancecomparison.com.au/|Health Insurance Comparison]] - Compare hundreds of different Private Health Insurance policies from multiple providers * [[https://www.insurancewatch.com.au/life-insurance.html|Insurance Watch]] -- Online quotes and customer reviews for Life insurance, Trauma insurance and Income Protection insurance * [[http://www.irefund.com.au/|iRefund]]-- Cash Back Mortgage Broker & Insurance Services * [[http://www.iselect.com.au/|iSelect]] -- Health, Life and Car Insurance * [[https://www.keepinsuranceco.com.au/|Keep Insurance Co]] -- Life, TPD, Income Protection and Trauma. Quote, compare and apply - all online. * [[http://www.travelinsurance.com.au/|Travelinsurance.com.au]] * [[https://www.lifeinsurancecomparison.com.au/|Life Insurance Comparison]] - Quotes for life insurance, income protection, trauma and total permanent disability. * [[https://www.incomeshield.com.au/|Income Shield]] - Income protection quotes * [[https://www.makescents.com.au/health-insurance/|MakesCents Health Insurance Comparison]] -- Compare Health Insurance quotes online from multiple insurers. ==== Internet ==== * [[https://www.findmyrates.com.au/broadband-plans/compare-broadband-plans|FindMyRates]] - Compare Broadband Plans for your family * [[http://www.adsl2exchanges.com.au/|ADSL2+ Exchanges]] * [[https://www.finder.com.au/nbn-tracker/map|NBN map and closest node]] * [[http://comparebear.com.au/internet|CompareBear]]- Compare Broadband Plans for your Home * [[http://www.comparebroadband.com.au/|Compare Broadband]] * [[https://www.whistleout.com.au/Broadband|WhistleOut]] * [[https://www.finder.com.au/broadband-plans|Finder]] * [[https://www.ratecity.com.au/nbn|RateCity]] ==== Pet ==== * [[https://99petshops.com.au|99PetShops]] - Compare pet supplies from over 70 Australian pet shops. ==== Video Games ==== * [[https://gg.deals/|Games on Sale]] //Best Comparision Site I use for games// * [[http://cdkeyprices.com/|CDKeyPrices]] * [[http://www.gameserverhost.net/|Game Server Host]] //Compare prices for game server and VoIP server rentals// * [[http://isthereanydeal.com/au/?set¤cy=AUD|IsThereAnyDeal]] * [[https://gamedeals.com.au/|Gamedeals.com.au]] //Checks for price drops on console games (PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch) couple times a day. Lot like "IsThereAnyDeal".// * [[https://www.dekudeals.com/|Deku Deals]] //Tracks the prices of Nintendo Switch games on the eShop and Amazon.// ===== China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau===== See wiki page [[list_of_buying_sites#Chinese Price Comparison Sites|List of Cheap Chinese Online Buying sites]]. ===== EU ===== ==== Electronics & Computers ==== * [[http://compare.eu/|Geizhals Preisvergleich]] ==== Greece ==== * [[https://www.skroutz.gr/|Skroutz]] * [[https://www.bestprice.gr/|Bestprice]] ===== USA ===== ==== Furniture ==== * [[https://www.spoken.io/|Spoken]] ==== General / Shopping ==== * [[http://www.bizrate.com/|Bizrate]] * [[http://www.mysimon.com/|My Simon]] ===== UK ===== ==== Gaming ==== * [[https://bestvideogamedeals.co.uk/|Bestvideogamedeals.co.uk]] ===== Related Pages ===== * [[help:price_comparison_site|Guide for Price Comparison Website Operators]] * [[http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=906282|Price comparison sites on Whirlpool Forums]]