====== Freebies & deals for babies, newborns & children. ====== ==== Financial ==== [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/850707|Open a Bump Savings Account (under 18 Year Olds, New Account Only) & Deposit Minimum $100 in 30 Days for a $30 Bonus @ Westpac]] ==== Formula & Milk ==== * [[https://www.oli6.com/request-a-sample/|Free Oli6 Toddler or Junior Drink sample]] * [[https://natureonedairy.com/free-sample/australia/|Free Nature One Formula Milk]] ==== Nappies ==== * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/718747|Free Baby Love Nappies Sample]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/451393|Free Huggies Little Swimmers Disposable Swim Pants Sample]] ==== Misc ==== * [[https://www.baobag.com.au/about#find-a-bag|Free Bao Bag (Baby Products and Samples) @ Participating Pharmacies and Hospitals]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/830848|Free Bounty Bag (Baby Products and Samples) @ Participating Pharmacies and Hospitals]] * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/777895|Receive 1 of 4 Free Packs with $39 Spend on Eligible Baby Items + 10% off (15% for Prime Members) on Wishlist Items @ Amazon AU]] * [[https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/kidsfamilies/MCFhealth/child/Pages/baby-bundle.aspx| [NSW] Free Baby Bundle Bag for NSW Residents]] * Join your local [[https://buynothingproject.org/|Buy Nothing group]] to get and give freebies. Baby stuff is very common!