====== Tips and Hints ====== This page is a collection of tips and hints about OzBargain. Please see [[getting started|Getting Started]] for more detailed information about discovering, sharing, voting for, and discussing the latest deals, promotions and freebies. There's also a page for [[faq]]. ==== Icons and Symbols ==== Sometimes you will see these icons next to a **user's name**: * {{http://www.ozbargain.com.au/files/images/vote-up-btn.png}} -- user voted positive for the deal * {{http://www.ozbargain.com.au/files/images/vote-down-btn.png}} -- user voted negative for the deal * {{help:l-plate.png?}} -- first deal posted by the user * {{help:red-p-plate.png?}} -- began posting 2 weeks ago or less * {{help:green-p-plate.png?}} -- began posting 6 weeks ago or less * {{help:rep.png?}} -- the user is a representative for this store * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/thirdparty.png}} -- the user has posted a link to a third-party site in the description * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/associated.png}} -- the user is associated with the business (employee, some relationship with store) * {{help:mod.png?}} -- OzBargain moderator Hover the cursor over a symbol to see what it means. The following graphics appear on each **deal page**: * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/sharedeal.png}} -- allows you to quickly send the deal via email, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and a host of other options. * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/tag.png}} -- tags associated with the deal * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/freebie.png}} -- appears if the deal is a freebie * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/expiry.png}} -- the expiry date (unless expired) * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/expired.png}} //**Expired**// -- appears if the deal has expired * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/reportlink.png}} //Report// -- allows you to report the deal to the moderators * {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/subscribe.png}} //Subscribe// -- subscribe to the current thread. ==== Searching ==== OzBargain has a search box at the top right of every page. Add ''sort:created'' to sort the results in date order. For example: camera sort:created **Note:** The search box on Wiki pages will only search the OzBargain Wiki. Return to the main page to search the rest of OzBargain. ==== Formatting text ==== Comments in OzBargain support **bold**, //italic// and [[http://www.ozbargain.com.au|hyperlinked text]]. Of course you can **//[[http://www.ozbargain.com.au|combine]]//** all of these. Other web addresses are automatically converted into links (e.g. http://www.ozbargain.com or www.ozbargain.com). Comments in OzBargain support **bold**, *italic* and [hyperlinked text](http://www.ozbargain.com.au). Of course you can ***[combine](http://www.ozbargain.com.au)*** all of these. Other web addresses are automatically converted into links (e.g. http://www.ozbargain.com or www.ozbargain.com). For more information please see [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/128793|this Ozbargain tutorial post.]] ==== Reporting comments and deals ==== If you see comments that [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:commenting_guidelines|violate our commenting guidelines]] such as being offensive, inappropriate, a personal attack, etc, please click on the //Report// button beneath the comments to alert a moderator. It you see problems with deal posts, please click on the //Report// button beneath the deal descriptions to alert a moderator. You can choose from a list of common problems and then give an explanation. * Duplicate * Expired/Sold Out * In Stock/Available Again * Illegal/Banned Item * Inaccessible to Australians * Insufficient Quantity (<10 Items) * Referral/Affiliate * [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:sockpuppeting|Sockpuppeting]] * Spam * Targeted Offer * Title/Description/Category * Other For uncommon problems, please choose //Other// reason and give an explanation. For more complex issues, you can contact a moderator via the private [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/forum/10041|Talk with A Moderator forum.]] ==== Subscribe to a thread ==== Click //Subscribe// to receive notifications when new comments are added to the thread. The button is located at the top right corner at the top of the comments section. {{https://files.delvu.com/images/shared/subscribe.png}} The available subscription options are: * **all comments** - this will include every comment in that thread, including all nested comments. * **replies to my comments** - this will only include direct replies to your comments in the thread * **top-level comments + replies to my comments** - this will include all top-level comments and direct replies to your comments in the thread * **no notifications** There is also an //Auto-subscribe// setting in the user settings (//My Account - Subscriptions//) where you can set your default subscription option. The system will use this setting when you post a new thread or post your first comment in a thread to determine if you should be subscribed and when to notify you. If you have never set your default subscription option, the system will automatically subscribe you with the **replies to my comments** option at this point. When you create a Talk to A Moderator forum topic, where you will be automatically subscribed to all comments, regardless of your auto-subscribe notification option. You can //Unsubscribe// from individual threads that you have subscribed to by clicking on the same button and selecting the **No notifications** option at any time. You can view all your current thread subscriptions at //My Account - Subscriptions//.