====== Commenting and Deal Formatting ======
We often get queries about how to perform certain functions on OzBargain such as posting a deal, making a comment, creating a table, reminders, etc. Feel free to ask a question or try out code [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/128793|in this thread]]
==== Guides ====
Commenting and posting in deals & forum posts utilizes the markdown and markdown extra system. The system is used by other popular websites such as [[https://reddit.com/|Reddit]].
[[http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax|Official Markdown]]
[[http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/|Official Markdown Extra]]
You can also find formatting help at the bottom of every comment box.
==== Formatting ====
^ Task ^^ Code ^^ Example ^
| Bold | | %%**theword**%% | | **theword** |
| Italic | | %%*theword*%% | | //theword// |
| Strike-through | | ~~theword~~ | | theword |
H1 (big text):
**Quoting text: ** >theword
You can also nest quotations.
>first line of quote
>>second line of quote
>first line of quote
>>second line of quote
Ordered lists (bullet points)
* First item
* Second item
* First Item
* Second Item
Make sure there is a line break (e.g. hit Enter) before & after markup.
==== Links ====
URLs are automatically converted to links.
However, you can link a website to words.
Code: [Title of Link](http://www.google.com)
Example: [[http://www.google.com|Title of Link]]
Different link colours:
Tables can be useful for long lists of items such as a [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/100137|weekly supermarket sale list.]]
| Header | Header | Right |
| Cell | Cell | $10 |
| Cell | Cell | $20 |
^ Header ^ Header ^ Right ^
| Cell | Cell | $10 |
| Cell | Cell | $20 |
If you don't want to go through and create tables manually, you can use the [[http://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables#|Markdown Tables generator]] which allows you to create markdown tables through a simple copy + paste GUI.
====Other Markdown====
**A line or horizontal rule
**A definition list:
Bottled water
: $ 1.25
: $ 1.55 (Large)
Bottled water
$ 1.25
$ 1.55 (Large)
**Code blocks such as ones shown above: ** Code:
`code here`
code here
**Footnotes if needed:
That's some text with a footnote.[^1]
[^1]: And that's the footnote.
That's some text with a footnote. ((And that's the footnote.))