WB TQM » deal and competition votes

Huggies Nappies (Newborn, Crawler, Infant) - $47.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)

expired Huggies Nappies (Newborn, Crawler, Infant) - $47.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)

Costco huggies nappies (new born, crawler, infant) $47.99 save $18 think it's a good price new born 224 pieces $0.21 per infant 192 pieces $0.25 per

Japanese Sanyo Eneloops AA $10 for Pack of Eight at Dick Smith Echuca VIC

expired Japanese Sanyo Eneloops AA $10 for Pack of Eight at Dick Smith Echuca VIC

How far would you travel to buy a pack of eight AA Japanese Sanyo Eneloops for $10? Because if you go to Dick Smith in Echuca you'll find about 50 packs on the shelf. I'm on holidays in …

Wahl Performer Hair Kit $19.95 @Myer

expired Wahl Performer Hair Kit $19.95 @Myer

Pricematched for $20 at Hairhouse Warehouse, Chatswood using AMEX as they are listed on the Shop Small map. Can confirm having received the $10 credit acknowledgement email from AMEX. Model is 9305 …

FREE Pancake Short Stack @ The Pancake Parlour VIC (No Catches) Save $12

expired FREE Pancake Short Stack @ The Pancake Parlour VIC (No Catches) Save $12

Appears the codes are not unique, so link is now a copy of the one I received. Feel free to use it, but needs to be presented on a mobile. If you want to do it the 'proper' way, complete …

Free Month of Dollar Shave Club

expired Free Month of Dollar Shave Club


Use the coupon code to get your first month of the Dollar Shave Club free (1 handle and 4 or 5 blades). It works on any of the 3 blade types including the 'Executive'. I haven't tried …