It comes to my attention that not only is the PS4 on sale at Dick Smith, thanks to carpo31,, but also all gaming products are on sale of 10-20%. A deal that …
Went to pick up my pre-ordered PS4 this arvo from DSE (woooohooooo!) and the extra controller scanned in at just $64 (priced at $80 atm in-store) and Killzone Shadow Fall scanned in at just $50. Just …
Ozgameshop are running a sale for the next few hours for $72.99. Combine this with the 10% off gift cards ( to get it for approx $65 delivered. I think this …
In preparation for picking up my PS4 on Novermber 29, I was looking for a good price on some controllers. Amazon has the blue and red models for £44. This price only applies to the Blue and Red …