Jazz Fusion +

Petrichon Prog Metal Fusion Bundle - US$4 (~A$5.55) Minimum @ Groupees

expired Petrichon Prog Metal Fusion Bundle - US$4 (~A$5.55) Minimum @ Groupees

An interesting new music bundle has started on Groupees from Petrichon. They are a duo from Indonesia that make instrumental prog rock/metal that is reasonably easy listening. The bundle contains …

Lasttix - John McLaughlin 4th Dimension Cheap Tickets Sydney Brisbane $59, Melbourne $69

expired Lasttix - John McLaughlin 4th Dimension Cheap Tickets Sydney Brisbane $59, Melbourne $69

Lastix have the last tickets through Ticketmaster for John McLaughlin & the 4th Dimension off about 40% Melbourne & 30% off Sydney and Brisbane prices Currently touring Australia with his …