<--- My Avatar is only fitting... Pay what you want for the Humble Mobile Bundle 2! After the first successful promotion exclusively for Android devices, it's time for more excellent games!
For all Android users, Star Wars Pinball is FREE @ Amazon. It's reported to work on Kindles though incompatible with a number of other devices.
Top Rated 4.3/5 with 75 reviews.
1. Gear Jack $1.09
2. Combo Crew $0.99
3. The Room $0.99
4. SpaceChem Mobile $3.30
5. The Walking Dead Assault $1.65
6. Super Brothers $2.00
7. Jack Lumber $1.99
8. Containment $1.11
I know that this game was in one of the humble bundles but to be honest the other games were a bit meh as I recall, so I think this is the better deal.
Down from 1.99
Zombies Minesweeper is currently 50% off normally $1.99 currently 99c Edit* Allegedly dev is trying to make game look like more of a deal and has stated it's 75% off but increased price to 1.61.