In the latest catalog. $39 for the 3 tools. save $40. The drill has a 14.4v ni-cad battery and is usually $37ish - it has been as cheap as $27. 2 Reviews on Masters website only criticise the lack …
This is a silly good price for this lens (and Australian stock as well), and this qualifies for free shipping as it is over $99.00. So all of you have Sony A-mount cameras or a NEX with an adapter …
AssociatedPtoolmech@ eBay Australia hamlet1008 on 12/02/2014 - 12:04
Hi Guys, We are running a sale on our 100mm Air Blow Guns with a copper thread in them (not a plastic thread) These will fit a standard 1/4" fitting (which we sell in our eBay store …