Toy Story +
Toy Story is an American computer animated family comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by John Lasseter. Released in 1995 by Walt Disney Pictures, Toy Story was the first feature length computer animated film and the first film produced by Pixar. Toy Story follows a group of anthropomorphic toys who pretend to be lifeless whenever humans are present, and focuses on Woody, a pullstring cowboy doll ( Tom Hanks ), and Buzz Lightyear, an astronaut action figure ( Tim Allen ). Woody feels profoundly threatened and jealous when Buzz supplants him as the top toy in the room. The film was written by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Joel Cohen, Alec Sokolow, and Joss Whedon, and featured music by Randy Newman. Its executive producer was Steve Jobs with Edwin Catmull.
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