Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm F/1.2 PRO +


expired OLYMPUS M.Zuiko Digital ED 25mm F1.2 PRO Lens Black 100 $1207 (Was $2099) Delivered @ BecexTech via Amazon AU

Sounds like a lot of money, but slap in on a 2nd hand $100 e-m10 and you have a travel, portrait camera that will make you happy for many many years to come for the price of an Iphone.

Olympus E-M1 Mk II with 12-200mm Lens + Free Olympus F/1.2 PRO Lens via Redemption - $2039.20 (RRP $5397) @ digiDIRECT eBay

out of stock Olympus E-M1 Mk II with 12-200mm Lens + Free Olympus F/1.2 PRO Lens via Redemption - $2039.20 (RRP $5397) @ digiDIRECT eBay


Original Coupon Deal Until the 30th of September, if you buy an Olympus E-M1 Mark II (RRP $2099, $1500 right now from digiDirect) from an authorised dealer you can redeem a free Olympus f/1.2 PRO …