Bostik Blu Stick on Clearance for only $1, usually $3.50. They also had a 4 pack of UHU Blue Stick for $2. All in store at Big W QV Store in Melbourne CBD.
note that Officeworks has price-beaten the Blu Stik to $1.20, so ask Big W to beat them back and/or pay with 5% off WISH gift cards :) 64% off Bostik Blu Stik 35g $1.25 73% off Staedtler Natural …
More than 50% off. It has been a while since these good glue went on a good special. Last was $1.40 for 35g+8g at OW last dec. Pretty good price for a pretty decent product.
Found this is the clearance section of the store (not the stationary) with other "Back To School" clearances. There was 30+ on the shelf plus some in the display box. Officeworks sells …
Saw these on special at my local Woolworths. These were a normal special, not a clearance line, so I would imagine this would be across all Woolworths stores. I grabbed all but 1 as the kids use …