Best brands/variants of common household products?

Wondering if anyone here has any opinion or possibly any supporting evidence to believe that one brand is better than any other. As an ozbargainer, my brand choice is generally dictated by price and by "what seems to be good".

To list a few examples..

Toothpaste/toothbrush - Colgate
Mouthwash - Oral B
Dental floss - Oral B
Facial wash/soap - Neutrogena/Nivea
Dishwashing liquid - Palmolive
Washing powder - Omo
Shampoo - Wella/Tresemme or whatever else is half price (Head & Shoulders, Dove, Pantene)
Shower gel - Johnson & Johnson, or whatever else is half price (Radox, Imperial Leather and Palmolive are often half price)
Toilet rolls - Sorbent
Facial tissues - Kleenex/home brand
Kitchen towels - Kleenex (Viva)/Handee
Olive Oil - Moro
Light bulbs - Home brand/Philips
Yoghurt - Nestle Ski
Margarine - Logicol
Cheese Slices - Bega

Does anyone have opinions on any of these? For example, is there any evidence to suggest that Pantene shampoo is too strong, or radox shower gel doesn't clean properly or maybe that Biozet > Omo? I've always wondered..


  • +1

    Ozbargainer and brand choice, doesnt seem a great mix.

    Take your list add Aldi to the brand name, and save big time.

    • Brand choice is influence from mother LOL.

      The way I see it is sometimes you spend more on "better quality" toothpaste/toothbrush for example, and save on dental costs.

      • For some things you can consult the Choice tests. E.g. IIRC for washing powder Aldi's Trimat came up about 90% as effective for 1/3 the price per wash.

        For other things it may be taste. For example I can't like Aldi's ketchup.

      • The way I see it is sometimes you spend more on "better quality" toothpaste/toothbrush for example, and save on dental costs.

        And with what scientific evidence is this made. Recommended by the ADA? BTW Choice doesnt agree with you.

        For example, you know every bed brand is supported by some chiropractic association. There is one for every bed manufacturer. Guess who pays for that association… You

        As you said you wanted discussion. LOL

        And studies on margarine are showing that its use is correlated to the rise in Macular degeneration. So much for quality there…

        • +1

          Well see the thing is I don't have any scientific evidence, which is why I'm here for discussion. Choice doesn't agree with me on what?

          In other words I'm open to "recommendations" from anyone in terms of brand choice based on what they believe is better (and hopefully why it's better).

          Sometimes I realise what's important is not necessarily what does the job best, but what feels like it does the job best (e.g. particular brand of shampoo feels cleaner than another because it produces more foam, but does it really?)

          The bed brands being supported by a chiropractic association - didn't know about that.

  • I'm mostly brand agnostic, although I feel paying more for branded stuff does in general get you better quality though not neccessarily better value.

    For example, toilet paper, tissue paper and kitchen wipes — it's hard to tell if you're actually saving money or not by choosing branded over generic even though the generic stuff is less durable and you have to use more of it.

    Also, Butter > Margarine.

    • Interesting. Just watched that video and it reminds me of an article I read. Basically it was saying that when comparing the cheap variants of butter to cheap variants of margarine, butter is better. When comparing the more expensive variants of butter to the more expensive brands of margarine, margarine is better.

      It seems like if you can find a margarine with no transfat and low saturated fat, then margarine wins.

  • Toothpaste/toothbrush - Dont care re toothpaste, toothbrush oral b (electric)
    Mouthwash - Ask your dentist if you need one and if you do choose one with chlorhexidine in it, otherwise don't bother (I don't think they are effective otherwise)
    Dental floss - Whatever works
    Facial wash/soap - if you must use a facewash I would use sukin brand, I tend to use liquid soaps, sukin again (my skin is pretty fragile)
    Dishwashing liquid - Earth choice
    Washing powder - orange power, earth choice is ok but really needs a fragrance
    Shampoo - organic care 3 in 1 because I am lazy
    Shower gel - Either use the 3 in 1, or something from lush if I am feeling .. Well lush
    Toilet rolls - anything half price like safe, earth wise etc. I buy in bulk so it's a similar price to the "normal brands"
    Facial tissues - Kleenex aloe vera when I have a cold otherwise I try and avoid tissues
    Kitchen towels - Same sort of thing as TP
    Olive Oil - If eating anything tasmanian, if cooking anything australian
    Light bulbs - Don't care no preference
    Yoghurt - Anything Tasmanian if I am not making it
    Margarine - Logicol as good as any if you like margarine which I don't - butter is usually ashgrove because it's priced ok
    Cheese Slices - I don't buy slices, I buy cheese and slice it. I love cheese the "cheap" stuff for me is bega, otherwise It's local

    Oh and other things
    Eggs - I usually don't buy these unless I can get happy chook eggs from a farm - they cost around $3-$4 a dozen and even if all was equal ethically we would still buy them this way. They taste delicious

    Milk - usually ashgrove but sometimes Elgaar if it's marked down and we plan to eat cookies, we also use goats milk when it's cheap enough

    Pet food - kit e Kat - the cat would not permit anything else!

    I have definitely developed my own brand choice and am pretty happy with it. Aside from paying more for things like dish washing tablets and hand wash I think it's fairly comparable.

    Oh and if I pay more for something there has to be a quality difference ie the olive oil, I don't buy something local necessarily for the warm fuzzies.

    Only exception might be milk. But there is no way I am buying supermarket $1 a litre milk.

    • Do you mean there are significant differences between the $1 supermarket milks and say the dairy farmers ones?

      What are the organic 3 in 1 shampoos/shower gels you're talking about? They sound like the more expensive ones that cost $15-20 for 500mL?

      • illumination

        this is the one…

        my husband gets the dinosaur one ;P

        Its not too bad, to me it behaves a little like pert and "coats" the hair.

        overall though it does the job and they say they are 100% Australian owned/made

        they do use palm oil - which they say is from renewable sources (plus and minus there).

        I guess you never know but for value vs local its the best I have found

        its around $4, and cheaper when on special and is 500 mls - lasts a while as you don't need heaps (lathers well).

        Would be great for kids.

        • +2

          oops and re the milk

          I don't tend to buy local because its a "nice idea", but because I prefer it as well :)

          Milk is one thing I cannot tell the difference of in most cases eg. the $1 a litre supermarket brand and most branded options taste the same to me.

          But I will not buy the cheaper milk regardless, and tend to the odder brand like Ashgrove where I can tell the difference.

          Or buy full cream, unhomogenised milk which is yummy and definitely distinctive - but taste too "rich" for normal drinking to me. But is nice in a rich hot chocolate etc.

        • Think I've seen that before in the supermarket. I'll keep an eye out for it next time!

      • +4

        The checkout on abc just did a bit on milk you can probably watch it online. It basically said it is exactly the same milk when comparing dairy farmers and woolies or Coles etc, but it is worth a look. . The clip is milking it. I am really enjoying this show.

  • +1

    what seems to be good

    I have to add that you are a marketeer's dream, you've named all the well known brands. Step out of your comfort zone and try some other brands. You may not like them but at least you have experience to back your choice. If you do like the cheaper brand, you can save money.

    • +1

      I actually do. It's my mum that doesn't really step out of her comfort zone and because I live with her it obviously influences what I end up using too.

      As I said I am also dictated by price too. When I see a new brand that I haven't tried, but is half price for this week, I am very tempted to try it and more often than not I will.

      • +1

        Scientific evidence isn't going to convince your mum. Slip in another brand when convenient. If she likes it, you win. If not, you tried.

        • I do and I will keep doing that. She gets annoyed sometimes but it's kind of funny.

      • +1

        You should change the description

        "As an ozbargainer, my brand choice is generally dictated by my MUM"

  • I agree with your choices on dishwashing liquid (Palmolive gentle care) and cheese (Bega). Generally I stay with the brands I can trust, even though they may be a tad more expensive. I must say for the odd item I actually prefer the Aldi brand; for example their pizza, lasagne and choc coated ice creams. Hard to beat the quality (and price) of these. Although I like to look for Australian made or owned, I must say it is not obvious at a quick glance. I prefer not to buy oranges from South America (like McDonalds does) or bananas from Fiji when our own are bountiful. I do think we should be trying to support Australian (or NZ) companies as much as is possible. Why we are offered marmalade from the UK, or biscuits from Indonesia is beyond me.

    • +1

      I must admit I don't go to Aldi enough. I really need to go to Aldi and reap the savings from Aldi.

      We're offered the biscuits from Indonesia because they're cheaper ;) Marmalade from UK.. for those who perceive UK-made to be superior? I think that one would work on my mum.

      • Must say I am glad we all still only buy sugar from Australia; thank God for Queensland. My father who worked on ships years ago said the dock workers in Africa used to urinate on the bales.

        I tend to get most of my conserves and jams from the Legacy ladies these days, but when I run out I insist on the South Australian marmalades. Trust me the UK brands cannot compete with those.

        I used to make my own jams years ago too. Many will miss out on the home made varieties with these new larger houses built on tiny blocks; which don't leave much room for the odd fruit tree. My mum has lemon, plum, pear and apple trees and also grows strawberries, raspberries and passionfruit. Yes, the birds get most of it but most kids wouldn't know what the trees look like.

  • I have to say that I make a lot of preserves rather than buying them.

    Initially it was pretty finicky to skill up and get the bits and pieces but now it's all pretty straightforward.

    I am a lazy cook so my methods are chosen for least time, most benefit.

    If I had to say anything it would be they disappear too quick from the cupboard. I have a single jar of vanilla poached peaches in Marsala left from a big cook - that makes me sad.

  • +1

    i heard once as long as toothpaste has flouride as an indgredient then thats all that matters and the whitening ones are a bit of a joke

    • Yeah that's pretty much it, it's the brushing that's important, the rest is just personal taste.

    • Yea I've heard whitening is crappy too. Apparently it does more harm than good. Something like stripping away something on your teeth? An orthodontist that I had as a customer once told me.

  • As far as yogurt goes the Tasmanian one from Aldi is beautiful, very thick and cream so long as the employees don't let it get warm. Yogurt from North Sydney Aldi is always runny because they don't store it properly.

  • For dental floss, I like Colgate. I much prefer the ribbon type to the string type, which always frays in my teeth.

    Facial wash … I just use my bar soap in the shower. I might regret it later…

    Shampoo, I find Dove lathers up the best. Better than Pantene. I've tried a few cheap brands and they were pretty bad at lathering up, especially the $2.99 fruity one .. can't remember the name. I would end up using more, and still not get clean hair.

    Toilet rolls - whatever medium-range brand that's on sale. I find the cheap ones nasty, they're rough and the last thing you want is .. um .. break-through.

    Facial tissues - I buy two brands, cheap $1 Coles ones for 'general' use like spills or quick wipes, and something softer like Kleenex for nose use. Cheap ones get rough if your nose is runny and you have to use a lot.

    Kitchen towels - same as above. Viva (they really do feel more resilient than home brand) for jobs that need something tougher, and cheapo ones for spills and things like that. The cheap ones disintegrate more quickly, leaving lint behind.

    • I like that idea and I don't know why I've never thought of doing that. Having one cheapo brand for cleaning up spills and crap and the stronger ones for other stuff.

      Apparently Pantene is known for having too many chemicals (according to friend)? But from experience of using Dove, Dove and Pantene actually feel quite similar to me. I agree that some of the cheap shampoos really.. suck.

  • +2

    It's been interesting to think about what I buy in these and why…good topic OP.

    Toothpaste/toothbrush - Soul Pattinson's Plain (yep, tastes like mushed up cardboard but you get used to it…I'm allergic to mint).
    Mouthwash - salt water if needed
    Dental floss - Oral B (they do a mint free one)
    Facial wash/soap - Dr Bronner's/Nature's Organics (low on chemicals, fairly low scent, reasonably priced).
    Dishwashing liquid - Eco Store (low scent, low chemical - works well and reasonably priced as long as you buy it from Woolworths - it is literally triple the price if you buy it in a health food shop)
    Washing powder - Omo Free (low scent - I stock up when it is half price about once a year)
    Shampoo - Natural Oil Workers Unscented (no chemicals, works far better than any of the 'regular' ones I used to buy. Seems dear at $10 a bottle, 500mL, but is actually quite comparable to a lot of brands when you compare it by the mL).
    Shower gel - Dr Bronner's Baby Mild (no chemicals, well priced when you buy in bulk (1L). You only need a very small amount each time as it lathers well, so is quite economical).
    Toilet rolls - Kleenex…stock up when on special. Just personal preference really.
    Facial tissues - Aldi ones…they are great and far cheaper than everything else.
    Kitchen towels - Viva…dear but I love them. I try to stock up when they are on special…but they are dear even then. That said, I'm actually one of those people who would rave like a crazy lunatic about how amazing they are if a camera came to my door to do one of their adverts.
    Olive Oil - don't use it. But I choose oils based on whether they have anti-oxidants in them or not. Brand is irrelevant to me.
    Light bulbs - cheapest one that suits my needs.
    Yoghurt - any that doesn't have 160B in it…which isn't many…usually Vaalia.
    Margarine - BUTTER! Woolworths Tasmanian or that NZ one in the yellow tub if it's on special (because they are the softest pure butters…easier to spread).
    Cheese Slices - Mainland…tastes far better.
    Milk - A2. Only one that seems to agree with me. Otherwise I'd buy local dairies (we have a few local options).

    So my shopping is primarily dictated by the ingredients and chemicals in each product. My secondary drive is buying Australian made if possible. Price is a factor, but comes well behind these other priorities. We are slowly testing Aldi products with some successes. I buy all of our toothbrushes there as they are great - they are cheap and made in Germany (as opposed to Colgate's made in China ones). We also find most of their produce and a few of their fresh products have been excellent quality.

    • It's a topic I've always wondered. I thought I could learn a thing or two off other ozbargainers when it came to household products and choices.

      Out of curiosity, what happens when you use toothpaste with mint?

      The shampoo at $10/500mL still sounds expensive even per mL (compared to the common supermarket brands at half price - Tresemme, Wella, Pantene, Dove). Tresemme is what, 900mL for $5 when half price? And Wella I think is 750mL for $5.50 when half price.

      A2 milk is quite expensive!

      What's 160B (yoghurt)?

  • +1

    I know it's really not very Ozbargain of me, but most of my supermarket shopping choices are dictated by the Ethical Shoppers Guide I have both the physical copy of the guide and the app on my phone.

    They do the research on country of origin, brand ethics, environmental issues etc and put it in a really easy to access guide. Using that, I found that most of my brand loyalty came from what my mum purchased when I was at home and what was most prominent at the shops, which I now know if a huge trap. Now I know which are the best brands to buy and keep an eye out for them on special.

    Sadly though, using the guide highlights just how unethical Coles and Woolies are when it comes to empowering consumer choices, it seems like they get rid of another ethical brand every other week lately.

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