I just got call form Vodafone, asking to move from 3 to Vodafone.
Plan & inclusions will be the same but they will send me Vodafone Sim card.
The move is compulsory & time frame is 3 months(probably 30th June) or find some other provider.
Is it happening nation wide? The guy named Mathew told me that VHA is calling every 3 customer for the move.
Anyone else got call?
Move from 3 to Vodafone or go somewhere else

I'd go for Kogan, Aldi or Vaya 4G now that you have the choice. Although I think VHA is probably better quality than the Optus 3G MVNO's around at the moment.
I looked at those but major didn't include international calling under their spend allowance.
I'd recommend moving provider.
I changed over slightly after they 'merged' as I had to get a new phone contract. Have had nothing but troubles with vodafone after being exceedingly happy with 3. The second my contract expires I'll be changing over and never looking back.
Avoid vodafone at all costs.
If you use your phone in a regional area, be aware that you'll lose access to Telstra's network if you move to Vodafone.
Check the coverage map to see if the areas you go to are covered by Vodafone and if not, check Optus (valid for all its resellers) and Telstra (you need to check the coverage map for each reseller of Telstra).Also be aware what networks your phone can "see", not all of them can see Optus and/or Telstra networks. "Three" handsets handsets will be most likely compatible with Telstra.
I was with 3 since it's inception. I tried Vodaphone and it was a nightmare (think mobile telecommunications 10 years ago). I am with Telstra and whilst it is dearer it is much more reliable. If you have the option to move at no cost don't go Vodaphone.
yes, Telstra is the Best but international calls not included in their cap. So not much attractive for my needs
I changed from 3 to Vodafone last year, and surprise surprise I have been happy with the change, so far.
I have 3 mobiles with Vodafone. On "3" two of these were on a post-paid plan (one), $22 for one and $10 plan included with this for the second phone. I had 24c for 10 minute land-line calls with 3, comparable free sms and free 3 to 3 minutes, which I could share over the two mobiles. On the changeover to Vodafone; I now have 22c FOR 10 MINUTE LAND-LINE CALLS (yes even cheaper call rate), and now a $20 plan with the $10 plan included. (Note: You cannot share call costs over the two mobiles any more though). I also have 1GB data with the major mobile, which comes in handy for emails and the odd YouTube video.
If you travel overseas enable phones for international use and contact Vodafone to ensure that phones can be used in reciprocal agreement with 3 overseas. One of the mobiles travelled overseas last year and no charges were made from several calls I received/made to/on my Vodafone to either of these accounts to/from several countries … so these calls were indeed truly FREE.
The third mobile I have is a pre-paid which costs me $20 per month on an "International" recharge. Unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone calls (any time) and the $20 rolled over if not used. Of course a higher call rate to landlines and other mobiles (10c/minute+), 15c text, 25mb data, but as this phone is used by a teen there are no concerns associated with large bills.
On the changeover Vodafone offered 3 new mobiles for all my mobiles. I did not like what was offered at the time so held out, and they gave me a $300 discount for a Samsung Galaxy which was retailing for about $600 at the time … which I paid for in instalments. I did not need three new phones, as teen was happy with my "old" mobile and the other one was used by my mother not wanting to change. I think I am just about out of Vodafone contract period now.
Service has been good, any downloading problems (my inexperience)and mistakes have been refunded when asked, and I actually get better reception than we did before. Ps. No roaming charges apply with Vodafone, unlike what we had with 3, as we moved to a non-3 area to begin with, so no concerns there either. I understand Vodafone will work anywhere Optus works. Waiting for a call to be answered is minimal (unlike some carriers), although it can be difficult to understand the accents of the service staff, but I have always found them to be polite, accommodating and they do actually ring back and follow up their assistance. I guess that is what you call good customer service, which is similar to what 3 staff offered. I personally do not like Telstra as they sent my aged mother a broadband service that she did not require at the time which was significantly much more expensive than the wifi service she uses with Vodafone. We have had some problems with the wifi, as not in a good reception area, but they have sent us a newer (3rd) wifi to try out with a "30 day cooling off period" should recent problems still exist. Set to instal this today. (This comes with a 12 month renewal plan, no charge for wifi, and free for 3 months, so only pay for 9 months out of the 12).
Ensure that 3 gives you unlock codes for any of your existing mobiles as you are entitled to once out of contract, so you can go to any carrier you wish.
There are some areas not covered by Vodafone so it would be advisable to check their coverage maps especially if residing in a regional area, where I understand Telstra is usually better.
The changeover from 3 to Vodafone (same company I think) has been happening for some time. If I was you I would be expecting a new phone (to $300 value, perhaps more), and certainly not more than 12 month contract. There is usually a 30 day "cooling off" period if you are not happy with a provider, so confirm this if you are entering into a new agreement.
Good luck, do your research and check your alternatives if not happy with service and/or new phone. I have only had a few call drop outs since changing to Vodafone too; could count on one hand. Just thought I would give my 2c worth on my own personal experience. I am happy with my Vodafone experience so far and have no thoughts of changing carriers at present.
I was with 3 mobile broadband and moved to Voda.
Originally, I was going to cancel my 3 and move somewhere else BUT the phone operator I spoke to at 3 gave my a deal I couldn't refuse after I insisted that Voda is rubbish and that I was switching to Virgin.
Only go with Voda if they give you a heavily discounted deal!!!!
(Pretend that your not interested in staying at all)You have 30 days to get out of the contract if it is really bad.
Sounds like they are rationalising the brands. First it was getting rid of the Crazy John brand. A search got this:
Doesn't sound like you will be disadvantaged by the move, but you might want to look at other carriers anyway.