This was posted 11 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

It's Back! Typing Tournament $9.95 - Australian Made Typing Tutor. Ages 6-Adult. Save $40


It's back for a couple of days:)

Typing Tournament is suitable for ages 6 to adult.

A powerful typing tutor for children and adults of all ages. You will master the keyboard by revealing 16 medieval worlds. Start anywhere, adjust your goals and complete the challenge to take on the Dark Typist!

Suitable for all typists including absolute beginners, “Let’s Try Again” typists and “Need a Refresher” typists. Get started straight out of the box, or take advantage of the powerful diagnostic and reporting capabilities to zero in on your needs.

-Simple instructions
-Colour-coded keyboard, animated demonstrations of correct finger placement, and visual prompts
-Learn good posture and typing habits
-Includes three action-packed typing games and a progress test
-Touch typing skills
-Test your WPM (Words Per Minute) and print a certificate

Typing Tournament $9.95 - Instant download

Other titles available at up 60% off through the EdAlive Software Club include:
- Numbers Up Volcanic Panic $19.95
- BRAINtastic from $19.95
- Maths Made Easy from $19.95
- Reading For Literacy from $19.95
- Computer Classroom from $19.95
- Words Rock $19.95
- Spelling Force $19.95

See for these and other titles plus the regular hot offer of the week.

CD/DVD also available as option at checkout ( $10 postage and handling per order no limits)

FREE Demo available from

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Seriously $40 for a typing program. Back 30 years ago when people started using PC's/main frames there were a bunch of free typing programs. Now the world has learned to type through the Internet age these are suddenly worth $40?
    Whats the next applications? - How to ride a bike? or How to pour a glass of milk?

    • +1

      We agree! That's why it's only $9.95;) Which is actually cheaper than yearly subscriptions to 'free' online typing sites like if you want their full versions without ads.

      While it's true that the internet is great for practicing to use a keyboard - I'd be wary of saying one can learn how to type by using Facebook or a smartphone (isn't that all that's on the interwebz these days?) ;) Unless we all want to start typing like this… "My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3 :-@ kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc." (


      'Riding a bike'… by Hand L. Bars

      "An illustrated guide to silica assisted calcium intake"… by Jurz E. Cow

      You never know… they could be best sellers;)

      • +1

        $9.95 is only for a few days. Then you are going back to $49.95 which is very over-priced (As Agreed by you).
        Personally I still think $9.95 is almost $10 too much

        I am gonna give a +ve though for your reply

        Here are some more free ones

        • Thanks for the feedback Cardz and the +ve:)

          You are correct, the retail price is $49.95 for 'walk-in buyers'- but who pays retail these days? Especial ozbargainers :P

          We encourage parents to join our Software Club which gives upto 60% discount of all the retail prices and weekly specials like this where a title will come down to just $9.95… or just keep an eye out on OzB:)

          I've only tried RapidTyping and NCHsoftware's one - so I'd be really interested in your feedback on the list of typing software you recommended.
          -Which one did you find most appropriate for children?
          -Are the others full versions or are they cripple-ware like NCH's?
          -Also do you know if any of them work on OSX 10.8?

        • I didn't recommend then. I just googled free typing tutor. I imagine some are junk/some got cripple ware/some got adds and some are good.

  • +1

    Tempted to neg when there are free alternatives online such as

    • +1

      It's a great place to start:) But if you want to use without the distracting advertising then it's $9.99 per year. If you want the full version with all the lessons then it's usually $14.99 per year. (see Plus your children have to be connected to the internet while they are using it:(

      Also, when I tried it, they didn't include information about ergonomics or diagrams of correct finger placement. So it was great for practicing how to type, but not very suitable for learning how to type… plus the constant ads were annoying:(

    • BTW:) Thanks for not negging ;)

  • +6

    was just about to buy this for my 107 year old grandma… but its not age appropriate..

    • +1

      Rep can you improve your program for SBOB's grandma? Age discrimination is not on!!!

      • +1

        Hehehe:) I'll have a chat to the dev. team :P

  • I wouldn't neg the deal but last year i brought a downloadable package after you were on here advertising the maths invader program. I brought the Computer Classroom Bundle that was on special. The package to download was over 2gb and the download kept cutting out so i was not able to download and then the link expired. Don't understand why the levels couldn't be downloaded in different programs instead of 1 big download. It wasn't my connection or computer because everything else downloaded fine.

    • Hi Haunted,

      I'm sorry to hear about that, usually the tech guys are pretty good at getting this kind of stuff worked out quickly:( Can you tell me who responded when you contacted us last year while you were having technical trouble with the download? I'll have a little word with them ;)

      PM your email address and I'll get it all sorted out for you with some new individual level download links:) The amount downloaded will be much larger overall due to repeated content between installers - but at least you can do it in smaller chunks.



      P.S. Thanks for not negging too:)

      • +1

        Thanks, all fixed. Very happy!

  • +1

    Jazzriley, do you need to insert the cd when using the program? I'm thinking of buying one but sharing it with my mother - she's not sure if she would be dedicated enough to using a typing program regularly.

    • Hi Avocadot,

      No, you don't need to insert the CD to run the program. It just needs to be installed once, and then it can run without the disc:)

      All the best,


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