This was posted 11 years 10 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EPOCH. for All iOS Devices FREE for a Limited Time (Previously $2.99)


Download the Store App and wish for more top rated paid apps like Epoch to become FREE for a day!

EPOCH - Post-apocalyptic Robot Combat

Made in Australia by new game development studio Uppercut Games

Featured as "Game of the Week" on the App Store!


  • IGN.COM - "iOS cover shooting done right".

  • TOUCHARCADE.COM - "Cover never felt so awesome"

  • SLIDETOPLAY.COM - "Combine the gorgeous look with the superbly tuned touch-screen controls and high level of replayability, and result is a great and unique iOS action game …"

  • GIZMODO.CO.UK - "EPOCH is the new cover-shooter king by several circuit-boards."

  • POCKETGAMER.CO.UK - "re-imagining the genre completely for the touchscreen"

  • APPOLICIOUS.COM - "It's an absolutely gorgeous game with fast paced visceral combat that keeps you on your toes, and it even has an interesting story thrown in the mix."

  • GAMEPRO.COM - "…the game is an Unreal Engine-powered visual tour-de-force that is sure to impress both you and your friends."


Follow the echoes of a lost civilization in a visually-stunning post-apocalyptic world where only robots survive to fight a never-ending war. Fight towards your goal and piece together the fragments to reveal exactly what happened when the old world ended. Is this the dawn of a new Epoch? And how can you find the one person you were originally assigned to protect?


Control your character with intuitive finger swipes. Make split-second tactical decisions, take cover, select targets, dodge incoming fire, utilize special abilities, and launch countermeasures!


Battle escalating waves of robots in arena-style combat, and upgrade yourself with pieces torn from your fallen enemies! Configure your robot with dozens of weapons, armors, boosters and counters.


Fight in multiple locations across a vast and ravaged city, and gather fragments of the past with logs from a cast of characters, each with their own perspective on the apocalyptic events that destroyed a once-proud civilization.


Utilize the enhanced visual capabilities of the iPhone4S and iPad 2 with high-resolution graphics powered by the UnrealEngine, the same engine used to create the visuals of the award winning Infinity Blade.

About Uppercut Games

Uppercut Games is an independent game studio whose founders have a long development history, working on award winning games such as Bioshock, Tribes: Vengeance, Freedom Force and Fallout: Tactics.

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Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • Good game, but has been free in the past (June 2012 - when I grabbed it).

    • Sorry, I didn't look back far enough. Released Jan 2012, first time free June 2012, and second time free today.

      • No worries champ.

  • I paid for this and was absolutely worth the price back then. Even better that it's free now!

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