This was posted 11 years 10 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10x Musashi Banana Bulk Protein Bars $8.95 + $7.95 Delivery (Delivery Capped at $12 for 5) @COTD


10 x Musashi Mass Gain Protein Bars
Banana flavour with chocolate
Each bar weighs 80g
Helps build muscle bulk or aid weight loss
Aids recovery & performance
High protein with 27g per serve
Active ingredients: soy & whey protein
Contains: milk, soy & gluten
May contain traces of peanuts, sesame seeds, sulphites & tree nuts
Individually wrapped for on-the-go snacking
Packaged in a cardboard counter display box
Best before: Aug 20133

1 box is $16.90
2 boxes is $29.90 ($14.95 each)
3 boxes is $38.85 ($12.95 each)
4 boxes is $47.80 ($11.95 each)
5 boxes is $56.75 ($11.35 each)

Maximum is 5 boxes.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Good deal but ew on the flavour

    • And eww on the soy protein, deal breaker.

      Im going to Costco to get a box of the Aussie bodies hplc bars (chocolate), you feel like you have eaten a burger after that

      Great price though

      • Most bars contain at least some soy protein as it's cheaper

        • I agree but the HPLC Chocolate flavour doesn't. The other two flavours Choc Crunch and Peanut butter (from memory) do have soy protein.

          usually if it is the third or fourth ingredient on the list on not too phased, but if it comes before the whey protein then I won't buy it

  • +1


    Serving Size: 80g

    Servings per package: 1
    Average Quantity per serve
    Energy 1230 kJ (294 Cal)
    Protein 27.0g
    Fat, total 7.0g
    - saturated 4.0g
    Carbohydrate 9.9g
    - sugars 8.1g
    Maltitol 9.5g
    Polydextrose (fibre) 7.8g
    Glycerine 8.9g
    Sodium 162mg

    • I see an issue with saying it does both O.o

      low carbs for a mass gainer. The "lean" bars at our gym have 2.5x more carbs then this bar lol

      • -1

        10 grams of carbs is nothing, especiallly after a intense workout
        You need calories to build protein in your body

        • +6

          you need calories to build protein in your body?
          please leave.

        • +2

          "Thermogenic" refers to the normal Thermogenesis process your body goes through in digesting and using the food you eat and the burning of calories and fat from that food. i.e. - producing energy from the food you eat.

          The body requires more calories to process or digest protein than it does to digest fat or carbohydrates. Thus your metabolism is raised by consuming protein rich foods.

          SO if your planning to build muscle, you need to increase your caloric diet , otherwise protein wont completely digest.

          This is why pro athletes and bodybuilders go on bulking cycles … high protein, high carb off season / during winter and then diet around summer time

          No need to neg my above comment if you don't understand the physiology and science of the bofy.

        • LOL had a laugh at that myself

        • "You need calories to build protein in your body"

          LOL. You must be huge.

        • -1

          SO if your planning to build muscle, you need to increase your caloric diet , otherwise protein wont completely digest.

          Thermogenics my backside. This is one of those stupid pseudoscience theories perpetuated by supplement companies to sell more varieties of beefcake powders!

          Anybody who actually knows how the human body metabolises nutrients will happily tell you otherwise.

          then diet around summer time…

          Seriously, why would you even need to 'diet' unless you've become a fatty from scoffing too many carbs in the 'off' season!

        • Yes, correct. You need calories to build MUSCLE. Saying you need calories to build protein makes such little sense that I am beyond baffled. Protein contains calories, in fact 4kcal to the gram.

          The reason you need a surplus of calories to gain mass (muscle and/or fat) is explained by thermodynamics. Einstein stated that energy is never lost, nor gained - it simply changes form. and mass is one of the forms energy takes ( this is where e=mc^2 comes in). So in order to create mass (muscle/fat), one must convert it first from a source of energy (food/calories). Your body requires a certain amount to carry on it's daily functions and keep you alive, eating above that required energy level will be allocated towards mass gain, and the amount/type of physical activity that your body endures will determine how much fat and muscle you gain. ie if you eat heaps and do nothing, youre gonna get fat, if you eat heaps and lift youre going to gain some muscle. you can maximize your fat:muscle ratio by eating not only correct calories, but furthermore correct macronutrients and correct exercises.


          Generally, the hierarchy in macronutrient oxidation in the postprandial
          state is reflected similarly in diet-induced thermogenesis, with the sequence alcohol, protein,
          carbohydrate, and fat. A mixed diet consumed at energy balance results in a diet induced energy
          expenditure of 5 to 15 % of daily energy expenditure. Values are higher at a relatively high protein
          and alcohol consumption and lower at a high fat consumption. Protein induced thermogenesis has
          an important effect on satiety.

          In conclusion, the main determinants of diet-induced thermogenesis are the energy content and the
          protein- and alcohol fraction of the diet. Protein plays a key role in body weight regulation through
          satiety related to diet-induced thermogenesis.

        • Saying you need calories to build protein makes such little sense that I am beyond baffled.

          Yeah, I'm still scratching my head over that one too…

          I'll have a proper look at your paper later easternculture…but after a quick skim it's just looking like more irrelevant crackpot theory to me.


          Caloric Restriction (CR) reduces the enzymatic capacity for hepatic glycolysis, and
          increases the enzymatic capacity for hepatic gluconeogenesis and protein utilization
          for energy by the liver and extrahepatic tissues. Refeeding studies indicate that CR
          also increases the enzymatic capacity for gluconeogenesis and the disposal of
          byproducts of protein catabolism in the hours after feeding. These data are
          consistent with the idea that CR continuously promotes the turnover and
          replacement of hepatic and extrahepatic protein.


          What happens to body protein when we don’t eat enough calories?
          Situations can occur that increase the use of body protein for energy. Eating too few calories or fasting increases the reliance on body protein as an energy source. In these situations the level of circulating glucagon and cortisol increase. Cortisol, the stress hormone, will promote the breakdown of our body proteins to amino acids. Meanwhile, both of these hormones promote the conversion of amino acids to glucose in our liver which is released to serve as fuel. The amount of amino acids used to make glucose is related to the length and degree of caloric restriction and the intensity and duration of exercise. Simply stated as glycogen stores in the liver and muscle become depleted as in prolonged fasting and aerobic exercise the reliance upon amino acids to make glucose increases.

        • I think all that easternculture was trying to say was that to build muscle (AKA protein synthesis) you need a calorie surplus.

          A calorie deficit = a catabolic environment. Protein gluconeogenesis, where overall muscle mass will generally decrease (the body uses stored protein as fuel)

          "You need calories to build protein in your body" = "You need a calorie surplus to encourage protein synthesis in your body"

          I knew what he meant. No need to be jerks about it.

        • FWIW; now bear in mind it's been (quite) a few years since my Human Bioscience lectures; IIRC thermogenesis (generic term for deriving heat from a chemical reaction) is a natural, cellular level, mitochondria mediated function of homeostasis…is it not? Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this, as I said it has been a while.

          The human body is REMARKABLY adaptable biological machine…as such, unless your body is in a persistent state of malnutrition, or some other systemic (endocrine) condition is present, then provided you are eating a sensible, balanced diet you will never be in significant deficit. Therefore, homeostatic function will remain independent of your actions…including eating supposed 'thermogenics' (not including REAL thermogenic drugs which are tightly regulated) or surplus food as a 'buffer'; which some folks seem to think is the done thing. The body is in a natural constant state of flux wherein only what is needed is used, and excess is either stored or excreted. That's why "bulking cycles" do not work any better for gaining lean muscle mass than good old fashioned smart eating.

          You simply cannot stuff yourself with nutrients & force your body into overdrive for anything but fat & fluid retention.

        • Did yuo read the articles ive posted above?

          Its simple, if your training and you dont supply your body with enough fuel i.e. glucose, then its forced to use protein to fuel it cellular processes

          Whether your fat or skinny, if you dont provide your body with glucose at during training, it treats it as stress and starts burning protein and fat for fuel so you end up with high urea and creatinine in your blood from protein breakdown (AKI- acute kidney injury) and anerobic metabolism of fat , which in extreme stress situations you end in in keto-acidosis. Now that how the REMARKABLE biological machine will respond.
          In addition to the above effects, you also get electrolyte imbalances, mainly potassium, sodium, phosphorus and calcium, and yes, you end up with heart arrhythmias.

          No matter what you do, now matter how hard you argue this, it doesn't change the fact that the body will need fuel in times of stress (training, running, etc) and that it glucose.

        • I skimmed your articles, they are actually irrelevant to the salient point here. This is why:

          What part of "sensible, balanced diet" are you not getting??? Do you not think that might provide all of the necessary macro & micro nutrients for any person, including an athlete??? It is a hell of a leap of faith to go from sensible, balanced diet to not supplying your body with enough fuel. I've been advocating this since the get-go!

          Like many broscience (I like that term, I'm gonna use it now) afficionados, you're carrying on over something completely asinine. My issue is that you're essentially advocating force feeding yourself, unnecessarily. You said:

          This is why pro athletes and bodybuilders go on bulking cycles … high protein, high carb off season / during winter and then diet around summer time.

          You're inferring that it's some sort of thermogenic panacea for muscle gain. I've called BS on that…as I keep on saying, and others agree, all that will do is get you fat & bloated with fluid…that hasn't changed.

          I see all of the fat puddins walking around the gym with pizza & crap hanging out of their faces saying "I'm bulking"…that's utter BS, they're just puffing up. Excess carbs not metabolised or excreted will be stored as fat, that is an inescapable biomedical fact…carrying on about bulking or thermogenesis will not change that fact. If you don't want your body to enter ketosis or keto-acidosis, perhaps you might consider not getting unnecessarily fat by doing this in the first place?

          The same with excess protein, unchecked proteinurea will actually CAUSE some of the renal conditions that you have mentioned. I'm not sure if you saw it, but two days ago I suggested using keto-sticks in the other thread as a scientific measure of your appropriate metabolisation of carbohydrate. Some knucklehead in the other thread suggested stuffing yourself with surplus as a 'buffer'…there's another name for that 'buffer'…A GAZZA GUTZ! ;)

          You're only putting forward half of the story…I'm beginning to suspect that is all you know? And yes, I stand by the fact that the human body is an amazingly resilient machine if you give it reasonable quantities of quality nutrients at regular intervals. A measure of this adaptability is that you guys can mistreat your bodies in the way you have described & it will still bounce back.

        • The articles i posted were related to your misbelief of thermogenics
          The other articles were related to how carbs are important to preserve body mass / protein
          They are totally relevant to this

          have you not heard of the balanced diet for body builders 40% carbs 40% protein and 30% fat

          2 - 3 grams of protein per kg
          3 - 4 grams of Carbs per kg

          This is standard body building science

          If your overweight, you still need those ratios but combined with intense cardio

          Im not gonna argue with you bro , ive been doing this for over 5 years and have helped numerous guys at the gym with their diets.

          You can go on with your low carb diets or whatever you do.

        • have you not heard of the balanced diet for body builders 40% carbs 40% protein and 30% fat

          Mate, I've seen all of these fads come and go…then come back again…every PT has a different ratio, gimme a break. There's a new kid on the block, it's called the science of nutrition & dietetics…you should look it up.

          If your overweight, you still need those ratios but combined with intense cardio

          Nonsense, eating 30% more fat if you wanna lose fat is counterintuitive at best. Now I know you're clueless…

          ive been doing this for over 5 years and have helped numerous guys at their gym with their diets.

          Congrats, you're doing them a significant disservice…

        • good for you bro

        • Good for you too bro!

          So was this like, a bro-down or something? :p

  • Thanks
    Got 5
    Will be good as a snack for work
    ~ $1 a bar is good value

    • You do realise the best before date is 03/05/2013??

      • +3

        "best before" is not "use by"

        • Yeah I know that, but just letting him know that in case he didn't know.

        • +1

          Ill demolish those in 2 weeks lol
          Got more from grocery run too
          Best snacks ever for a bulking cycle

  • these are my fav anyways,.. they cost upto $5 each.. but i get he ausboddies 100gb bar with 45gms protien just coz they are cheap at coles $3.88 and taste good with more protien, but for this price u cant go past them

  • Musashi tastes great because they have high sugar content and result in high calories, it would not aid weight loss but definitely add some mass if you're training right :)

    I bought musashi proteins from the fitness first gyms before, still prefer gold standard though..

    gonna buy some now haha

  • +2

    Best before is actually 03/05/2013

    • +1

      they'll be gone by then anyway

  • +7

    These will be good to eat after my post boxing workout…

  • +1

    Not bad, and worth an upvote on price alone - but at <50% protein those bars are pure sugary broscience.

    I make me own using 2 scoops (40g) choc-flavoured 93% WPI and 1 big tbsp (20g) organic crunchy peanut butter (and 3 tbsp water - it's a forearm workout stirring the stuff until it forms a dough firmer than Jillian Michaels' iciest stare).

    41g protein per serve, 10g fat and near-zero carbs. Tastes like… victory. And slightly like ass. But it's better than drinking your protein.

    • What about firmer than Renae Ayris' ass?

    • <Off topic> Hey Diogenes where do you get your WPI, out of interest? (I might start a forum topic if I can't find one.

      And agreed: when it comes to protein it's disappointing sometimes how much victory tastes like ass.

      • +1

        NBS is the cheapest (that I've found at least). It's 93% protein so I'm guessing Diogenes gets the same. It's actually pretty tasty, I've been using it for a while, and recently got a 10lb ON gold standary whey, which tastes worse and has less protein per serve, and is more expensive.

    • You've tasted ass??

      • You haven't?

    • im going to try this recipe this weekend, hopefully wont waste my protein!

    • +1

      i find protein bars good to snack on as they have a HIGHER protein content than similar snacks, but theyre a pretty poor source of protein as compared to say a protein shake, or some red meat or chicken.

      chobani yoghurts are pretty good high protein snacks too, if anyone's interested
      140 kcal/tub 14g protein, tastes awesome (plain flavour is like 80 kcal a tub, but tastes like poo)

      • +1

        They have more protein per serve than most popular shakes, gold standard whey is 24g per serve, this is 27g. Clearly chicken breast is going to be higher in protein, ~30g protein / 100g cooked breast meat, but who has time to cook chicken breast for every meal of the day.

        • Well, my protein (gold standard) has 27g per scoop - but either way, the protein:calorie ratio (~27:120) is MUCH higher in whey than it is in the bars.

          Anyway, im not disagreeing with you - im on your side here. Im all for the bars - i was replying to diogenese who says 50% carbs makes them all broscience

      • +1

        Yeah I just discovered Chobani yohjurts. Trying to limit my sugar intake so I have a tub of plain flavour before sleeping, enjoy it more than a casein shake.

  • Just go buy some oats and do some squats. Best mass gainer right there.

    • the bars are just a snack when your in a rush, late for work, or just cant be bothered making porridge :)

  • +1

    Atkins bars (37g) are on sale at my local woolies in a box of 5 for $5.47. Half price.

    • +1

      thats cheap, might check it out now

  • Sold out?

    • looks like they put up more stock cause i see them there.

  • Yep sold out

  • How did I know there'd be some users in the comments section engaged in a pseudo-scientific debate on how best to metabolise protein and how ATP biosynthesizes from their swivel-back computer chairs?

    Without fail, any time a deal is posted on protein shakes/powders/bars on here it's an all-out, E-Peen championship to see who can out-dudebro everyone else with their knowledge of supplements.

    They're all bullshit; quite spouting off this stuff like it's gospel. The health foods industry is nothing but smoke & mirrors.

    • You're not helping the cause by calling everyone full of shit. Yes its true that people are self educated when it comes to diet and nutrition and the number of competing theories out there makes it difficult to confidently be right, the instigator is nearly always the tosser who comments along the lines of "just eat meat and work out, all this protein business is nonsense marketing" with no real clue whats going on.

      • +1

        the number of competing theories out there makes it difficult to confidently be right

        This is so true.

        However, there is a simple way to be confident in your choices about your diet & nutrition…talk to a real health professional, somebody like a qualified dietician. They can help you design a nutritional plan based on your individual metabolic needs using actual medical science, not pseud-broscience! It's not rocket surgery! ;)

  • Wow!! COTD certainly has improved on the delivery front…5 boxes in my hot little hand already!!

    • did you like the taste ?

      • Very sweet but definitely edible. I only eat half at a time as a morning or afternoon snack as I find the 80g bar to be quite BIG but again possibly a "girl" thing as I'm sure most guys would wolf it down!

        • I'd rather they be sweet than taste like cardboard like some of them. Protein bars always seem a huge effort to get through the whole bar :D

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