Cheapest i could find is $109 @ logitechshop
Also cheapest ever on Amazon as per CamelX3
Amazon Link:
Cheapest i could find is $109 @ logitechshop
Also cheapest ever on Amazon as per CamelX3
Amazon Link:
And Australian power adapter. From previous experience, i would pay the extra to Logitechshop.
Cheapest in Oz would probably be logitechshop @ $109 delivered.ā¦
It was $99 from dick smith- a few weeks ago.
—Still cheapest price though
$78 from Big W a few months back too.
What's past is past
This is the cheapest available as per today delivered to Australia
I would also support aussie sellers like logietchshop but if your buying other stuff from Amazon UK, it will offload most of the shipping charge and probably cost you close to $75 depending on what your buying.
$98.55 after pricematch and ING 5% off. split transaction for maximum rebate.
I bought one of these from ebayAU store when they had a deal on for $99 7 months back. It's very good and i definitely recommend it if you have the 4s and below iphones / ipods
I ended up giving mine away to my partner because i upgraded to the iphone 5 and it wasnt compatible so if you have different phones id recommend getting the logitech bluetooth series instead which are usually $20 more or end up like me, giving it away :)
Not looking too hard if you didnt check Logitechshop lol. Currently $109 delivered from them… Faster postage, local warranty. And if you REALLY WANTED… You could price match at officeworks and save a bit more. Just going off past experience, i'd happily pay a bit more and give my money to Logitechshop any day.