Cheap gadget websites like DealExtreme with honest (real) user reviews?

just wondering if any of you guys have come across any other cheap gadget website like deal extreme with completely honest reviews to make your choices easier and stay away from dodgy items.



  • +1

    Deal Exreme honest user reviews ??? None of them strike me as that from my 16 years of buying on the web.

    In Oz we have what we consider to be strict rules that protect the buyer from being conned. Like… right! if you want to fool yourself… Ads that come on our TV where people offer their unbiased opinion on goods and services that dont make it clear they are actors getting paid to say what they say… with us glibly accepting as genuine and not even thinking about it.

    On the net AND not just in China, there are no such "implied" rules or an authority to enforce them.

    From time to time we all are told what the sellers here get up to in the name of bigger and better profits - but on the "wild west" idiom called the internet it's open slather and fraught with the dangers dealing with "faceless" identities will always bring. We know most people are more likely to be aggressive by letter or over the phone… The internet and buying there are just an extension or that scenario… join the dots.

    Read "buyer beware" through a large magnifier when putting any store into what you can rely on with what is said on the net.

    Deal Extreme completely honest reviews… (gasp)

    • +1

      I've seen some honest reviews on DX. The trick is to use a modicum of critical thinking when reading them and deciding if they are valid (this rule goes with any review online).

  • +1

    Well, I posted an honest review on dx a couple of weeks ago. And considering I've read many 100% negative comments about products there, I'd say lots of other people have too.

  • +1

    firstly, since the net is anonymous any site can have dodgy or shill reviews, but for overseas sites you can usually spot the fake reviews, similar grammar, names, spelling etc are dead giveaways, and if you owned the site would you really want to post 'completely honest reviews'? it might win a few buyers over but more could be put off!

    as for Dx, personally i believe it's one of the better ones as you can still review negative comments under the cons section, sometimes you will see people cheat by copy&pasting other peoples words but that is not Dx's fault(well maybe they can lower the min 500 word limit for simple items) it's just lazy reviewers who want to earn the 2 dx points quickly

    • +1

      Come to think of it, dx sent me an email asking me to review the product I purchased. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I know they probably have a way around that if they really wanted to post fake reviews, but would they really bother?

  • Some of the smaller dealers seem to write their own… the reviews are so repetitive.

    Meritline is one that I can think of that is ok.

  • Well, DX has been filtering or not approving negative reviews lately.

    Here's just one of thousands of examples:…

    ^ At the top it says 1 review. About halfway down shows a bar graph on the left with four reviews (two 5 star, two 4 star).
    Lower down is the link to Read all 4 reviews. Click that:

    And what do you know? Only 1 review, and it's 5 stars.

    Best to check the Q&A at the bottom of each product page, or their forum for more relialbe info.

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