Just wondering if anyone has "met" any ozbargainers in real life either exisiting people they know or randoms on the street. Personally I saw a guy at uni last week with the ATH T400's for $20 from CoTD in my progamming tute and instantly knew he was an Ozbargainer. Dat cheeky feeling you have when spotting someone buying the same deal :D.
Being tight and frugal isn't something looked too kindly upon in a public/social environment so I tend to be a closet Ozbargainer as much as possible. What are your experiences with real life and Ozbargain?!?
Ps: I love a massively upvoted clothing/shoes/ any wearable item deal. Can spot fellow Ozbargainers from a mile away.
I was pulling some OzBargain user stats from the DB a few month ago. By default, the interface shows the first 30 records of the table before you run the query. I happened to glance over one of the users in the list and noticed it was one of my friends who I see regularly. He's always been a tightarse but being one of the first users on OzBargain, he is now a certified tightarse.