Pharmacy medicine - cheap online store vs. traditional pharmacist?

Hi guys

Just wondering whether buying prescription medicine is the same regardless of whether you are buying from a cheaper place (e.g chemist warehouse) versus your traditional pharmacy located in the shopping malls.

My experience is that chemist warehouse is cheaper when you buy vitamins and toothbrush etc but not sure about prescription medicine.

Also does everybody also find that the same item in Coles/Safeway is more expensive when compared to chemist warehouse ?




  • Some pharmacy student once explained this on the forums. I can't find that post now, but from what I recall, for drugs on the Medicare Benefits Schedule, the price is capped and the same everywhere. For drugs not on the schedule, it will differ from pharmacy to pharmacy. Some pharmacies may charge you the same price as scheduled drugs which is more than the cheapest you can get it elsewhere in an attempt to make you think it's on the schedule. I personally found this to be the case so I changed to Chemists Warehouse.

    Hope I got that right. Somebody else please clarify if not.

    And you should go for generics.

  • I don't know why but I do know my local chemist was actually cheaper than the chemist warehouse for a script - I had to get two scripts a week apart exactly the same one was 8.60 the other $6.20 . I just assumed the big warehouse would be cheaper - plus at the little one I wasn't waiting and buying useless bargains- I think that is why the wait for scripts is so long to keep you buying things you don't need.

    • You don't say whether your purchase was for scheduled items or not. Pharmacies are free to compete on non-scheduled items.

      Also why wait in line? I just tell them I'll be back in an hour and go do something else. And come on, what kind of willpower do you have if you are tempted by the shiny items on the shelves? Smart shopping rule, make a list of things you need, buy them, don't get tempted by extras, and get out.

  • Chemist Warehouse makes most of their profits from vitamins and perfumes.
    Their prescriptions prices are meh. Unless you're buying bulk they're not really discounted. And unless it's a popular medication, prices may be even higher than non-chain pharmacies. This is because they would't buy them in bulk from the wholesaler.

    And greenpossum is correct.

  • A chemist can suggest cheaper or alternative drugs. I don't know if it's true but I've heard some GPs prescribe certain brands or drugs because they get kickbacks from drug companies.

    So you might miss out on that personal advice shopping online or at a busy chemist with waiting lines like a Coles checkout.

    • If its a prescription, the chemist can offer generic but they can't offer an alternative prescription drug. GPs don't get kickbacks from drug companies.

  • Shop around, Chemists like any other business are free to charge what they like. When it comes to prescription drugs on the PBS (ie government subsidy) you will predominately pay a co-payment amount of $36.10 (or $5.90 if you have a concession card). You may pay more than $36.10, but this is rare. You may pay less than $36.10, and this is more common if the prescription is for a drug that is no longer under patent (think all your common antibiotics, which can be had for less than $10).

  • A little OT, but I'm wondering if anyone's bought medicines from overseas, specifically off Ebay. Antihistamines are quite expensive here compared to the US but I'm not sure if there are any legal issues or if I could be getting fakes.

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