Travel insurance (only for luggage)

hi all just wondering where would be the best place to get insurance on my luggage, will have about 3k worth of stuff in my luggage.

I am worried about it going missing as its very common in west africa.

who is the best insurance to go with and reasonabley priced.


  • I think general Travel Insurance covers itemised stuff. Will require serial numbers, receipts, valuations etc. and the appropriate premium.

  • One thing to watch with luggage contents is devaluation.

    For example I took a down mummy bag away - it was 10 years old but in extremely good condition.

    About 800 bucks to replace.

    But if it had got lost most insurers would devalue that sleeping by each year since its been purchased to a set lowest percentage.

    Not the replacement cost.

    See here…

    And choose an insurance with that in mind!

  • I normally have the opposite problem - my luggage is worth $30 altogether but "medical travel insurance only" bought in Australia is so expensive I end up getting full cover anyway for 10% extra. Whatever you do you should get medical cover for West Africa and ideally you would have a few thousand tucked away for emergencies (I don't have that luxury…). In some countries you may have to pay up-front for treatment and if no adequate treatment is available an insurer may offer repatriation (or contact your nearest embassy). I just went through this for the first time for a relatively minor injury.

    Pricey private clinics are starting to pop-up more in poorer countries, probably because they expect Western-travellers to have insurance.

    Sorry I can't help with the actual question :)

  • Most general travel insurance policies won't cover you for missing/stolen items. Even if they're snatched from right under your feet! It is apparently your 'duty of care' to keep them with you 24/7 and in any situation where you were either not around or not paying attention when they're taken then you get nothing from insurance. Keep this in mind and always remember to read the fine print of the policy's terms and conditions. I've lost 3k worth of items because someone distracted me while another person snatched it off my trolley at Jakarta airport. Didn't get a cent from insurance. It was also a nightmare trying to get a police report for my insurance claim as no station I went to wanted to handle 'foreign' matters and needed to be bribed.

    • im not talking about it getting snatched from my feet, im talking about it not making it to the carousel. from when it lands in Africa.

      Once i receive my luggage from the airport im good, the problem is alot of luggage dont make it to the carousel.

      They cant really say duty of care, when i haven't yet received it in my hands.

  • I've always used and not had any problems. It looks like about $60 for a week's cover. It covers loss/theft of your luggage. If you have anything really expensive then you may need to list it specifically and pay extra.

  • I always used they sell QBE insurance which is best product available in Ausi market and very reasonable. I has to put in a claim on my last trip for flight delay - they were super fast paying. I totally recommend it.

    • They're incredibly overpriced if you ask me.
      TID are comparable in terms of coverage, but about half the cost.

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