Looking for good mobile (. Unlocked) around $200 to $250. No interest in games. Good screen size requ'd. Speech input would be handy if avail at this price range
Best phone around $200 to $250

So someone just posted the COTD Razr V deal, then said they found it cheaper, then deleted their own deal…..
Soooooooooo, question is: where is it cheaper than COTD at the moment? Any good deals on the Razr V?
Few dollars cheaper here if you factor in. Not by much though.
Motorola Razr V with the update on 4.1 confirmed is definately the go in this price range. I have a Xperia sola @ $179 but no further updates and lack of support in general is quite disappointing
i agree with the above. Go for the RAZR V or Velocity if you can find one
that's expired, it's now $339 + Shipping. A bit over the budget :)
I was under the impression the op was willing to wait.
After all, patience is a virtue.
Thanks guys. I will sus out your suggestions
HTC Velocity 4g at $199 from dick smith & kmat if you can still find stock.
Otherwise, there's been a few Motorola Razr V deals floating around in the last couple of weeks.