Browsing the new EB Games on Murray St, next to the old one. Noticed printed signs everywhere saying $10s off any preorder with a $10 deposit. Didn't think too much of it till i saw Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Preorders for $39. Very intrigued, asked the store person the following question:
Does the $10 off work for Dragon's Dogma? Yes, ANY preorder in store
Is this offer available only in this EB Games or across all EB Games? Only this store as we just opened so it's like a store opening deal
When does the deal expire? 31st of March (So the assumed start date, going back one week, would be 2013-03-24)
Needless to say i walked out with a Dark Arisen preorder, as for $29 it seemed pretty awesome.
It's not Dragon's Dogma 2, it's an expansion for the first game. But also includes the first game.
For those who are patient and can't get this deal, it's also available from ozgameshop for $28 delivered. Just have to wait 1-2 weeks after it's shipped (Release date is 26/04).