This is my 500th post.
I hope this deal will benefit to some of my fellow ozbargainers.
Have a good day all
ASUS Nexus 7 1B016A 16GB Tablet - Wi-Fi $197 Delivered @ Bing Lee
This is my 500th post.
I hope this deal will benefit to some of my fellow ozbargainers.
Have a good day all
ASUS Nexus 7 1B016A 16GB Tablet - Wi-Fi $197 Delivered @ Bing Lee
Missus does the same for candy crush :)
I thought it was just me so I kept the embarrassment to myself…
What's Candy Crush? Sounds naughty.
Candy Crush Saga - a puzzle game available on IOS or Android. Hundreds of levels. Hugely addictive. Extremely sneaky in the manner it asks you to do in-app purchases - usually when you are at your most "frustrated" and vulnerable. But it is entertaining. A craze in Asia, e.g. Hong Kong. Oh yes, you can gain "more lives" to try to solve each level by asking your friends on Facebook. Embarrassing indeed.
You are seriously thinking of getting another wife? Have you discussed this with your current one?
Maximum 4
Sharing is caring
When did this become UtahBargain?
Vote down? Clearly we got a Mormon OzBargainer.
You don't think it's even a possibility that your joke was just not funny?
Impossible, I'm perfect.
Yeah, I wouldn't quite go that far PainToad; but if it's any consolation I lul'd at the joke…I used to work with a few LDS, and it's entirely possible that the neg came from someone with their temple garments in a bunch! :p
haha ~ obviously i mean tablet ~!!
Congratulations .
Bring it on !!..
Decent deal.
Binglee are poo. Sells products they don't have in stock. Unreliable. Never going to buy from them again.
yup .. gotta agree there take their price and go somewhere else!.. they would have stock if they bothered paying their suppliers on time most the time they get delayed till they pay and the customer then doesn't get the products…
Agreed. They took 7 business days to ship my nexus 7. Everyday i got told they would be sending the next day. Feel stung paying 226 last week now that they have dropped another 29.
Thanks for the post good price.. I'm deciding if I should go the 32gb for an extra $50 http://www.binglee.com.au/asus-nexus7-1b066a-nexus-7-tablet-….
Get office works to price match + 5%!!! worked twice for me already with a nexus 32gb 3G…
Nice! Anyone know of a good deal or place to buy the dock from? $50 from Google play + $20 delivery makes for an expensive dock… if anyone knows somewhere I could get the official dock for cheaper, that would be awesome!
$49.00 Harvey Norman pick up from store http://www.harveynorman.com.au/asus-nexus-7-dock.html Not much stock around unfortunately.
Thanks mate! They have some in stock at the 2 stores nearest to me. Will pick one up tonight - thanks!
I heard the good guys were selling these too a while back, might wanna check them out too
No 3g version :(
12 dollars more and they have they in stock. binglee sucks.
Based on the sellers feedback, it looks as though a lot of the stuff they sell ends up faulty. :S
Went into my local Officeworks. No 16gb in stock :( Plenty of 32gb though which they're willing to price match for $235.
Anyone got jb to price match this in store yet? Going there now but we'll see
Let me know then I'll head over to jb
I got the last one at east gardens so I hope you're not coming here.
Got mine at Northland. Manager price matched so all good. Melb CBD JB was all out of 16 and 32gig Nexus 7s.
Good price if they have the stock on hand for immediate delivery.
This happens just as I pay $250 for a 32gb
Me too. It's still being charged for the 1st time. lol
No micro sd card slot?
Correct - only what is built-in, unless you want to try USB OTG (not my kettle of fish).
Just got one from Hardly Normal with 196, They already adjust the price to 198 and I ask for price match with Bing Lee.
OfficeWorks doesn't have stock for 16 version and only have 32 version.
Ahh finaly grabbed one, otherwise they get out of stock so quickly :) thanks OP !
Can anyone recommend a good bargain case for one of these?
Thanks OP!
Genuine good quality Asus Nexus 7 Travel covers for around $25.
Cheers. I'm a bit caught, I like the form, but the fact it doesn't auto on and doesn't act as a stand at all is a bit of a bummer. I'm thinking of getting this one:
I was thinking about that one too, but Amazon won't ship it to Aus…
Awesome deal. Bought 1. Thanks!
Anyone know where to get these in Aus?
Cheers for that! I hope it doesnt make it too thick. Shame it doesnt have the handle too
Anyone know when this offer ends?
Offer ends Tuesday 2nd April
picking up mine from eastwood binglee.
said this is the last brand new ONE!
Just bought a 32 GB Nexus 7 for $204.25 at OW Penrith using a dodgy pricematch from techrific. Definitely try the pricematch if you're going for a 32 GB Nexus 7 (and hope they don't notice the $77.95 shipping on techrific)
Would you be able to upload a reciept of this? Cheers!
Thank you! :) I'll grab it tomorrow
done this ^^
worked a treat.
32gb version for $204
No noes. Mine arrived DOA and now I'm having trouble between Bing Lee and ASUS passing the buck to each other.
Bing Lee saying I need to get a RA/RMA number from ASUS, and ASUS saying under DoA policy Bing Lee should replace it on the spot and that a RA/RMA number is only for repairs not replacements.
I reckon you should just take it back to Bing Lee and demand that they give you a replacement and they can sort it out between themselves and ASUS. Chuck in a few random mentionings of the ACCC and you should be alright.
I bought 32g Nexus 7 3 months ago after big negotiation with my wife.
Now she is holding that tablet 24/7 for candy crush and reading mails, facebook all the time.
I'm seriously thinking of getting another one ~!! :D