2 Traditional Pizza+1 GB+1.25L Coke for $26 - Delivered-VALID @ EAGLEBOYS ARTARMON

Last edited 27/03/2013 - 11:57
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Hardly a deal when just about any local pizza place offers the same for less $.
Pure madness indeed.
I can't imagine many local places are much cheaper than this. Eagle Boys is better than Dominos or Pizza Hut however I think.
I think that too, but it is personal preference, I want to know where the cheaper deals are cause I feel like pizza now.
Bit dodge. Might be a deal, but not really a bargain.
It is normally 29.95 from the online store delivered or if you got some coupons $7.95 pizzas with $5 coke and garlic bread it is 28.95 with delivery, so it is cheaper than standard and if you like eagle boys and want pizza and live close to this store then deal. but it probably will only apply to like 1% or less than the whole ozbargain community.
Only valid at one store that's not listed in title or description and is still more expensive than equivalent deals from other chains
please let us know what and where other deals are. I feel like pizza now.
Sometimes eagle boys have good deals, but my local eagle boys (Picton NSW) never honours them. So will not use them. I got so sick of there emails with offers that I can not use, I complained to their head office but they did not bother to reply, so took myself off there mailing list.
Their, their.
So many levels…
"1 GB" in the title made me think "how can Pizza, 3G mobile plan and Coke mix together?"
I was trying to figured out what 1GB was!! I thought maybe they were giving away USBs. It only just clicked.
Eb must vary from store to store, my local one is worse than domino's or pizza hut. This isn't much of a deal.
Decent deal compared to Pizza Hut.
Rubbish deal compared to Domino's. I've been getting 3 large pizzas, 1.25l drink and a garlic bread for $25 delivered for the last few weeks. Even without that deal, Domino's usually have much better deals, both pickup and delivered.The likes of Pizza Hut and Eagleboys need to wake up and start competing with Domino's if they want customer to order from them. If they keep going the way they are, Domino's will get more and more business and laugh all the way to the bank, while PH and EB will start closing down their stores because of lack of customers.
Pizza stores even within own chain vary so much, I prefer Eagle Boys anyday over the competition.
my local domino's has very poor quality pizza. eagle boys make the butchers block which i love but the deals are not great anymore. there was that great deal they had last year and that was it, nothing since. my local pizza hut has eat in so thats good but they dont have great offers either
Please Specify Valid at Eagle Boys Artarmon Only