You can save over $100 in just the check up appointment, save more than $1000 on cosmetic treatments and much more. They team up with dentists to offer you the best dental fees. They have a limited-time opening rate of $4.95/mth membership giving you access to these reduced dental fees. Brighter Smile has already been a huge hit since launching and the opening rate may not last long.
[SA] Save Up to 50% Off Your Dental Bill across All Treatments - $4.95/mth Membership

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closed Comments
The deal was launched last week as free for people who were very quick to try out the service - and we will keep loyal to them. There was a large number of members from that and we are now in full operation providing a still discounted rate of membership to help you save on your dental treatment. We hope you can come on board and you'll see that your savings will still be plentiful compared to the reduced membership fee.
Do you have an ABN? Do you have a address? The address listed on your whois lists:
2 Union St
Adelaide, South Australia 5000There doesn't appear to be 2 Union Street according to Google Maps.
Why should we trust your company?
The address listed on your whois lists:
The phone number listed there is
+061 4588872712
which has 1 digit too many to be valid…
I think it does exist… probably just the google maps numbering not accurate
What's the bargain here?
Twice clean up @ your place every year cost 450+membership=more than 500With 500 p.a. you can easily find an extra cover provider which provide you twice preventive dental care free every year + other benefits such as ambo, physio etc.
So no bargain, but advertisement.
Site looks extremely dodgy
no ACN or ABN
no phone numberIf this is to be your standard price for this product I'm thinking this is now just advertising.
Save Up to 50%
With emphasis on the UP TO - there are not too many discounts there that come anywhere near 50 per cent.
I remember years ago here a company called the Noble Dentist did something like this.
it looks like they've reinvented themselves as Smile & have similar pricing. gstfree is right, a private health provider is probably cheaper.
So your free deal expired a few hours ago so you immediately repost the same thing but we have to pay for it now? And that's a bargain because ?