[FREIGHT FORWARDER] Sony FDA-EV1S EVF for NEX-3, 5N, 5R from Amazon US Only $218 USD ($208AUD)- US Address Required

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Have been watching the prices for these for a while, was as high as $350 during Christmas, but as we're mid-season there's additional manufacturer's discount of $50 off in the USA.

Amazon prices include the manufacturer discount so no rebate steps needed, the disclaimer said until supplies last or 30th of March, 2013.

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Amazon US
Amazon US


  • Sorry guys if this seems to have landed in the wrong place - for some reason the post got moved into forums instead of Deals. Not too sure why someone / what I did wrong. Oh well.

    • The deal isn't available to Australia. It requires a freight forwarder thus it was moved to forums.

      • I guessed as much. That's a pitty the rules are to do this. There are plenty of bargain hunters that know what they need to do with freight forward which makes it a non-issue.

        Now that I know this rule I will browse the forums as well as Deals!

        Also, all other topics in the forums seem to be not of 'deals' type, so it's more odd to stick these posts in forums instead of front page. My 2 cents.

        • These were discussed with the community and moderators. Previously we just unpublished but we are now moving freight forwarding deals here.

          The problem is that we don't know what the final shipping cost is. Every deal posted on OzBargain needs to include shipping or other fees. Sometimes the shipping costs are prohibitively high thus making it not such a great deal. E.G. Techrific have great prices but their shipping is $78 thus making the deals sometimes not so great. The shipping is unknown for this item.


          If you know the final cost of the item such as the Tenso Kindle deal needing a forwarder then that's great as we can compare the price + shipping to other retailers.

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