This was posted 11 years 11 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3) $15 @ JB Hi-Fi (360 Version Is $24.99)


Spotted this while at JB Hi-Fi today. Not the greatest game in the FF series but definitely a good one, and a steal for $15 :)

Available both in-store and online

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closed Comments

  • Got it today. Just a bit of a warning, they sell the games as "new" but they wrap it themselves using OLD cases. Honestly I'm not sure what they are doing in the back but for $15, I kind of shrugged it off.

    • yeah. I'm always a bit weary buying "older" games from JB but this was a good deal so why not.

      • +2

        Are you really tired of buying old games from JB? or are you cautious? :P

  • +1

    Very good price for a not so bad game. It's definitely worth $15. I would not pay more than $20 for it though.

  • Yeah I saw this at my local JB although the case looked fairly worn out so I passed.

  • +3

    You definitely get your money's worth from it, much better then XIII imho, but final fantasy itself is usually loved and hated by many.

  • Guess I'll be heading into JB after class tomorrow.

  • -1

    The sexy and mighty Lightning is not a playable character unless you purchase the DLC.

    I will give this game a miss unless they release an edition with all the DLCs on the disc.

  • While we're on the topic, what's the best FF game?

    • 10

      (although I am a bit biased since it was the first FF game I played…)

      • +1

        most people think the first final fantasy they played was best ( ff 9 for me)

        • +1

          This is actually true, mine's VIII

        • +1

          I'll buck the trend then. :)
          The first one I played is VII, but my favourite is X. Really looking forward to the HD version of X coming later this year.

        • I've played VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2 in that order, and personally my favourite was X, followed closely by VII. Their storylines were spot on and you could really relate to the characters.

          I hated IX and VIII in that order due to being a monkey from space running around with (majority of the group)9yr olds in IX, and just the confusion about who'se a witch, who'se not a witch, and fighting a witch at the end who has had absolutely no mention in the game until the final 2 hours of gameplay anyway.

          Rant. Over.

    • +1

      My favourite will always be VI. I have enjoyed most of them, although VII is overrated imho

      • +2

        My favourite will always be VI, was hoping they remake the VI. the story is actually quite good compare to the previous……

        • I knew it from your user id!
          I think VI's story has more depth and elements to it.

      • X fan here. Besides they laughter scene it was a work of perfection. Some days I just shuffle the OST CD on my iPod and get lost in it. One thing we cann all agree, one way or another the series has made a large impact.

    • Forever a VII fan! Although that was the first and only FF I played haha.

    • I've played several of them because of the hype, but didn't like them all that much, except for the graphics.

    • +1

      FFXII. Great story line and characters. Love the gambit system. The rendering of some of the higher quality cut scenes was beautiful.

      I played X after XII, so it was a little hard going back to turn based combat, the fixed camera angles. Going from the license board to the sphere grid felt like a backward step and some of the combats were just too "Nintendo hard"! I had to put X down for extended periods and only came back after consulting strategy guides. X had a nice story and the FMV cut scenes were stunning, so I was compelled to keep at it.

    • It's too subjective of a question to be asking. Everyone has their own personal opinions and preferences as to what their favourite FF game is, and why. For me personally, it was X. I was around for VII, but I was just too impatient to give the game a chance due to its graphics. I hear it has an amazing story, though.

  • Really want to buy but whats the point if I havent played XIII, anyone know the cheapest place to get XIII from?

    • ToysRUs on clearance for $10

  • Got one yesterday. There are at least 30 copies in Sydney Arcade store

  • They also had dragon age origins for $10 at JB

  • +4

    In true Ozbargain style I waited until it dropped to $12 today for their Good Friday Sale :)

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