I think this is quite cheap for an 8 way surge protection power board with USB charging. I couldn't find any other with the same spec for a cheaper price.
Aldi 8-Way Surge Protection Power Boad with 2x USB Charging Ports - $24.99 Pickup Only

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No sure if this is a master/slave type as it is not mentioned and not clear on the image. Maybe someone who may have bought one before can comment.
In regards to the gap between the sockets near the usb ports, I think it is common for the recent boards to have bigger spacing in some sockets to accommodate the larger plugs from cordless phones, modems etc.
From the looks of the picture, it is just a normal powerboard, doesn't have master/slave stuff on it.
If you look closely at each of the labels, you don't see one which says "SLAVE".The labels on the board seems like "TV", "DVD", "CABLE", "MONITOR", "SCANNER", "COMPUTER"
does that mean it's not a surge protector??
I just want to protect my stuff from power surge
Anyone know how much power does the USB port pumps out?
Most likely 500mA or 1A, not many power boards does 2A unless specified. Usually if the power board says "iPad or Apple compatible" it would be 2A.
If this is anything like the Bosston 8 port board with 2 USB ports I believe its 5 watts per port (1000mA 5v)
Rather disappointed with them as they use 10 watts power regardless if the USB port is used or not according to my power meter thingy, so it seems the USB circuitry is not power efficient and doesn't power off/switch off when not in use.
Maybe, but all Power Meters lack the accuracy at low power levels to show difference of a few watts. Typical accuracy of the retail ones (Jaycar, Arlec) are often 10W at low lower anyway.
yes domestic $30 power meters are not very accurate unless you buy the high end ones which most of us cannot justify. I have however had the meter show 2-3 watts in the past for some items that are lower power in standby.. I did daisy chain 3 of my bosston boards and the power meter showed a bit under 30 watts power usage.
Even if a board uses 3 watts when idle and unused, if you times that by say 3 or 4 power boards around the house, that 12-15watts of juice that is being used up for no reason.
Of course the aldi ones might be better quality. Perhaps my bosston boards are defective? not the first time cotd has shipped out a dud product to me (and for the price I should expect bits missing or low quality products).
Well thought out test.
They can't possibly be drawing 10watts with bugger all load. Those power meters are only good for a really rough guide. USB ports typically are 5V 500ma.
There are two types of voltage regulator: series regulators and shunt regulators.
You are probably more familiar with series regulators, which draw little current when there is no load.
Shunt regulators draw the same power from the input, irrespective of the load. If the load doesn't draw the power, the regulator draws it instead. They are VERY simple, usually only a resistor and a zener diode. This makes them very cheap, usually a few cents cheaper than the more-efficient series regulator.
Sadly, that few cents saving means a few thousand dollars increase in profitability for the manufacturer who is making 100,000 units. So the power-wasting shunt regulator gets built into quite a few things, as long as there is enough space inside the unit to dissipate the heat.
I can easily believe these powerboards have the wasteful shunt regulators inside them. I have opened a few failed powerboards in my time, and for many of them, they were so poorly designed and built that I will never buy those brands again.
thx, gonna try to get one.
I got this one from OW it has one less power point but an extra USB, phone port, TV ant.
But I'm sure aldi's warranty is better, and I must admit black does look a little more badass.guys, you are really better off getting one with equipment warranty. The Belkin variety while far more expensive ($100+), provide lifetime warranty and depending on model up to unlimited equipment insurance.
I've claimed on the insurance through belkin for some kit that blew despite being plugged into one of their high end protectors and they didn't really bat an eyelid, just needed receipts and may ask you to send the broken hifi/computer kit to them (at their cost), and do free return shipping on the surge protector and send you out a newbie surge protector.
At the end of the day, these things really don't do that much so you're better off getting one with very reliable insurance.
Just my opinion.
Is this one of those master and slave powerboards. eco boards?
Where if my computer is off the other sockets turn off?
I'm trying to determine why there is a gap between the power sockets near the usb ports and the rest of the sockets.